
  • 网络occupy wall street;Occupying Wall Street;OWS
  1. 就像占领华尔街(OccupyWallStreet)运动一样,这些戴着三角帽的滑稽的激进分子似乎注定会被人淡忘。

    Much like Occupy Wall Street , the funny radicals in three-cornered hats seemed destined to fade away .

  2. 占领华尔街(OccupyWallStreet)运动已成为对现状感到愤怒的美国人的泄愤渠道。

    The Occupy Wall Street movement has been a lightning rod for Americans who feel angry about the status quo .

  3. 周一,我接到一位记者来电,询问我日前发表的博文《占领华尔街者“应该”占领华盛顿》(OccupyWallStreet'Should'OccupyWashington)。

    I received a call yesterday from a reporter inquiring about my recent post occupy Wall Street ' should ' occupy Washington .

  4. 两个月前,“占领华尔街”运动(OccupyWallStreet)刚刚进驻位于曼哈顿下城的祖科蒂公园(ZuccottiPark)。

    Just two months after taking over zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan , occupy Wall Street has mushroomed into a national movement , with offshoots in cities from Miami to Seattle .

  5. 本月,占领华尔街抗议运动在全球范围内迅速蔓延&部分得益于社交网站Meetup的帮助。

    Occupy wall street protests have rapidly spread across the globe this month & with some help from meetup .

  6. 占领华尔街的抗议者与警察发生冲突,并堵塞了纽约证交所(NYSE)附近的街道,但未能迫使纽交所停止运营。抗议者举行全国范围的行动日活动,以纪念占领运动爆发两个月。

    Occupy Wall Street protesters clashed with police and blocked streets near the New York Stock Exchange but failed to shut it down as they marked a national Day of Action on the two-month anniversary of the movement .

  7. 如果能像我长期以来呼吁的那样,FINRA不得不提供真正的透明度,占领华尔街运动以及所有美国人都会对华尔街与华盛顿的裙带关系了解多多。

    The ows movement and all of America would learn a lot about the incestuous nature of the relationship between Wall Street and Washington if FINRA were forced to provide real transparency as I have called for so often .

  8. 7月末,加拿大反消费文化杂志《Adbusters》在向其联系人邮箱列表发出的邮件中提出了占领华尔街的想法,这或许就是这场抗议活动的直接导火索。

    The specific catalyst for the protest appears to have originated with a Canadian based anti-consumer magazine , adbusters , which floated the idea of occupying Wall Street to its email list in late July .

  9. 占领华尔街运动已经有了一个小企业工作组。

    Occupy Wall Street already has a small business working group .

  10. 罗姆尼起初表示,占领华尔街的抗议者很危险。

    Mr Romney initially dismissed the Wall Street protesters as dangerous .

  11. “占领华尔街”运动的一些抗议者承认这一事实。

    Some of the occupy wall street protesters concede this fact .

  12. 占领华尔街将对奥巴马不满。

    Occupy Wall Street will not be happy with Mr Obama .

  13. “占领华尔街”运动可以成为变革的催化剂。

    The Occupy Wall Street movement can be a catalyst for change .

  14. 占领华尔街的抗议者还将目的指向其他城市的公司。

    Occupy Wall Street protestors are also targeting corporations in other cities .

  15. “占领华尔街”抗议活动的走向还不明朗。

    Just where the occupy wall street protests are headed is unclear .

  16. 忘记“占领华尔街”运动中所诋毁的那百分之一。

    Forget the one percent denounced by the Occupy Wall Street protesters .

  17. 到了9月份,美国的占领华尔街运动就拉开了序幕。

    By September , the Occupy Wall Street movement had got going .

  18. 另类银行业小组蔑视“占领华尔街”运动的传统形象。

    The alternative banking group defies the traditional image of occupy Wall Street .

  19. 在占领华尔街运动之后,如果有人想要依样画瓢是完全可以的。

    The people behind Occupy Wall Street could follow suit if they wanted .

  20. 尽管缺乏组织,“占领华尔街”运动仍然吸引了大量关注。

    Despite the lack of organization , Occupy Wall Street is garnering mindshare .

  21. 占领华尔街抗议显示并没有退却的迹象。

    The Occupy Wall Street protests have shown no sign of slacking off .

  22. 占领华尔街运动引起的中国特色反响是:占领沃尔玛。

    A peculiarly Chinese response to the Occupy Wall Street movement : occupy Walmart .

  23. 短短几日,其他新闻媒体便纷纷效仿、开始大幅报道占领华尔街了。

    Within a few days , other news outlets had also begun covering Occupy Wall Street .

  24. 这些首席执行官们与舒尔茨和占领华尔街的人士一样,也对华盛顿的政治僵局感到心烦。

    Those CEOs - like Schultz and Occupy Wall Street - are also upset about gridlock .

  25. 从占领华尔街运动得到启发,他们的目标直指富裕阶层。

    Taking its cues from the Occupy movement , it was aimed squarely at the rich .

  26. 谁将占领华尔街?

    Who should occupy it ?

  27. 甚至连茶党人士和占领华尔街运动的参与者之间都有可能存在共识。

    There may even be common ground amongst the tea partiers and the occupy wall street people .

  28. 赞同占领华尔街目标的受访者中,有多达三分之一称自己支持共和党。

    Among those who agree with OWS aims are as many as a third of self-identified Republicans .

  29. 布隆伯格市长试图消除占领华尔街运动让我们更加勇敢;

    Our will was only emboldened by Mayor Bloomberg 's heavy-handed attempt to eradicate Occupy Wall Street ;

  30. 以占领华尔街为标志的民众抗议浪潮遍及整个西方世界。

    The public protest symbolized by " Occupy Wall Street " event spread over the entire Western world .