
wèn hào
  • question mark;query;interrogation point;interrogation mark;unknown factor;unsolved problem
问号 [wèn hào]
  • (1) [question mark;interrogation point]∶即符号?。表示疑问的标点符号

  • (2) [unknown factor;unsolved problem]∶指疑问;可疑的问题

  • 这部引起争论的电影的未来至少到今天为止还是一个问号

问号[wèn hào]
  1. 老年保健医学的前景还是一个问号。

    There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care

  2. 他们的不少期货都还是个问号。

    A question mark hangs over many of their futures .

  3. 在杰克的名字旁边打个问号——他来不来我不清楚。

    Put a query against Jack 's name ─ I 'm not sure if he 's coming .

  4. 当局是否允许检查还是个大问号。

    Whether the authorities will allow inspection is highly doubtful .

  5. 谈判能否成功目前还是一个大大的问号。

    There 's now a huge question mark hanging over the success of the negotiations .

  6. 致癌的真正原因还是个问号。

    The exact cause of cancer is still unknown .

  7. 使用标准GET注释,参数紧随函数,并由问号(?)分隔。

    Using standard GET notation , the parameters follow the function and are delimited by a question mark (?) .

  8. 而第二个例子使用问号占位符执行一条select语句。

    The second performs a select statement , using the alternative question mark placeholders .

  9. 问号钩端螺旋体磷脂酶C的活性及其内化时细胞内游离Ca~(2+)水平的变化

    Phospholipase C activity and alteration of intracellular free Ca ~ ( 2 + ) levels during internalization of Leptospira interrogans

  10. Abewilderedlook一脸问号我被有些人的情绪起伏之大弄得很疑惑。

    I 'm perplexed by some people 's high volatility of emotion .

  11. 问号钩端螺旋体内化过程中细胞内游离Ca~(2+)水平的变化及细胞凋亡

    Changes of Intracellular Ca ~( 2 + ) Level and Apoptosis Induced by Leptospira Interrogans During Internalization

  12. 另一个贪婪模式的操作符可以达到同样的效果,就是{n,},这将匹配它前面表达式N次或者更多次,如果不伴随着一个问号使用,它将查找尽可能多的重复。

    Another greedy operator that uses this same property is { n , } . This matches the previous expression n or more times .

  13. 带问号的红色X错误图标表示这个错误有相关的帮助。

    The red X error icon is decorated with a question mark to show that help is available for a particular error .

  14. 方法名末尾的问号意思是该方法在测试某些东西,并且将返回True或False。

    The question mark at the end of the method name means that the method is testing for something and will return True or False .

  15. 如果答题者选择了B选项中的问号,其提供的信息量就不多,它可能表示答题者看动作片与文艺节目的时间相差无几,又或者是他们对此不确定。

    If they choose the question mark on B , it doesn 't tell you much : Perhaps they do both an equal amount or perhaps they simply aren 't sure .

  16. JDBC调用的括号中的问号字符(?)

    The question mark characters (?) within the parentheses of a JDBC call refer to the parameters .

  17. 在C中,你可以在一个允许为空的值类型后面加上一个问号(比如,int?x;)。

    In C # you can flag a value type as a nullable type by adding ? after the type ( like int ? x ;) .

  18. 单词均以连字符分隔,并且此函数的名字是以一个问号结尾的,用以表示此函数是一个断言,因它会返回true或false。

    Words are separated by hyphens , and the function 's name ends with a question mark , indicating it is a predicate in that it returns true or false .

  19. 在“代码编辑器”中键入代码段的快捷键名称的头几个字符,然后键入一个问号并按tab键。

    Type the first few characters of the shortcut name for the snippet in the code editor , followed by a question mark and tab .

  20. 每当您在AIX中运行一个命令时,系统将设置一个变量,它通常被称为美元问号符。

    Every time you run a command in AIX , the system sets a variable that is often referred to as dollar question .

  21. 请注意SQL字符串中的问号(?),它表示odbcexecute()函数的串行数组中定义的变量。

    Note the question mark (?) in the SQL string , which denotes the variables defined in the serial array of the odbc_execute () function .

  22. 到了1996年,亨廷顿去掉了题目中的的问号,把文章扩展为一本畅销书《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》(TheClashofCivilizationsandtheRemakingofWorldOrder)。

    By 1996 , Huntington had dropped the question mark and expanded his thesis into a best-selling book , The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order .

  23. 但是,对于不支持的字符代码,在Linux或Windows计算机的相同代码页之间不受支持的特定字符可能会输出一个问号(?)

    However , a specific character that is not supported among the same code pages for a Linux or Windows computer will likely output a question mark (?) for the unsupported character code .

  24. 通过单击任何活动WPAR管理器页面右上角的问号图标,您可以获得针对不同页面的帮助信息。

    You can access help for individual pages by clicking the question mark icon at the upper right of any active WPAR Manager page .

  25. 但是温特斯离职的时机和出乎意料的性质,引发了一些问号。去年是摩根大通投行业务创纪录的一年,还成功地整合了贝尔斯登(BearStearns)。

    But the timing and unexpected nature of Mr Winters ' departure , which follows a record year for JPMorgan 's investment bank and the successful integration of Bear Stearns , raised questions over the move .

  26. IRS并未明示将如何裁决,从而为该交易留下了一个问号。对于雅虎270亿美元的市值来说,这次剥离交易是一个核心问题。

    The IRS did not indicate which way it would rule , leaving a question over a deal that is central to the $ 27bn value of Yahoo itself .

  27. 问号数量与batch-size值相等。

    The number of question marks equals the batch-size value .

  28. 有时候ChoSeung-Hui介绍自己时说自己是问号,说这是一个生活在火星并往木星上旅行的人。

    Cho introduced himself as " Question Mark ," saying it was the persona of a man who lived on Mars and journeyed to Jupiter .

  29. 在JPQL查询中,查询字符串中的参数以命名方式(前面带有冒号,例如:age)或位置方式(前面带有问号,例如?3)编码。

    In a JPQL query , the parameters are encoded in the query string as either named ( preceded by a colon for example ,: age ) or positional ( preceded by a question mark for example ,? 3 ) .

  30. 我们有很多个问号,对细节没有把握,中国欧盟商会秘书长丁凯(DirkMoens)说。

    There are a lot of question marks ; a lot of insecurity about details , said Dirk Moens , secretary-general of the EU chamber .