
xīn lù
  • new path
  1. 胡润研究院主席研究员RupertHoogewerf说道,“十年前,中国富豪大多不在中国大陆,今天情况完全改变了,比如万达集团董事长王健林就开辟了一条新路。”

    Rupert Hoogewerf , chairman and chief researcher of the Hurun Report , said : " A decade ago , the most successful Chinese were those outside the Chinese mainland . Today that has changed completely , with entrepreneurs like Wang Jianlin of Wanda charting a new path . "

  2. 转变教育思想探索经济数学教学改革新路

    Transform Educational Idea Explore New Path to Economic Mathematics Instruction

  3. 一条条新路在逐渐吞噬着绿化地带。

    New roads are cutting into the green belt .

  4. 新路的修建工作在缓慢进行。

    Work on the new road is progressing slowly .

  5. 这个部门正在为激光外科学领域开辟一条新路。

    The department is blazing a trail in the field of laser surgery .

  6. 一条新路绕城镇而过。

    A new road now bypasses the town .

  7. 我们敢于走前人未尝走过的新路。

    We dare to break a path unbeaten before .

  8. 市政会已把这条新路的铺设工作包出去了。

    The city council has already contracted out the work on the new road .

  9. 有了新路,车辆不必再穿行市区了

    The new road obviates the need to drive through the town .

  10. 挑战·机遇·前瞻加入WTO的影像文化之透视简论声像四维空间电影理论新路探析

    Challenge , Opportunity and Forward-looking-Movie and Audiovisual Culture after China 's Entry into the WTO in Perspective The Four Dimensions of the Audiovisual Space

  11. RNA干涉是通过双链RNA的介导特异性抑制具有相应序列的基因表达的转录后水平基因沉默机制,它为反向遗传方法研究基因功能开辟了一条新路。

    RNA interference is a post-transcriptional gene silencing mechanism that dsRNA specifically suppresses the expression of a gene with a corresponding sequences .

  12. 本文的研究不仅是为H公司如何在社区医疗市场形成核心竞争力进行探索与指导,也为集团公司产产协同的应用探索新路。

    This study not only explores and guides H Company how to form core competence but also explores a new way for the cooperation of different industries .

  13. 研讨化工企业加入WTO后参与国际市场竞争采用因势利导,开拓创新、绿色化学发展战略,探索可持续发展新路。

    Probed into strategy to develop chemical industry after joining WTO , which improve the occasion , spuck-plug deploitation and innovation and green chemistry . Explored path leading to continuable development .

  14. 混合状态Hamiltonian元的半解析法的建立,为层合板问题的求解闯出了一条新路。

    The semi-analytical method with mixed state Hamiltonian element provided a new approach to analyze the solution of laminates .

  15. 具有高载流子迁移率的In2O3:Mo薄膜为进一步提高TCO薄膜的性能打开了一条新路;

    High-mobility In2O3 : Mo film improves the properties of TCO films in another way .

  16. 美联储(Fed)已经开辟出一条新路,通过与巴西、韩国、墨西哥及新加坡签订互换协议,提供了1200亿美元的资金,但这种方法存在地域限制,并且是单边的。

    The US Federal Reserve has already broken new ground by offering $ 120bn in swap agreements with Brazil , Korea , Mexico and Singapore but this is geographically limited and unilateral .

  17. 出售预付标志的商蓝标电信公司(BlueLabelTelecoms)开创了一条联系部落首领与流行福音歌者的新路,以帮助提高其产品销售量。

    Blue Label Telecoms , which sells pre-paid tokens , has blazed a trail in forming relationships with tribal chiefs and popular gospel singers to help sell its products .

  18. 为车辆行业生产铸件的芝加哥公司acmealliance,通过建设注重与区域供应商紧密关系的生产链,开辟了一条新路。

    Acme alliance , a Chicago-based maker of castings for the vehicle industry , has blazed a trail towards setting up production chains that emphasise close connections to regional suppliers .

  19. 其意义是为Reissner板弯曲问题的解析求解开拓出一条新路。

    The establishment of this system gives a new way to solve bending problems of Reissner plate in analytical forms .

  20. 大力推广干熄焦(CDQ)技术是炼焦业节能治污的新路

    Make Great Efforts to Promoting CDQ Technique Is a New Way for Coking Industry to Realize Energy Conservation and Pollution Control

  21. RNAi作为基因沉默的工具,为基因功能研究、基因治疗、药物研究与开发等许多领域开辟了一条新路。

    As a gene silencing tool , RNAi has been provided a new way in gene function research , gene therapy and new drug research and development .

  22. SOPC设计的软硬协同的理念不同于传统处理器设计思想,它的全新的设计理念为以后的设计工作指明了一条新路。

    The idea of the collaborative software and hardware design , which will be a new route of later design work , is differ from the concept of traditional processor design .

  23. 运用本文所介绍的软件开发流程,深南电路依靠不到10个人的开发团队,完成了对原有ERP系统的升级改造,探索出了一条系统升级改造的新路。

    This thesis is described the use of the software development process , less than 10 individuals to rely on the development team , completed the upgrading of the existing ERP system , to explore a new way of upgrading ERP .

  24. 基于实例的机器翻译(EBMT)作为一种经验主义的方法,避免了复杂的深层次语法和语义分析,为机器翻译的发展指出了一条新路。

    The Example-based Machine Translation ( EBMT ) is an empirical approach , which avoids complicated deep-level linguistic and semantic analyses , and provides a new way for machine translation .

  25. 结论PHMC能有效治疗肱骨解剖颈始至肱骨近端的各类型骨折与骨不连,亦为减少该部的假体关节置换探索出了新路。

    Conclusions PHMC is an efficacious method to treat every type of fractures and nonunions in the region from anatomical neck to the diaphysis part of the humerus and thus provides a new way to reduce prostheses displacement in such region .

  26. 我想人们会怀着这些记忆穿过新路。

    Guess people will pass this new road embracing those memories .

  27. 目的探讨艾滋病健康教育的新路。

    Objective To inquire into new methods of AIDS health education .

  28. 然而,究竟该如何走出一条具有“中国性”的水墨实验的新路呢?

    How to manage a way of Chinese Ink practice painting ?

  29. 为我们认识时间和意识开辟了一条新路。

    It opened anew path for we to understand the time .

  30. 增强情报意识,寻求优质服务新路

    Enhancing Consciousness of Information and Seeking the Best Way of Service