
xì miáo
  • describe in detail
  1. 第四,对日常生活细节的精雕细描显示出琐屑小事的诗美;

    The forth , she beautifies trifling matters of everyday life ;

  2. 她仔细描了眉毛,涂红了嘴唇。

    She painted her eyebrows back and her lips red .

  3. 值得更高明的笔的精写细描;

    Deserves the travail of a worthier pen .

  4. 就宗族文化的再生产提供一份文化细描的资料,希望能为宗族文化再生产的讨论贡献绵薄之力。

    Secondly , devoting a date for discussing the reproduction about the lineage culture .

  5. 其暴力描写丝毫不逊色于先锋小说暴力描写的血腥和工笔细描。

    His descriptions of the violence are in no way inferior to the pioneer novelists ' depictions of the bloody violence and meticulous detail .