
  1. 有的则把睡袋、折叠椅之类的个人物件放在队里占位子。

    Some staked claims in line with items of personal property such as sleeping bags and folding chairs .

  2. 由于需要日光,我们上午预演,下午演戏。到了吃午饭时,人们已经陆续过河来占位子等候看戏,

    Plays were always in the afternoon , because of the daylight . We had rehearsals in the morning , and by lunch-time people were already coming across the river to get their places for the play .

  3. 抱歉我一直占着位子。

    Sorry I 've been taking up the table .

  4. 关注最根本的东西给谈话占个位子人们会自己找出剩余的部分

    Focus on the essentials – the placeholders for conversations – people figure out the rest for themselves

  5. 他很肯定地说他会来,因此我先去给他占了位子。

    He said quite positively that he would come , so I went ahead and saved a placee for him .

  6. 外形隐身在飞行器隐身技术中占重要位子,但是外形隐身不仅受到气动、结构等因素的影响使其发展受到限制。

    The figure stealth occupies the important seat in the flight vehicle stealth technology , but the figure stealth not only receives air operated , factor and so on structure influences to cause its development to be restricted .

  7. 聪明人早已在座位上放一张卡片占住了位子。

    The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them .

  8. 早来可以占到好位子。

    Come early so as to get a good seat .

  9. 什么他要占你的位子

    What ? He 's taking your place

  10. 那是他的小提箱,他本想占两个位子,让自己舒服些。

    It was his suitcase and he had taken a second seat for his own comfort .

  11. 他一个人就占了两个位子,正坐着编织一种看上去像马戏团帐篷的浅黄色东西。

    Hagrid took up two seats and sat knitting what looked like a canary-yellow circus tent .