- ask for the name and horoscope of a prospective bride;asking for a young woman's name and birthday

[frequent brothels] 中国旧时婚姻礼节,在婚前男家把写有询问女方名字和生辰八字内容的书札派人送到女家
Birthday matching : If the potential bride 's parents do not object to the marriage , the matchmaker will then ask for the girl 's birthday and birth-hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom .
When asked what the new feature , Deployments Analysis and Tracking , is and why it is an important update for developers
During one oral examination , the CEO pointed at a hill about a mile away and asked a candidate : " Can you see that hill over there ? "
' How tall are you ? ' I asked the man .
Ask the waitress if they have a menu .
To realize the value of one year : Ask a student who has failed a final exam .
During one interview , the commander pointed to a hill about a mile away and asked a young sergeant ,
When asked whether he was worried that the robots would take his job , the waiter laughed . Still , patrons were impressed .
At the port Jack asks a Coast Guard officer if he can see the body they found in the water because it was his daughter .
During one interview , the commander pointed to a hill about a mile away and asked a young sergeant ," Can you see that hill over there ?"
She asked the salesperson , " Why do you deserve a raise ? " " Because I made less this year than I did last year , " explained the salesperson .
The video , first posted by the People 's Daily , shows a trainer asking eight employees why they did not " exceed themselves " at training . He then spanks them with what looks like a stick .
Q : What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ?
Q : What 's the probable relationship between these two speakers ?
I asked this man if he heard anything .
He replied , " why do you ask my name ? It is beyond understanding . "
Then he asked one of the students , " What kind of bird do you like best , Jack ? "
And he said , Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name ? And he blessed him there .
" How did you know I was here ?" asked the weary man of his rescuers . " We saw your smoke signal ," they replied .
Before the problem was fixed , he asked a SunTrust rep if he could move the money to an interest-bearing account until it was reclaimed and donate the interest to charity .
Q : What challenges have you faced as a teacher ?
Might I ask , said the clerk with new interest , just what you do in your field ?
He politely dodged the question of what he would say if a certified strategist presented his diploma in a job interview .
I asked Tulsi what makes an Indian girl difficult to marry off , and she said there are any number of reasons .
While during the October holiday period , thousands of common people from all walks of life and from literally all places of the country were interviewed by CCTV ( Central China Television ) reporters the same question , it became the No.1 frequently asked question in China since then .