
  • 【生态】soil zone
  1. 并对AM真菌在不同土壤带的资源组成及其生态分布进行了分析。

    The composition and the ecological distribution of AMF in different soil belts are also studied .

  2. 最后指出确定土壤带变化与气候变化滞后时间的可能性。

    Finally , a possibility of determining the delay time of soil zonal change with climate change is pointed out .

  3. 粮食产量受到水量、水质的约束,松花江流域提供了唯一的土壤带。

    And food production is restricted by water availability and water quality while Songhua River Basin supports the only soil belt in China .

  4. 未耕地以及以果树、蔬菜和大田作物为植被的土壤带线虫率分别为6.59%、5.13%、3.15%和2.9%;

    The prevalence of EPN in uncultivated soil , orchard , vegetable fields and crop fields were 6.59 % , 5.13 % , 3.15 % and 2.90 % , respectively ;

  5. 俯瞰之时,这片广袤的狭长土地看上去并不怎么样乱蓬蓬的绿色植被、一堆堆朦胧的火山岩、一条条杂乱无章的红褐色土壤带但再过几年,这里将创造历史。

    Viewed from above , this vast swathe of land may not look like much fuzzy green vegetation , shadowy pockets of volcanic rock , incongruous veins of reddish brown soil but in a couple of years it will make history .

  6. 从粘粒矿物组成和SiO2/Al2O3,判断,皖南山地上部不存在山地黄棕壤和山地棕壤。土壤垂直带谱主要由黄红壤和黄壤构成。

    Judging by the characteristics of the composition of the clay minerals and the silica-alumina ratios of clay , there are no mountain yellow-brown soil and mountain brown earth on the upper parts of the mountains in the southern Anhui Province .

  7. 武夷山土壤垂直带的理化性质

    The physics and chemistry nature of the Mt. Wuyi soil vertical

  8. 五台山土壤垂直带谱磷酸酶活性研究的初报

    Study on phosphatase activities in vertical zonality soil of Wutai Mountain

  9. 地球构造变动对土壤分带格局和古气候事件的影响

    Influence of tectonic activities on the regional distribution of soils and on paleoclimatic events

  10. 本区土壤区带和气候区域的分带基本一致,共分为五个土壤气候带。

    Soil division and climate zone coincide in this region , and was divided into five zones .

  11. 武夷山土壤垂直带理化性质及成土因素分析

    Analysi on Physical and Chemical properties and Factors of Soil from Different Vertical Bands in Wuyi Mountain

  12. 太白山北坡成土因素及不同土壤垂直带谱的比较

    Soil formation factors and comparison among different altitudinal zonations of the soils on northern slope of the Taibai Mountains

  13. 在非耕作的五台山土壤垂直带谱中,三种磷酸酶均有所存在,并与土壤有机质,全氮含量呈显著正相关。

    This results showed that there were three soil phosphatase in noncaltivated and natural zonality soil , which had striking positive correlation with soil organic matter and total N.

  14. 不过除此之外,这些菌丝还从土壤中带出了可能存在其中的大量污染物质,尤其是重金属。

    but beyond that , the filaments also pull out of the soil a great deal of the pollution that might be in there , especially heavy metals .

  15. 本文同时针对线源滴灌均匀性问题,通过试验研究了滴头流量和灌水量及滴头间距对土壤湿润带内水分分布均匀性的影响。

    In terms of the question of soil moisture uniformity for line source drip irrigation , experiments were conducted to study the effects of dripper discharge and irrigation water supply to soil moisture uniformity .

  16. 陕西黄土高原500KaBP的古土壤与气候带迁移

    The Paleosol and the Migration of Climatic Zone about 500 ka BP in Loess Plateau , Shaanxi Province

  17. 土壤非饱和带确定性数值模型研究进展

    Advances in the research of deterministic numerical models of the soil unsaturated zone

  18. 病原线虫主要通过含有残留菇料的土壤和浇带线虫的水传播。

    The pathogens entranced the substrate from soil with the residual substrate and water containing nematodes .

  19. 土壤包气带土体无机氮的吸附与微生物作用影响试验方法

    The Experimental Methodological Research on the Adsorption of Inorganic Nitrogen and the Effect of Microbe Action in the Soil of Unsaturated Zone

  20. 中水灌溉土壤非饱和带污染物运移的实验研究及数值模拟土壤传递函数在计算土壤饱和导水率中的应用

    Experiment Studies and Modeling of Unsaturated Soil Solute Transport under Middle Water Irrigation ; Application of Pedo-transfer Functions in Calculating Saturated Soil Hydraulic Conductivity of Fengqiu County

  21. 土壤包气带介质中有机质的结构、组成和形态变化特征研究,是有机污染物在包气带环境中迁移、转化及归宿研究的重要基础。

    The study on characteristics of soil organic matters in the soil profiles was the bases of researching the organic pollutants migration and transformation in the vadose zone .

  22. 一种产于美国西南部的沙蛇;生活在细沙或粗沙或漂浮在肥沃的土壤上;带条纹形似银环蛇。

    A sand snake of southwestern United States ; lives in fine to coarse sand or loamy soil in which it ` swims ' ; banding resembles that of coral snakes .

  23. 两构造单元表壳岩系相对富Cd岩石的风化产物是两江沿江冲积成因土壤Cd高值带的主要来源之一;

    The weathering products of Cd-rich rocks in the supracrustal rocks of the two tectonic units are the main source of Cd in the alluvial soils of the two river valleys ;

  24. 用TM6热红外图象作假彩色等密度分割处理,以提取随海而异的地面温度场和土壤类型垂直分带信息;

    The information of ground thermal field and soil vertical zonality which differ with elevation is extracted by using the TM6 thermal infrared image to make the pseudo-color-equidensity slicing ;

  25. 正是这被太阳晒暖了苏醒过来的薄薄的一层土壤养活着冻土带上的一切生物。

    It is this thin layer of active soil that supports all living things on the tundra .

  26. 植物生存所需要的过量硝酸盐通过土壤渗滤而被带到水中。

    Nitrates produced in excess of the needs of plant life are carried away in water percolating through the soil .

  27. 凤凰号90天的任务就是分析火星北极冻土的土壤和永久冻土带,看他们在过去和现在是否有生命存在的信号。

    The Phoenix's90-day mission is to analyze the soils and permafrost of Mars'arctic tundra for signs of past or present life .

  28. 洒落石油对地面生态(土壤、包气带)的污染主要分布在井下作业频繁与窃油现象严重的采油井井场内。

    Pollution of scattered oil to ground ecology appears mainly in the oilfields where frequent oil extraction and serious oil stealing happen .

  29. 三峡入库河流大宁河回水区浸没土壤及消落带土壤氮形态及分布特征

    Nitrogen Forms and Its Distribution Character in Immerged and Water-level-fluctuating Zone Soils of the Backwater Reach from Input River of Three Gorges Reservoir

  30. 采用多坡段组合模型、人工模拟降雨实验研究了土壤侵蚀链垂直带水沙流空间分布变化特征。

    Spatial distribution of runoff and sediment in the vertical belt sections of soil erosion chain is studied by the simulated rainfall examination on block diagram combined with multi-slope sections .