
  1. 瑞士央行还降息25个基点,将其3个月期伦敦同行拆借利率(libor)目标区间缩减至0-0.75%。

    The SNB also cut its interest rates by 25 basis points , taking its three-month LIBOR target range down to 0-0.75 per cent .

  2. 美元隔夜同行拆借利率大幅下跌,在上午确定利率时间,美元的伦敦同业拆借利率(libor)下跌1.19百分点,至3.8%,仍高于美元基准利率。

    Overnight interbank dollar rates dropped sharply , with London-based dollar LIBOR down 1.19 percentage points to 3.8 per cent at the mid-morning fixing , which is still high above US policy rates .