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xiǎnɡ tou
  • idea;hope
想头 [xiǎng tou]
  • (1) [idea]∶想法,念头

  • 老李有个想头

  • (2) [hope]∶指望

  • 没想头了

想头[xiǎng toú]
  1. 女王:这是什么傻想头呢?

    QUEEN : What folly is this ?

  2. 这是因为成年人受到刺激,突然发起只有教育才能挽救我们,使我们免得落在苏联人后面的想头。

    Suddenly adults have been spurred into believing that only education will save us from lagging behind the Russians ;

  3. 你决不能起这种想头,老太太说。比起上面的人类来,我们在这儿的生活要幸福和美好得多!

    You must not think of that , said the old woman ; we feel ourselves to be much happier and much better off than human beings .

  4. 奇怪的是,他越想躲避她,同时也越想遇到她,天越黑,这个想头越来得厉害。

    Strangely , the more he wanted to avoid her , the more he longed to see her and the darker it got the stronger this longing grew .

  5. 我真想让我的新工作有个好的开始,我可不想头一个礼拜就出错。

    I really want to get off to a good start at my new job . I hope I don 't make any mistakes at my first week .

  6. 我想头两站观众们看的很欢乐,下雨也带来很多戏份,所以我想这站也会很精彩。

    I think the first two races have been quite good for the spectators to see the racing plus the wet has brought more of a show , so I think this one will be no different .