
  1. 若是如此,以后在上海买苹果手机说不定就跟在美国加州的价格一样了。

    If that comes true , people may pay the same amount of money to buy an iPhone in Shanghai as they do in California .

  2. 若是如此,这种以大欺小的行为会不会延续至他们的童年?

    If so , does this bullying carry over into their childhood ?

  3. 若是如此,那爱与忌妒有何不同?

    If so , what differentiates between love and jealousy ?

  4. 若是如此,董事们也就不用觉得自己像卓别林。

    In which case , the directors need not feel like Charlie Chaplin .

  5. 若是如此,我就要采取手段来保护你,女人!

    In that case , I 'll take measures to secure you , woman ! '

  6. 试想在未来,若是如此在商品杂货店购买食物该是怎样的场景;

    Imagine a future in which you do this with food items in the grocery store ;

  7. 若是如此你就没有理由认为他跟我求婚

    If that is the case , you cannot suppose he would make an offer to me .

  8. 若是如此,消费者只能被迫买贵货,低收入阶层更是百上加斤。

    If there are , consumers cannot but buy dear , and it will be even harder for people in the lower income bracket to make ends meet .

  9. 当然你也可以让其它杂务或环境的因素来影响你的生活,若是如此的话,你将错失创造寰宇光辉的良机!

    You can choose to let circumstances and events dictate the course of your life , but in doing so , you miss your one opportunity to shape the world .

  10. 试想在未来,若是如此在商品杂货店购买食物该是怎样的场景;也许,届时你更在意的就是商品的营养信息,而非价格了。

    Imagine a future in which you do this with food items in the grocery store ; instead of prices , perhaps , you 'd able to view more detailed nutritional information .

  11. 但任何国家的孩子,若是有如此的好运也将成长为好公民。

    But any child from any country would turn out well with such abundant good fortune .

  12. 优柔寡断、疑不决对军官而言,是致命的毛病。若是总司令如此,则是犯罪的行为。

    Indecision and hesitation are fatal in any officer ; in a commander-in-chief , they are criminal .

  13. 若是光阴一直如此安谧宁和,此生也不枉度。

    If the time is prefer always accordingly peaceful and , the this present life doesn 't garbage a degree as well .

  14. 若是石油价格经历如此的动荡起伏,那将引发无休止的讨论。

    Had the oil price undergone similar upheavals it would have provoked endless discussion .