
  • 网络land administration
  1. 文稿中的观点及见解乃作者个人意见,并不代表香港土地行政学会的立场。

    The views and opinions expressed or implied by individual writers are not necessarily those of the Hong Kong Institute of Land Administration .

  2. 将土地行政置于阳光之下,也是未来土地征收立法须值得关注的重要方面。

    And the achievement that put the land administration under the sun will be an important aspect of concerning in the future land expropriation legislation .

  3. 第六十七条县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门履行监督检查职责时,有权采取下列措施:

    Article 67 In performing their supervising and examination duties , the land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level have the right to adopt the following measures :

  4. 第六十九条有关单位和个人对县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门就土地违法行为进行的监督检查应当支持与配合,并提供工作方便,不得拒绝与阻碍土地管理监督检查人员依法执行职务。

    Article 69 Units or individuals concerned should provide active support and cooperation to land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level in their supervision and examination of violations to land administration and provide all the conveniences to facilitate but not in any way refuse or obstruct their work in such a regard .

  5. 第五十二条建设项目可行性研究论证时,土地行政主管部门可以根据土地利用总体规划、土地利用年度计划和建设用地标准,对建设用地有关事项进行审查,并提出意见。

    Article 52 In the process of the feasibility study for construction projects , land administrative departments may examine the related matters concerning the land for construction purposes and put forward their proposals according to the general plans for the utilization of land , the annual plan for the use of land and standards for land used for construction purposes .

  6. 第二章是对国内外政府及土地行政管理绩效评价研究现状进行概述。

    The second chapter is an overview of research situation home and abroad .

  7. 土地行政处罚对保护土地资源,促进土地生态经济系统持续发展具有重大影响。

    Land administrative punishment plays an important role in protecting land resources and promoting sustainable development of land biological economy system .

  8. 根据评价结果分析无锡市土地行政管理中存在的缺陷及需要改进的方面。

    According to the results of evaluating , analyzing the defects and aspects for improvement of land resources management in Wuxi city .

  9. 土地行政管理部门的主要工作是保障发展、保护资源、节约用地和为公众提供优质服务。

    The main work of land administration department are maintaining development , protecting resources , save land and to provide quality services for the public .

  10. 第三章阐述本研究的理论基础。第四章阐述我国土地行政管理体制历史沿革及发展趋向。主要研究我国土地行政体制的发展,及土地行政管理体制发展趋向&土地行政管理绩效评价。

    Chapter three describes the theoretical basis of this study , mainly describes the land administration system reform and development trend & land administration performance evaluation .

  11. 土地行政的实践表明:土地行政人员是一个稳定的、庞大的职业群体,必须有专门的伦理去应对其组织和人员在道德上所遇到的问题。

    The practice of land administration indicates that land administrators are a steady and huge group of professionals , for whose moral problems there must be specialized ethics .

  12. 对于警告、记过、记大过的行政处分决定,上级土地行政主管部门可以直接做出;

    Decisions on administrative sanctions such as warning , demerit recording and major demerit recording may directly be made by the competent land administration departments at a higher level ;

  13. 县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门会同同级有关部门进行土地调查。

    The land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level shall carry out land surveys together with related departments at the same level .

  14. 第六十六条县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门对违反土地管理法律、法规的行为进行监督检查。

    Article 66 Land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level shall exercise supervision and examination on violations to the land administrative law and administrative decrees .

  15. 系统阐述南京国民政府(1927-1949)及其在台湾执政延续(1949-约1960)阶段土地行政的立法与实验活动的变更。

    And systematically expounded the changes of the legislative and experimental activities in the period of Nanjing National Government ( 1927-1949 ) and its continuation in power in Taiwan ( 1949-about 1960 ) .

  16. 土地行政主管部门和统计部门共同发布的土地面积统计资料是各级人民政府编制土地利用总体规划的依据。

    The statistical materials about the land areas issued by land administrative departments and statistical departments serve as the basis for people 's governments at all levels in compiling the general plans for the utilization of land .

  17. 第五章为论文的核心部分,通过文献研究及专家咨询的方法构建土地行政管理绩效评价体系,同时确定了评价方法、指标标准值、各层次指标权重以及单项指标标准化值计算模型的确定。

    As the core of the paper , chapter five sets up an index system for evaluation , and determines the evaluation method , standard values , weight of index and standardized value of single index models .

  18. 在农村集体建设用地入市形势日渐明朗之时,政府土地行政管理部门以及相关立法机构的当务之急是建立好集体建设用地流转的支撑体系。

    As the rural collective land for construction is entering the market , governmental administration of land management and relevant legislature should give top priority to the establishment of the supporting system of conversion of the collective land for construction .

  19. 基本农田保护区以乡(镇)为单位进行划区定界,由县级人民政府土地行政主管部门会同同级农业行政主管部门组织实施。

    Basic farmland protection areas shall be demarcated with township ( town ) as the unit and the protection of which shall be carried out by the land administrative departments of the county level people 's governments together with agricultural administrative departments of the same level .

  20. 引入引咎辞职制度。(6)现行土地行政机构行使行政监管权,而土地市场监督管理委员会行使国家调节权。

    The form of legal liabilities must be reformed to include resignation for cause system . ( 6 ) the existing land supervision and administration institutions exercises administrative supervision and regulation power , while the land market supervision and administration institutions exercise the state regulatory power .

  21. 各级人民政府土地行政主管部门根据上报的用地情况与土地利用动态监测情况,对土地有偿使用费的缴纳进行检查、核实,发现违法违规的,依照法律和有关规定严肃进行查处。

    The competent land administration authorities of the people 's governments at different levels shall check and verify the collection of land use fees depending on the utilization of land reported and dynamic supervision of land use , and shall investigate any violations according to laws and regulations .

  22. 第二十八条县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门会同同级有关部门根据土地调查成果、规划土地用途和国家制定的统一标准,评定土地等级。

    Article 28 Land administrative departments of the people 's government at and above the county level shall , together with related departments at the same level , grade the land according to the results of the surveys , their planned uses and the unified standards formulated by the State .

  23. 可见,我们还需要对我国农村土地流转行政登记制度给予更多的关注与研究。

    It can clearly be seen that the administrative registration system with land transfer in the rural areas of China deserves our immediate concern .

  24. 展望征地纠纷解决机制的的未来,通过这些举措的不断完善与实施,我国的土地征收行政也定能够实现阳光征地。

    As to the future of land expropriation dispute settlement mechanism , we believe that our Chinese land expropriation will achieve " Sunshine land taking " through the improvement and enforcement of these initiatives .

  25. 基于此,从政府土地管理行政人员和农民两个不同的视角,对江苏省征地制度及农村社会经济发展的内在关系进行了抽样调查。

    So from different perspective of land management officials and farmers , the sample investigation was conducted on the internal relations between the current land requisition system , and the rural society and economy development of Jiangsu province .

  26. 我国农村土地流转行政登记,其实质是国家公权力对农村土地流转的干预,它涉及到行政权的运用和行使。

    The administrative registration with land transfer in the rural areas of China , in fact is the intervention of the public power on the rural land transfer in China . It involves the application and the exercise of the executive power .

  27. 论我国农业土地污染纠纷行政解纷制度的建立

    Discussion on the System Establish of Land Pollution Dispute Resolution by Administrative Means

  28. 因此,对土地革命时期行政组织的设置和调整进行历史考察,具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。

    Therefore , the research for the establishment and adjustment of the administrative organization during the period of the Agrarian revolutionary war is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  29. 土地征收作为行政征收最主要的一种类型,一般而言是指国家为了公共利益的需要,依法取得、使用私人土地或者其他影响私人土地权益的行为。

    As a typical type of administrative acquisition , land acquisition generally entails the legal acquisition and usage of private land by the government for the purpose of public interest .

  30. 城中村在户籍、土地权属、行政、规划、市政设施、教育、环卫等各方面的管理制度和公共服务水平都与城市存在较大差距,形成城不像城、村不像村的特殊现象。

    Urban village differs greatly from city in management and public service level which include household register , land property , administrative plan , public facilities , education and environmental health .