
  • 网络culture source
  1. 网络层安全体系框架IPSec(IPsecurity)在报文信息安全模型基础上提供了基于密钥的报文源验证服务。

    Existing network security framework IP Security ( IPSec ) proposed for information security model offers data origin authentication service based on common keys in IP layer .

  2. 策略路由是基于报文源地址转发报文至指定的下一跳路由器。

    Relay on the source address , politic route transfer the package to specified backward router .

  3. 本文从套录西文源记录并进行审核修改,使之成为本馆高质量西文编目数据的过程着手,提出了判断源记录与所编文献的差别以及如何提高西文数据套录质量的个人见解。

    This article analyzes the problems in the process of making use of outside bibliography data , and gives suggestions on how to use the source data to improve the quality of documents cataloguing in western languages .

  4. 中国笔记文源远流长,它起源于于先秦,发展于西汉,历经六朝,成熟于唐宋。

    The Chinese note has a long history which was originated in the Qin Dynasty , developed in the Western Han Dynasty , came through the Six Dynasties , and matured in the Tang and Song Dynasties .

  5. 谥议文也源于读谥之礼,但源起时间比诔文稍晚,其在形制上没有太大的变化。

    But shiyi is originated a little later than leiwen , and its form and structure has few changes .

  6. 海外华文文学源于中国文学,因其移入地环境的不同,在发展过程中又各有特点,但他们都是在跨文化的背景下,在异质的或多元的文化环境中发展。

    Overseas Chinese literature originated from Chinese literature , in each country Chinese literature has different process of development because of the various environments , but developing in cross-cultural background , in multicultural environment is the same way to all country 's overseas Chinese literature .

  7. 在实际环境中,碰摩声频信号常常受到噪声的污染,文中将盲源分离和小波消噪方法相结合,使用P.S。

    However , in the application , the acoustic signal is usually polluted by noise . To improve the quality of rubbing acoustic signal , Blind Source Separation and Wavelet De-noising are used together in the methods of P.S.

  8. 文中包含的源代码从实用的角度说明了如何实现Java本地化项目的XLIFF解决方案,这种解决方案经过扩展也可用于其他格式。

    The included source code demonstrates in a practical way how to implement an XLIFF-based solution for Java localisation projects , a solution that can be extended to support other formats .

  9. 该文研究近场源的距离、度和频率的三维参数估计问题。

    In this paper , the problem of the frequency , bearing and range estimate in near field is considered .

  10. 文中还给出线源情形下各反射波的表示式和得到一次反射声焦散面的图解法。

    Expressions for reflected waves from the concave surface and the graphic method for determination of caustic are given in the case of line source excitation .

  11. 作为这一理论方法的实际应用,文中对不同源场周期和具有不同埋藏深度的三维电导率异常体进行了模拟计算,以研究地震感应磁效应的大小、空间分布特征和频率特性。

    Secondly , some model calculations are carried out for various periods of source field and burying depths of local anomalous bodies to study the space-distribution and frequency characteristics of the seismomagnetic induction effect .