
  • 网络Copy Editor;DDEDIT;TextEdit;Editor
  1. 顺便提一句,我正在写一本书,名叫《次贷危机解决方案》;,上周五我刚刚将草稿送到文字编辑手中。

    Now incidentally I 'm writing a book the title of the book is Subprime Solution ; I just sent off the draft to the copy editor last Friday .

  2. 这是她生活中最好的一年,特蕾莎卢梭,劳伦的母亲告诉《新闻时报》,她在那里做文字编辑。

    It was the best year of her life , ' ' Teresa Rousseau , Lauren 's mother told The News-Times , where she works as a copy editor .

  3. 介绍如何在文字编辑软件Word中对MATLAB的图形修改和编辑。

    This paper introduces how to modify and edit MATLAB figure in the software Word .

  4. 中文Word和AutoCAD两种软件在文字编辑功能和绘图功能上各有利弊。

    Word and AutoCAD have their own advantages and disadvantages in text editing and picture drawing .

  5. AUTOCAD具有很强的绘图和编辑功能,但文字编辑功能差;

    Auto CAD is provided with the powerful drawing and edit function , but the poor word edit function ;

  6. 评审及编辑阶段牵涉到与编辑和文字编辑以及评审员(评审技术内容)打交道,所有信赖的人都是我在90年代在Rational软件公司的同事。

    The review and editing phase involved working with editors and copy editors as well as reviewers for technical content & all trusted people who were my colleagues at Rational software in the1990s .

  7. 文字编辑软件必须处理写入古老的UNIX文件系统中的遗留字符,不管是终端模拟器,还是shell脚本语言。

    Text-editing software has to cope with a Western European legacy written into the very structure of old-style UNIX file systems , let alone terminal emulators or shell scripting languages .

  8. 该方法是基于DOS环境下,利用WPS文字编辑功能通过自行开发的软件自处理加载后而实现的。

    This method was achieved that based on DOS , make use of word edit function of WPS , load application software by designing own .

  9. 辅助CDR设计软件进行图片文字编辑。可以自动导入图片并自动调节图片大小同时将图版按顺序放排放在指定位置上。

    Can automatically import pictures and automatically adjust the image size while emissions of plates placed in sequence on the specified location .

  10. 带有操作系统的智能手机不仅可以像电脑一样进行Word文字编辑、文件存储、拷贝,甚至可通过蓝牙传送文件、收听广播、听音乐、看电影等功能。

    Smart phones with operating systems not only process as the word as a computer text editor , file storage , copy , and even print via Bluetooth technology to scan documents , listening to the radio , listening music , watching TV and other functions .

  11. 如果文字编辑应用程序依赖于Linux/UNIX系统资源,那么它会使用一个稍加改变的locale()调用,以提供足够多的信息来编写基本的文字编辑器。

    If a text-editing application were to rely on Linux / UNIX system resources , it would rely on a thinly disguised locale () call to provide sufficient information to be able to code a basic text editor .

  12. 在我们的测试中,对于图像与文字编辑其表现出色。

    It proved a respectable photo-image and text editor on our tests .

  13. 切换到文字编辑模式,以便给所选自选图形添加文字

    Switches to text-editing mode so you can add text to the selected AutoShape

  14. 计算机批阅文字编辑排版试题的实现技术

    The Technique to Mark the Examination Question About Editing and Composing by Computer

  15. 所选内容中有无法用文字编辑窗口编辑的字符。

    The selection contains characters that cannot be edited using the edit text window .

  16. 文字编辑软件在教学工作中的应用

    Application of Word Processor in Teaching

  17. 这类应用中典型的例子有文字编辑软件、表单软件和电子邮件应用。

    Good examples of this type of application are word processors , spreadsheets , and e-mail applications .

  18. 本文就文字编辑软件在试卷组卷和文稿编辑中的几种应用方法,包括模板的建立、文档中图形的使用作了较为详细的介绍。

    The application of word processor to creating test paper and editing manuscript was introduced in detail .

  19. 在出版业,按照工作性质不同,书籍编辑人员包括文字编辑和美术编辑。

    In the publishing industry , according to the different work nature , books editor including writing editor and art editor .

  20. 所以在那时,我对原稿进行了两次完整的检查,一次是检查内容一次是文字编辑。

    So at that point I had made two complete passes over the original draft , one for content and one for copy edits .

  21. (我得自己承认,无论是哪方面,我都明显存在不足,文字编辑就不用费心去注明这一点了。)

    ( I will save the letters editor some trouble by acknowledging that I clearly have more work to do on both sides of that last comma . )

  22. 分析介绍了计算机在外语教学中语言测试、语言训练、语境模拟、文字编辑与储存等方面的作用。

    The article introduced and analyzed such functions of computer as in foreign language teaching , language tests , language training , context simulation , word edition and storage .

  23. 高中时期我加入了学校校刊的编辑团队,起先是一名美术和文字编辑,之后曾担任执行主编。

    High school year I joined the editorial team my school magazine . I was first working as the graphic designer and copyeditor , and later the chief editor .

  24. 现年41岁的珍o瓦恩加德纳非常热爱她的文字编辑工作,而且做得非常出色。不过,在毕业后的那些年,她一直很难融入工作环境,后来被诊断为自闭症。

    Jean Winegardner , 41 , loved her work as a copy editor and excelled at the job , but struggled to fit into the workplace in the years after graduate school , before she was diagnosed with autism .

  25. 利用Visio2003与Office2003等文字编辑软件有良好的兼容性、工作界面相仿、易学易用的特点,介绍了一种绘制标准电路图的基本方法,采用这种方法能够快速绘制出标准的电路图形。

    The writer firstly introduces the compatibility with word processing , similar working interfaces of the Visio 2003 and Office 2003.And it is assumed that with their help the drawing of the standard circuit diagram can be rapidly completed .

  26. 包括再一次写某文字的编辑。

    Editing that involves writing something again .

  27. 是的,她还会让我负责全部文字内容编辑

    Yeah . And she 's bringing me in to run all the editorial content .

  28. 此后,这种规范统一文字的编辑工作在人类文明史上一直没有停止,至今仍在不断地进行。

    Thereafter , in the human civilization history , the compilation to standardize characters has continued up to now .

  29. 图形和文字全屏幕编辑程序设计

    A Program Design for Full Screen Editorship on Graph and Characters

  30. 他还会让我负责所有文字内容的编辑。

    And she is bringing me to run all editorial content .