
  • 网络Narcissus;south;Neal Soss
  1. 从纳西索斯神话看声音的现象学价值

    Voice 's Phenomenological Value in the Myth of Narcissus

  2. 纳西索斯有一个双胞胎姐姐,是他最亲的人。

    Narcissus had a twin sister who is the dearest person in the world to him .

  3. 在英国海滨小镇索斯沃尔德(Southwold),当卡伦•赫斯特(KarenHester)成为当地酿酒商Adnams的一名清洁工时,她从未想过自己有一天会当上经理。

    Karen Hester had no thought of becoming a manager when she started a cleaning job at Adnams , the British brewer based in the seaside town of Southwold .

  4. 我们的主炮应该瞄准帕珈索斯。

    We should turn our main batteries on pegasus .

  5. 好多可以用在帕珈索斯上的潜在备件。

    A lot of potential spare parts that we could use on pegasus .

  6. “我很乐意,索斯爵士。我会亲自去取些水来。”

    " Gladly , Lord soth . I will fetch the water myself . "

  7. 他们现在得到了战马和战车,那是希克索斯带给他们的。

    They had now acquired the war-horse and the war-chariot , which the Hyksos had brought to them .

  8. 克诺索斯新石器时代遗址

    Neolithic Site at Knossos

  9. 艾科单恋纳西索斯的仙女,憔悴消损最后只留下声音。

    A nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained .

  10. 在希克索斯入侵前未能紧密团结的埃及,现在倒成了一个统一的国家;

    Egypt , which had not been closely consolidated before the Hyksos invasion , was now a United country ;

  11. “帕格索斯”也可进行类似的处理,如果我们将它视为“柏勒洛丰捕获的那匹有翼的马”这个摹状词的缩写的话。以上处理也适用于所有的专名。

    ' Pegasus'can be handled similarly if we read it as short for a description : 'the winged horse captured by Bellerophon ' . So for all proper names .

  12. 瑞士信贷的索斯表示:51.1这个数字预示着,未来数月的工业产量将大幅回升从深度收缩变为持平,甚至出现温和增长。

    The 51.1 reading points to a big swing in industrial production over the next few months from steep contraction to flat or even modest expansion , Credit Suisse 's Mr Soss said .

  13. 又跟神殿的使者串通,假称是天神降怒,必须将王子弗利克索斯祭献才可平息饥荒。

    Also is in cahoots with the temple messenger , claims to be is the deity falls anger , must offer a sacrifice to the prince Flick south offers only then may subside the famine .