
  • 网络New Power
  1. 新权力体制在过渡期内有效,但过渡期的期限并未明确。

    The new power structure is effective during the transition period , whose duration was not specified .

  2. 麦肯锡首次将上述4类投资者确定为新权力掮客,是在2007年7月发布的一份报告中一个月后,金融危机爆发。

    McKinsey first identified these four groups as the new power brokers in a report published in July 2007 a month before the financial crisis hit .

  3. 该法律授予了美国食品药物管理局(FDA)规范烟草广告的新权力。

    The law granted the FDA new powers to regulate tobacco advertising .

  4. 我们应该能够与美联储(fed)打交道,只要所有这些新权力不会冲昏它的头脑。

    We should be able to do business with the Federal Reserve as long as all these new powers do not go to its head .

  5. 在参议院听证会上,盖特纳为他赋予美联储(Fed)系统性风险监管新权力的提议作了辩护。而这项提议很容易被持怀疑态度的议员推翻。

    At a Senate hearing , the Treasury secretary defended his proposal to grant new systemic risk regulation powers to the Federal Reserve , an issue that is vulnerable to being overturned by sceptical lawmakers .

  6. 他表示,eba需要利用自己手中的新权力已经被写入一个“单一规则手册”中采取更强硬的做法。

    The EBA , he said , would need to use its new powers enshrined in a " single rule book " to take a stronger line .

  7. 每当各国政府想要获取监控公民的新权力时,就会想到这个理由。

    This is the argument wherever and whenever governments seek new powers to monitor their citizens .

  8. 目前为止,德国对其新权力的使用非常消极:否决动议、推迟变革。

    So far Germany has used its new powers rather negatively : vetoing initiatives and delaying change .

  9. 改革也将给股东带来挑战,他们必须承担伴随新权力而来的新责任。

    The reforms will also pose challenges for shareholders , who need to embrace the new responsibilities that come with new powers .

  10. 布什政府还提议给美国中央银行广泛的新权力来更严格地管理美国的金融业。

    The Bush administration has also proposed giving the U.S. central bank sweeping new powers to more tightly regulate the country 's financial industry .

  11. 一些阻碍谈判的争议性条款中规定了跨国公司的新权力:允许通过商办国际法庭来挑战国家法律。

    Among the issues blocking the agreement stipulates new powers for multinationals that would allow them to challenge country laws in privately run international courts .

  12. 该计划将补充政府的新权力,购买不良资产从银行和挣扎的步骤美联储已经采取提高资金流动性。

    That program would supplement the government 's new authority to purchase bad assets from struggling banks and steps the Federal Reserve has taken to boost liquidity .

  13. 在美联储获得监控系统性风险新权力的同时,银行尤其是最重要的几家银行将面临更为严格的资本金要求,此外,还将出台旨在加强核心金融市场基础设施的多项举措。

    New systemic risk powers for the Fed will be accompanied by tougher capital requirements for banks particularly the most important banks and moves to strengthen the infrastructure of core financial markets .

  14. 但态度的缓和仅仅是吸取教训的开始,一些企业老板如今已着手调整历史悠久的业务习惯,以适应工厂内显现出来的新权力格局。

    But a softer tone is just the start of the learning curve , as company bosses also adjust time-honoured practices to accommodate the new power dynamic emerging on their factory floors .

  15. 但是,即使艺术家们同意了这些条款,在还没找到更优惠的条件前,他们是不会放弃该新权力的,因此各大唱片公司得不到什么好处。

    But even if artists agree to such deals , they will not hand over new rights unless they get better terms on recorded music , so the majors may not see much benefit overall .

  16. 公投举行之时,被煽风点火的民族主义者搞得头晕脑胀的英国主要政党的领袖们誓言,如果苏格兰选择不独立,将向苏格兰下放“广泛的新权力”。

    By then , dizzied by the yeasty nationalists , the leaders of the main UK parties had vowed that a No vote would still lead to devolution of " extensive new powers " to Edinburgh .

  17. 金融城专业人士表示,实际影响将取决于各国监管机构多快和多严格地执行这项任务,以及他们是否会行使自己的新权力,对无视奖金法规的银行处以财务惩罚。

    City professionals said the practical impact would depend on how quickly and strictly national regulators get down to the task and whether they exercise their new power to impose financial penalties on banks that flout bonus rules .

  18. 最后,欧盟(eu)最近公布新的权力,计划全面禁止股票卖空。

    Finally , the European Union this week unveiled powers to impose an all-out ban on short selling stocks .

  19. 欧洲法院(EuropeanCourtofJustice)作出的裁决赋予了西班牙法庭新的权力,可以推迟或者停止驱逐拖欠按揭还款的购房者。

    The decision by the European Court of Justice will give Spanish courts new powers to delay or freeze the eviction of home buyers who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments .

  20. 但在2005年,在马来西亚发起了一场驱逐外国工人的运动后,rela被赋予了新的权力。

    But in 2005 , rela was given new powers as Malaysia launched a campaign to expel illegal foreign workers .

  21. 中国汽车制造商希望确保的是,从汽车行业新的权力平衡中获益最多的是它们自己,而非通用(gm)、大众(vw)及其它在华拥有强大业务的外国制造商。

    Chinese carmakers want to make sure that they not GM and VW and other foreign original equipment manufacturers with a strong China presence will benefit most from the new balance of power .

  22. 20消息来源表示,新的权力将不会意味着放弃g7、g8等其它集团,而是g20将重点对付经济议题,而g8将主要应对国际关系和外交政策。

    G20 sources said the new powers would not come from abolishing other groups such as the G7 or G8 , but the G20 would focus on economic issues while the G8 would deal primarily with international relations and foreign policy .

  23. 实验科学:一种新的权力/知识分析

    Practice Science : A Kind of New Power / Knowledge Analysis

  24. 他赋予稳定性,强度和新的权力后死亡。

    He bestows stability , strength and renewed power after death .

  25. 政府拥有新的权力来没收破产的金融公司。

    The government has new powers to seize failing financial companies .

  26. 美联储将获得新的权力。

    The Federal Reserve would gain new powers .

  27. 代理商可以寻求新的权力部门来管理网络服务,强制实施网络的中立性。

    The agency could seek new powers to regulate Internet service and enforce net neutrality .

  28. 关于安全部门一旦获得新的权力就可能任意行使的论断有多大说服力呢?

    How convincing is it to suggest that security services may deploy new powers promiscuously once obtained ?

  29. 新的权力中心正在迅速成长,大国关系正在发生变化,并且相当多变,他表示。

    New power centres are growing rapidly and power relationships are changing and becoming fluid , he said .

  30. 穆尔西因为赋予自己新的权力,而面临着来自国内及国际社会的指责。

    Morsi is facing criticism in Egypt and from the international community for a decree granting him sweeping new powers .