
qīng kē
  • highland barley
青稞 [qīng kē]
  • [highland barley] 大麦的一种,粒大皮薄。主要产在西藏、青海等地,是当地的主要粮食,可做糌粑,又可酿酒

青稞[qīng kē]
  1. 青稞β-葡聚糖凝胶形成及其特性研究

    Gel Formation and Gel Property of Highland Barley β - Glucans

  2. 青稞小曲白酒生产方法初论

    Discussion on the Production Techniques of Highland Barley Xiaoqu Liquor

  3. 云南青稞(裸大麦)品种亲缘关系的SSR标记研究

    Study on Genetic Relationship of Yunnan Naked Barley by SSR Markers

  4. 亚精胺预处理对NaCl胁迫下青稞幼苗生理特性的影响

    The Effects of Spermidine Pretreatment on Physiological Characteristics of Hulless Barley Seedlings under NaCl Stress

  5. 采用极差分析法进行分析,根据极差R的大小,进行因素的主次排队,蔗糖因素为最重要因素,其次为青稞,核桃再次之,而魔芋胶因素为不重要因素。

    Employing range analysis to analyze , according to extreme difference , and to line the factors based on importance . Sucrose was the most important factor . Highland barley powder was the second . Walnut was the third .

  6. 研究了在1~3℃的条件下壳聚糖对去壳青稞莲子的保鲜作用,结果表明:用1.5%壳聚糖涂膜后,去壳青稞莲子的呼吸高峰推迟了10d,且呼吸高峰降低了30%;

    The preserving effect of chitosan on hulled highland barley lotus seeds under 1 ~ 3 ℃ was studied .

  7. 青稞酒糟&SCP固体发酵技术研究

    Study on Solid Fermentation of SCP on Distillers of Highland Barley

  8. 青稞膳食纤维微波法提取工艺的研究

    Study on Microwave Extraction of Dietary Fiber in Hull-less Barley Bran

  9. 青稞籽粒灌浆特性研究

    Study on Characters of Grain Formation and Filling of Bare Barley

  10. 以青稞为原料酿制黄酒的生产试验几种人工林树种单板层积材的生产试验及力学性能研究

    Trial Production and Mechanical Property of LVL Made from Plantation Wood

  11. 高原春青稞株成穗数与气象条件关系

    Relationship between mature spike number of highland barley and climatic factors

  12. 超声波辅助提取青稞β-葡聚糖的工艺条件优化

    Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction technology of β - Glucan from barleys

  13. 我们敬了他们每人3杯青稞酒。

    We offered them each three cups of barley wine .

  14. 红景天青稞茶酒的试验与研究

    Experiment of & Research on Rhodiola Highland Barley Tealeaf Wine

  15. 食用青稞对健康成人糖代谢影响研究

    The influence of taking naked oat fruit on glycometabolism of healthy adults

  16. 青稞中β-1,3-葡聚糖酶分离纯化及性质研究

    Purification and Characterization of β - 1 , 3-glucanases from Highland Barley

  17. 青稞新品种昆仑12号主要栽培技术

    Culture Technique on Highland Naked Barley New Variety Kunlun 12

  18. 野生大麦与青稞高分子量谷蛋白亚基遗传变异研究

    Genetic Variation of High-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunits in Wild Barley and Highland Barley

  19. 青稞中β-1,3-葡聚糖酶的纯化及其抗血清的制备

    Purification and Preparation of Antibody of β - 1,3-Glucanase from Highland Barley

  20. 光度法测定青稞秸秆中蛋白质的含量

    The Photometric Method for the Determination of Protein Content in Barley Straw

  21. 海北高寒地区发展青稞产业化刍议

    Initiate discussion on developing highland barley industry at Haibei high cold region

  22. 云南青稞产业的现状及优势分析

    Analysis of Situation and superiority of Yunnan Naked Barley industrialization

  23. 饮食以米、面、青稞为主。

    Diet to rice , flour , barley based .

  24. 青稞β-葡聚糖提取工艺研究

    Study on Extraction of β - Glucan from Barley

  25. 春青稞的氮磷化肥配合比例研究

    The Ratio Between N / P Chemical Fertilizer Matching for Highland Spring Barley

  26. 青稞产品开发大有可为

    The product development of highland barley has bright prospects

  27. 青稞储藏稳定性的比较研究

    Comparison research on the storage stability of highland barley

  28. 采用改良的干重法对西宁地区青稞旗叶光合产物积累进行了研究。

    Photosynthetic product in flag leaves of highland barley in Xining was studied .

  29. 探讨青稞提取液抗氧化和脂质过氧化的作用。

    Researching the effect of the antioxidants and lipid peroxidation from Naked Barley .

  30. 西安哪里可以买到青稞酒?

    Where can I buy Xi'an highland barley wine ?