
qīnɡ zhù sì liào
  • silage;ensilage;preserved green fodder
  1. 结果表明:乳酸菌制剂处理除对青贮饲料的DM量和ADL含量无显著影响外(P>0.05),对其他指标均有显著影响(P<0.05)。

    The results showed that lactobacillus had a remarkable effect on the silage quality without the content of DM and ADL .

  2. 它对玉米秸秆青贮饲料的有机酸含量及组成、干物质消失率、NDF瘤胃降解率、干物质回收率、NDF及OCW的含量均无显著影响(P>0.05)。

    Meanwhile , it could improve greatly the odor , color , texture of silage while DM digestibility , NDF digestibility , organic acid composition and content , DM Recovery , concentrations of NDF , OCW were not affected by this treatment ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. 微生物发酵剂能够提高青贮饲料的DM和NDF瘤胃体外消化率。

    Microorganism starter improved the digestibility of DM and NDF in rumen .

  4. 添加乳酸菌的各试验组的NDF和ADF含量都较对照组显著降低(P<0.01),可见添加单一乳酸菌能大大提高玉米青贮饲料的发酵品质和营养价值。

    It was concluded that single lactic acid bacteria might improve the fermentation quality and nutrition value of corn silage .

  5. 添加量为0.50g/kg时,天然牧草青贮饲料可消化营养物含量相对较高。

    The digestible nutrient content was relatively high when the fungi amount was 0.50g/kg .

  6. 从奶牛青贮饲料中分离筛选出1株丙酸菌菌株HZ-P-35,液相色谱检测证明该微生物能从葡萄糖生产丙酸、乙酸和虎珀酸。

    A propionic acid bacteria strain HZ-P-35 was isolated from silage in MRS medium . This organism could produce propionic acid , acetic acid and succinate from glucose by HPLC detection .

  7. ALANBOWERSJR.:“我们在用这些材料给牛做所谓的玉米青贮饲料,等到茎秆干透了,就不适合给牲畜吃了。”

    ALAN BOWERS JR. : " We are making what they call corn silage out of this for the animals , for the cows . And if you wait till it 's completely dried up , it won 't even make suitable feed for the animals . "

  8. 为此,主要论述了9QS-1000型青贮饲料收获机主要参数的设计与计算及性能试验。

    Hence , the design and calculation procedures of the principal parameters and performance test of the ensilage harvester 9QS-1000 model have been presented in this paper .

  9. 乳酸菌剂对青贮饲料发酵品质的改善效果

    Effect of lactic acid bacteria inoculants on fermentative quality of Silage

  10. 酸化处理防止玉米青贮饲料二次发酵效果试验

    Effects of Acid Treatment on Preventing Second Fermentation of Corn Silage

  11. 自动凯氏定氮仪快速测定青贮饲料中的氨态氮

    Rapid Determination of Ammoniacal Nitrogen in Silage by Automatic Kjeldahl Apparatus

  12. 高产优质青贮饲料玉米品种筛选试验研究

    Research on selection of high yield and high quality silage grain

  13. 纤维分解酶对青贮饲料发酵特性的影响

    Effect of Cellulase on the fermentation characteristics of silage enzyme mimics

  14. 施肥对玉米青贮饲料硝酸盐含量的影响

    The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on nitrate content of corn silages

  15. 影响青贮饲料品质因素的研究进展

    Progress in the Study of Infection Factors on Silage Quality

  16. 调制青贮饲料的过程即为化学处理的一种方式。

    The process of making silage is a form of chemical treatment .

  17. 不同添加剂对小黑麦青贮饲料品质的影响

    Effect of Different Additives on the Quality of Triticale Silage

  18. 不同切碎方式对全株玉米青贮饲料品质影响的试验研究

    Effects of different mechanical processes on the quality of whole-plant corn silage

  19. 不同方法处理的玉米秸秆青贮饲料品质评定

    Evaluation on Quality of Corn Stalk Silage with Different Treatment

  20. 玉米青贮饲料干物质含量不同测定方法的比较研究

    Comparison of Different Analysis Methods of Corn Silage Dried Matter

  21. 实验室条件下几种青贮饲料的加工与调制

    Study on Silage Making of Several Feed Materials Under the Laboratory Condition

  22. 塑料膜在青贮饲料生产中的应用

    The Application of Plastic Sheet in Silage and Silage making

  23. 全株玉米青贮饲料在贮存期营养品质的变化规律

    Variation law of whole-plant corn silage nutritional quality under different storage periods

  24. 影响青贮饲料品质的因素

    Research Progress of Factors Affecting the Quality of Silage

  25. 不同处理方式对青贮饲料质量影响的试验研究

    Effects of Different Treatments on Fermentation Quality of Silage

  26. 生物因素对调制优质青贮饲料的影响

    Effect of Biological Factors on Processing of Quality Silage

  27. 青贮饲料中乳酸菌的体外抑菌试验及其细菌素的提取

    Bacteriostatic Experiment on Lactic Acid Bacteria of Silage in Vitro and Bacteriocin Extraction

  28. 青贮饲料的研究、发展及现状

    Research , Development and Actuality for Corn Stover Silage

  29. 玉米秸秆和4种玉米青贮饲料的营养差异性分析

    Analysis of corn straw and 4 silage nutritional value

  30. 青贮饲料在我国畜牧业发展中占据着重要的地位。

    During the husbandry animal 's development , ensilage has the important standing .