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  • 网络Placeholder;place holder
  1. 将“摘要链接web部件”拖到内容占位符上。

    Drag the summary link web part onto the content placeholder .

  2. 属于占位符数据集模型的虚拟数据集称为VIRTUAL。

    The virtual cubes belong to a placeholder cube model called VIRTUAL .

  3. 而第二个例子使用问号占位符执行一条select语句。

    The second performs a select statement , using the alternative question mark placeholders .

  4. 区域(Region)是可以从模块(Module)中载入动态内容的占位符(placeholder)。

    Regions are placeholders where dynamic content can be loaded from Modules .

  5. 它只是将要包含在XML实例中的实际内容的占位符。

    These are simply place holders for actual content that will be included in the XML instance .

  6. 在Links工具条内,占位符链接通过一个钻石型的图标进行标示。

    In the Links sidebar , placeholder links are identified with a diamond-shaped icon .

  7. 一个共享数据的占位符可以是结构化或非结构化(比如Map)对象。

    Placeholder for a shared data could be structured or un-structured ( i.e. , Map ) object .

  8. Javascript被用做参数名的占位符。

    Javascript is used as a placeholder for the parameter name .

  9. 准备占位符HTML元素ID和消息键对的列表。

    Prepare the list of pairs of placeholder HTML element IDs and message keys .

  10. 在上面的命令中,X、Y和Z作为占位符。

    In the above command , X , Y , and Z are used as placeholders .

  11. root基本上是一个空类,实际上是站点根URL的占位符。

    The near empty class root is really a placeholder for the root URL of your site .

  12. 请注意,在图3中,Name字段中没有显示占位符,它被框在一个黄色突出显示中。

    Note that in Figure 3 , the Name field does not display the placeholder , and it is framed in a yellow highlight .

  13. container微格式:定义portlet容器作为portlets的占位符。

    Container microformat : Defines portlet containers as placeholders for portlets .

  14. 如果没有这个核心Web服务,则需要应用框架内部Web服务模板作为临时核心Web服务的占位符。

    If you don 't have this core Web service , you need to apply a skeleton internal Web service template as the temporary core placeholder .

  15. 在CurrentProject面板中,您可以看到迄今为止您已经创建的资产的树状结构以及交互集占位符和过滤器。

    In the Current Project pane , you can see the tree-like organization of the assets that you 've created so far and placeholders for interaction sets and filters .

  16. 它从会话对象中检索安全上下文,并将其放置在名为securitycontextholder的临时占位符中。

    It retrieves the security context from the session object and places it in a temporary placeholder called security context holder .

  17. 该占位符类可以通过将模板参数T与模板参数X绑定来实例化。

    This placeholder class should represent the instantiation of List by binding the template parameter T to the template parameter of X.

  18. JavaScript实际上可以看到解析后的值,通常是一个数值,而不是表达式占位符。

    JavaScript actually sees the resolved value , typically a number , rather than the expression placeholder .

  19. 这也是微小变化的占位符,由△x,△y,△z得到近似式。

    And this is a placeholder for small variations , delta x , delta y and delta z to get an approximation formula .

  20. 通过异构批量更新,可以将有或没有参数占位符的多个SQL语句组合到一个单独的网络调用中。

    A heterogeneous batch update lets you combine several SQL statements with or without parameter markers into a single network call .

  21. 在某些包中,占位符是在PHP本身中描述的,而其他解决方案都有一种自定义的简短编程语言。

    In some packages , placeholders are described in PHP itself , while other solutions have a custom abbreviated programming language .

  22. QA团队能创建与实际服务作用相似的占位符服务。

    The QA team can create placeholder services to behave similar to the actual services .

  23. 使用这种方法时,您在页面中定义一个占位符或一个元素,然后通过演示模板引用该占位符,在SiteArea文档中定义占位符的值。

    In this case , you define a placeholder or an element in the page , and you reference that placeholder through the presentation template and define its value in the Site Area document .

  24. 这里,模板是需要被解析并用值数组中的值替换占位符的html模板。

    Where , template is the html template that needs to be parsed and placeholders removed with the value in the values array .

  25. 从安全性的角度来看,占位符可以确保只有一个值可以插入到这条语句中,从而可以避免出现SQL语句错误。

    From the security perspective , placeholders ensure that only a single value gets bound into the statement , preventing SQL statement error .

  26. 为了创建一个占位符链接,使用Links弹出视图并指定一条链接描述,但是不要为链接指定目标。

    To create a placeholder link , use the Links pop-up view and specify a link description , but do not specify a target for the link .

  27. 该方法要求创建一个小框架,从properties文件读取信息并解析HTML模板以使相应的HTML文件替换HTML占位符。

    This approach requires creating a small framework which reads in the properties file and parses the HTML templates to replace HTML placeholders by corresponding HTML files .

  28. 但是,$txt也有可能包含一个占位符,比如一个URL缩写服务的地址。

    Yet , for example , $ txt could include a placeholder for , say , the address of a URL abbreviation service .

  29. 但对于Firefox,内容不可见时,其空间依然作为占位符存在。

    But with Firefox , when content is invisible , the space remains as a placeholder .

  30. 字符串由HTMLElement(占位符)Identifier和消息键对组成,并且这个消息键将在解析之后显示在该HTML元素内。

    The String is formed by pairs of HTML Element ( placeholder ) Identifiers and the message-key that will be displayed inside that HTML element after resolution .