
tónɡ xué huì
  • Homecoming;alumni association
  1. 岭南大学香港同学会有限公司

    Lingnan University Alumni Association ( Hong Kong ) Limited

  2. 他意识到没有一个同学会挺身为他辩护。

    He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense

  3. 他们等着看其他同学会做什么。

    They waited to see the rest of the class would do .

  4. 有关福海禅寺佛学班同学会,请用左边e-mail联络我们。

    Regarding foo Hai Buddhist Studies association , please contact us via left hand side e-mail address .

  5. 这让Rosa开心了很多,但她仍然担心她的同学会在背后取消她。

    This made Rosa happier , but she was still afraid her classmates were making fun of her behind her back .

  6. 几家媒体说,会议是“华夏同学会”组织的聚会,这个同学会的成员是曾在长江商学院(CheungKongGraduateSchoolofBusiness)或中欧国际工商学院(ChineseEuropeInternationalBusinessSchool)学习的重要商界领袖。

    A number of outlets wrote that the meeting was a get-together of the " Huaxia Alumni Society , " a group of major business leaders who studied at either the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business or the Chinese Europe International Business School .

  7. 然而,周五泰勒·斯威夫特在Instagram上分享了和朋友在自己童年卧室里的合照,他们一起享受了一次快乐的同学会。

    Taylor Swift , however , enjoyed a joyous homecoming on Friday as she shared an image of herself surrounded by friends in her childhood bedroom to Instagram .

  8. 西安大略大学台湾同学会(TAW)是一个西安大略大学内的非营利性学生组织。

    The Taiwanese Association at Western ( TAW ) is a non-profit student-run ? organization at the University of Western Ontario .

  9. 耶鲁大学北京同学会主席、2007届毕业生GraceHsieh告诉记者,自从她两年前来到中国,她见证了越来越多的耶鲁毕业生到北京工作。

    Grace Hsieh , president of the Yale Club in Beijing and a 2007 graduate , says she has seen a rise in the number of Yale graduates who have come to work in Beijing since she arrived in China two years ago .

  10. 我的高中母校下个月举办二十周年同学会。

    My high school is having its twentieth reunion next month .

  11. 舞会和同学会通常也在那天晚上举

    The dance and reunions are usually that night , too .

  12. 同学会邀请我去帮他们筹款。

    I 've been asked to contribute to the collection .

  13. 这同学会一个新习惯迥然不同。

    This is much different from learning a new behavior .

  14. 从上次同学会到现在,你一点都没变。

    You haven 't changed a bit since the last alumni reunion .

  15. 在您看来,您的同学会怎样描述您?

    In your opinion , how did your fellow students describe you ?

  16. 本人同意遵守香港公开大学中国法律同学会之规章。

    I agree to follow the regulation of OUHK PRC law society .

  17. ::真高兴你担任你们毕业十周年同学会的筹办委员。

    I 'm glad you 're on your ten-year reunion planning committee .

  18. 大家都喜欢在春节举行同学会。

    People like holding homecoming during the spring festival .

  19. 我们在同学会结束时唱起校歌。

    We sang the alma mater at the end of our clas reunion .

  20. 我正要去同学会呢。

    Lily : I am going to the Homecoming .

  21. (对一位抵达的来宾)哈啰,欢迎光临九三年毕业班的同学会。

    Hello , welcome to the reunion of the Class of ' 93 .

  22. 我们高中同学会在下星期二。

    Our high school reunion is next Tuesday .

  23. 小学同学会聚会的时候,大部分的同学还是彼此都认得出来。

    1 at our elementary school reunion most of us still recognize each other .

  24. 就像是我的高中同学会一样,唯一不同的是这些人喜欢我。

    It was like my high school reunion , except these people liked me .

  25. 她想到今天是高中第十年的同学会。

    She realized today was her 10-year reunion .

  26. 你们台湾没同学会吗?

    Don 't you have reunions in Taiwan ?

  27. 怡君:他的胃痛、头痛、坏脾气……还有他在同学会上吐!

    His stomachaches , headaches , bad moods-and he threw up at the reunion !

  28. 我真是迫不及待地想去参加83届的第十次同学会。

    I ' 'm really looking forward to the tenth reunion of the class of1983 .

  29. 除非你认为他是去波士顿参加高中同学会。

    Unless you think he 's going to Boston to attend a high school reunion .

  30. 同学会,团聚会我的高中母校下个月举办二十周年同学会。

    reunion ( n. ) My high school is having its twentieth reunion next month .