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  1. 于是把欠主人债的,一个一个的叫了来,问头一个说,你欠我主人多少。

    So he called every one of his lord 's debtors unto him , and said unto the first , How much owest thou unto my lord ?

  2. 本文就是站在项目接近尾声的时间点上,利用在项目管理课程中学到的理论知识和科学工具,问头审视整体项目过程中的风险管理。

    This paper is to stand on the project ending , in the use of project management knowledge and the tools of science , to look back the risk management of the whole project .

  3. 过了一会儿,有一个买主走上前来,问这头母猪是否还能下小猪崽。

    Presently a buyer came along and asked if the sow produced good litters .

  4. 老虎有点勉强地回答说:“当然是你呀!”然后他又去问一头大象。

    The tiger replied with some reluctance1 , " Of course you are . " And then he went to ask an elephant .

  5. 我问他头一天他在寻找什么。

    I ask him what he had looked for the day before .

  6. “那你为什么不告诉我呢?”她问,头也没抬。

    " Why didn 't you ?" she asked , without looking up .

  7. 现在我不是问火车头和车尾,我是问火车,通过指出火车头和车尾,来讨论火车。

    And I 'm asking not about the locomotive and the caboose but rather I 'm asking about the train that I picked out by means of the locomotive and the caboose .

  8. 我们必须问下一头经过的牛才知道。

    We 'll have to ask the next cow that comes by .

  9. 哈克问:他们头上缠粗麻布、抹着灰干嘛?

    " What does he put sackcloth and ashes on his head for ?" inquired Huck .

  10. 这种感觉问晕了头的我,把一个学会游泳的哥们扔下了水,瞬间,他笑了,笑的那样的开心。

    This kind of felling ask dizzy head of I , threw down an elder brothers of academic association swimming water , moment , he smiled and smile of so of happy .

  11. 其中一位问船长,“头,战斗前你为什么要你的红衣裳?”

    One of them asked the captain ," Sir , why did you call for your red shirt before battle ?"