
  • 网络problem definition
  1. 接着描述了用RSA算法实现对文件的加密和解密,以及在编辑框里输入的信息直接进行加密和解密;然后写出整个系统的问题定义,完成这些功能的方案路线;

    Second , describing the files of encrypting and decrypting by the RSA algorithm mentioned above , directly importing the information of encrypting and decrypting in editor 's frame , presenting the problem definition , finishing the scheme routes of these functions .

  2. 通常,接着初步的问题定义,分析员要进行可行性研究。

    Often , following a preliminary problem definition , the analyst performs a feasibility study .

  3. 第一步是问题定义阶段,对大量测试数据(1141个Bug)进行全面分析,总结出问题分布、问题种类。

    First , a comprehensive analysis of a large number of test data ( 1141bugs ), summed up the problem distribution problem types .

  4. DonaldGause和GeraldWeinberg(见参考资料)将问题定义为在

    Donald Gause and Gerald Weinberg ( see Resources ) define a problem as the existing

  5. 要描述从问题定义到源程序编码的设计活动,必须使用程序设计语言PDL。本文追述了PDL的发展;

    To describe the design activities from problem difinitions to coding a source program , one must use Program Design Language ( PDL ) .

  6. 然后将COTS密集型系统的多构件选择问题定义为一个在给定的约束条件下求解最佳构件组合的数学优化问题。

    Then the multiple COTS selection in CIS is defined as a mathematical optimization problem to determine the most promising COTS combination for maximizing the global fitness while under cost constraints .

  7. 文章研究和分析了数据流上的K-median聚类算法技术,包括:(1)流模型和K-median问题定义;

    K-median Technique that employs clustering algorithms for a data stream is studied and analyzed here , including : ( 1 ) the definition of stream model and k-median problem ;

  8. 开沟布线问题定义为由最短路径树和最小生成树这两个问题组合而成的组合优化问题,是一个新提出的、易于描述的却难于处理的NP完全问题。

    The cable trench problem defined as a combinatorial optimization problem which combined by two prob-lems , the shortest path tree problem and the minimum spanning tree problem . It is a new and typical NP-Complete problem , it is easy to describe but hard to disposal .

  9. 成败往往取决于问题定义的细小差异。

    Success or failure often turns on minuscule differences in problem definitions .

  10. 科学在于为问题定义正确的答案。

    The science lies in defining the correct set of questions to ask .

  11. 三大问题定义了这次普查计划的任务:海洋中过去曾经有什么生物生存?

    Three large questions define the tasks of the Census : What did live in the oceans ?

  12. 当开始问题定义时,我通常是做下一步,建立一个词汇表。

    The next step that I usually take when starting a problem definition is to create a glossary .

  13. 通过研究分析,将路面停车问题定义为对路边停车车辆的研究。

    By the research and analysis , road-by parking problem is a research about vehicles parking in the roadside .

  14. 因为互补需求函数是由互补问题定义的,所以在选址模型的约束中会存在均衡约束。

    Because the complementary demand function is defined from the complementary problem , there will be equilibrium constraints in our model .

  15. 我们甚至需要评估需求以论断它们是否对手边的问题定义了正确的解决方案。

    We need to evaluate even the requirements to determine whether they define the right solution to the problem at hand .

  16. 利息的计算是问题定义的一个重要的部分,所以事实上它属于问题说明书。

    Interest computation is an important part of defining the problem , however , so it indeed belongs in the problem statement .

  17. 对飞机协调图表的传统设计过程进行合理的简化和分解,使分解后的每一个部分问题定义明确,易于计算机解决。

    The main contents are as following : ① It make the design work easy that predigesting and decomposing traditional design process .

  18. 有了好的问题定义和肯定的可行性研究。分析员就能着手计划和研究问题的解了。

    Given a good problem definition and a positive feasibility study , the analyst can turn to planning and developing a problem solution .

  19. 首先将缓存策略设计问题定义为一个统一的最优化问题,并定义缓存效率作为缓存系统的性能指标。

    First , we formulate the caching policy design as an optimization problem , and define Caching Efficiency as the measurement of caching policy .

  20. 主要研究内容和创新之处如下:(1)带有通配符的序列模式挖掘问题定义。

    The major contributions of this dissertation are asfollows : ( 1 ) The problem of sequential pattern mining with wildcards is formally defined .

  21. 一般图像分割问题定义为把一张图像或数据集分割成一系列的同质结果。

    Generally , the problem of image segmentation is defined as an image or data set is separated into a series of the same results .

  22. 过早的在用户面前展示仿真效果会带来错失完整的问题定义的风险。

    Putting simulations in front of users too early in the requirements cycle risks missing out on a full definition of the problem being addressed .

  23. 有限元法将微分方程定解问题定义在简单几何形状的单元域上,且不考虑整个定义域的复杂边界条件,这是有限元法优于其他近似方法的原因之一。

    Finite element method defines the differential equation on sample shapes of unit area . And take no account of the complicated boundary condition of whole area .

  24. 俗话说地好,问题定义好了就解决了一半:你可以说只要问题定得准,它就不再是什么问题!

    It is said that a well-defined problem is halfway to being solved : you could add that a perfectly-defined problem is not even a problem anymore !

  25. 对一个数据挖掘系统而言,问题定义和数据准备很重要,是系统能否达到预期目的的关键。

    It constitute problem definition , data preparation , data raining and result analysis , problem definition and data preparation are very important in a data mining system .

  26. 标准的代理理论将公司治理问题定义为股权人和债权人如何影响经理人员的行为从而来最大化资本提供者的利益。

    Standard agency theory defines the corporate governance problem in terms how equity and debt holders influence managers to act in the best interests of the providers of capital .

  27. 尽管企业内部已经出现了危机的征兆,但领导者仍热衷于外部喜讯,并借此为不断增长的负面数据开脱,或是把问题定义为偶然和暂时的。

    Despite internal warning signs , leaders fixate on positive external results to explain away the growing array of negative data , or define problems as passing , temporary ones .

  28. 风险评估是风险管理中的问题定义阶段,其准确性和质量将决定风险管理工作的效果,是重要的阶段之一。

    Risk assessment , as an important stage , is the issue of risk management in the definition phase , whose accuracy and quality will determine the effectiveness of risk management .

  29. 本文从系统的初步分析和框架设计入手,分别介绍了系统的问题定义,可行性分析以及构建系统框架和所需要的相关技术。

    Article begined from the system preliminary analysis and the construct design , separately introduced the system question definition , the feasible analysis and the construction constructed also and the related technology .

  30. 讨论了交通系统中的各种模糊性,如数据及信息的模糊性,基于知识的模糊性,对目标及目标函数描述的模糊性及问题定义中的模糊性。

    Various kinds of fuzziness found in transportation system are discussed , such as the fuzziness of traffic data and information , the fuzziness of knowledge , the fuzziness of statements of objectives and problem definition , etc.