
  • 网络News Scene;News Site;sctv
  1. 流媒体技术已经广泛应用于实时新闻现场发布、在线直播、视频点播、网络广告、电子商务、远程教育、远程医疗、网络电台、实时视频会议等领域。

    Streaming media technology has been widely used in real-time news site published , broadcast live online , video-on-demand , online advertising , e-commerce , distance education , telemedicine , internet radio , real-time video conferencing and other areas .

  2. 电视新闻现场报道是一种重要的报道形式,因而它越来越多地被记者们所采用。

    Spot broadcast on TV is an important way to cover news .

  3. 论新闻现场直播在电视媒体业中的重要性

    On the Importance of News Live Broadcasting in TV Media

  4. 电视新闻现场报道初探

    A Tentative Probing into on-the-Spot Report in TV News

  5. 对电视新闻现场直播的三维观照

    Probing into TV-news Live Broadcast in Three-Dimension Way

  6. 中西电视新闻现场报道的比较和探析

    The Comparison and Analysis of On-the-Spot Report of Television News Between China and the West

  7. 从电视新闻现场直播看主持人综合业务能力

    Anchorperson Professional Ability on Live Television News

  8. 走出电视新闻现场报道的误区

    On Television News Spot Report

  9. 作为电视媒介独有特质集中体现的电视新闻现场直播具有深远意义。

    The television news live broadcast , as a unique particularity of TV media , has a profound significance .

  10. 新闻现场直播在新闻实践发展中占有越来越大的比重,成为新闻直播中常见的一种形式。

    News live practice development in the news plays an increasingly large proportion of the news broadcast in the common form .

  11. 其次,记者亲临新闻现场作目击式再现报道以再现新闻场。

    Next , a reporter arrives personally the news scene and makes a witnessed recaptured report to recapture the news field .

  12. 该系统可以应用于通信科学,图像识别,新闻现场等诸多图像处理与传输领域。

    The system can be used in communications science , image recognition , scene of the news and many other image processing and transmission fields .

  13. 出镜记者是指在新闻现场,在镜头中从事信息传达、人物采访、事件评论的电视记者和新闻节目主持人的总称。

    The news reporter refers to the site , in lens is engaged in information communication , characters and events of interview comment TV reporter and news anchor .

  14. 这种深度报道还原新闻现场,将以往记者笔下的内容和文字没有表述的内容一起展现给读者。

    This kind of depth report return to original state news scene , formerly reporter the writing content and the writing indication content together has not unfolded for the reader .

  15. 本周在旧金山举办的一场新闻发布会现场,微软CEO史蒂夫??鲍尔默(SteveBallmer)一如既往的兴高采烈。他宣布微软将以85亿美元的价格收购网络电话及视频服务公司Skype,并不断吹嘘他的公司是多么得“志向远大”。

    STEVE BALLMER was his usual effervescent self on stage at a press conference in San Francisco this week . Announcing an $ 8.5 billion purchase of Skype , an internet calling and video service , the boss of Microsoft kept boasting about how " super-ambitious " his company is .

  16. 如何营造现场短新闻的现场效应

    How to Create the " Scene Effect " of Scene Short News

  17. 记者参与出镜的这种报道方式极大地加强了电视新闻的现场感。

    The way of the participation of journalists has greatly enhanced the sense of live news .

  18. 论电视记者的现场效应试论电视新闻的现场直播

    Important for TV Reporters to be at the Live Spot Discuss on the TV Live Broadcast of News

  19. 周二,美国总统竞选人希拉里?克林顿郑重地走进一个新闻发布会现场,站在麦克风前。

    US presidential race hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton walked somberly into a press conference Tuesday and stood before microphones .

  20. 一向怪趣多变的凯蒂为上周四的超级碗中场秀百事新闻发布会现场带来了一丝幽默,由此可以期待她的12分钟的表演一定会带给人轻松愉快的感觉。

    The always quirky Katy , speaking to reporters Thursday , brought a welcome dose of humor to Pepsi 's halftime show press conference , and you should expect her to bring that lighthearted quality to the field for her 12-and-half-minute performance on Sunday .

  21. 现场报道是新闻节目增强现场感的一个重要手段,而记者现场出镜又是现场报道的重要形式。

    Its well proved in practice that live reportage is an effective and major means to improve TV social news coverage .

  22. 但是在第一次新闻发布会的现场,就有记者提出由于欧文和杰拉德被更大的,更有钱的俱乐部不断地献殷勤,这将成为他执教生涯中一个不断地麻烦。

    But within minutes of his first press conference , the bain or speculation that was to be a constant burden of his Anfield career kicked in as Gerrard and Owen were courted by larger , richer suitors .

  23. 据TMZ娱乐新闻网报道,现场有观众参与录制重聚节目,由于受疫情影响粉丝无法参加,他们“大多数是雇来的临时演员并接受过新冠病毒检测”。

    TMZ reports that while a live audience participated in the reunion , they were " mostly union extras , Covid screened and hired for the gig , " after the pandemic prevented fans from attending .

  24. 事先听到有关此事风声的新闻记者争先恐后赶赴现场。

    Journalists who were tipped off about the incident raced to the scene .

  25. 论电视新闻的期待式现场报道&以中央电视台澳门回归特别节目为案例而展开

    On the Expecting pattern of On-the-Spot TV Report

  26. 一位新闻摄影师正巧在现场,拍下了那场大火触目惊心的照片。

    A newspaper photographer happened to be on the spot and took some spectacular pictures of the fire .

  27. 其次,以黑龙江电视台的民生新闻《第1现场》为例,分析节目的不同时期的收视率。

    Secondly , the livelihood of Heilongjiang TV news " site 1 ", for example , different stages of program ratings .

  28. 如果将中国与西方电视新闻从业人员对现场报道的认识与实践进行一定程度的比较和探析,就会发现电视现场报道经过借鉴与融合的过程之后,正逐步走向成熟。

    If you compare the understanding and fulfillments about the on-the-spot report between China and the West , you 'll find after the process of using for reference and merging , the television on-the-spot report can develop domestic news with gradually mature .

  29. 聘请中国专家,多播报时效性强的新闻节目,增强新闻现场感。

    Engage Chinese experts , take more mouth broadcast and strengthen scene feel of news .

  30. 电视新闻直播,是在新闻现场直接播送反映新闻事件的图像和声音,从而使新闻事件的发展和播出与受众的收看同时进行的一种电视节目播出方式。

    Live TV Report is a method which means sending images and voices from news locale to audience at the same time .