
zhōnɡ zhuǎn yùn shū
  • Transit transportation;transfer transportation
  1. 在各个市县一级的行政单位分别建立二级FDC,其主要职能就是:短期仓储、果蔬流通加工、中转运输。

    Establish a second class FDC in each administrative unit of towns . Their main functions are short-term storage , circulation and process and transfers .

  2. 大陆海关还可能妨碍国际中转运输业务。

    Mainland customs can also hamper international trans-shipment operations .

  3. 对于秸秆的收购模式、组织管理体系、收购站的建设及其中转运输给予了分别讨论。

    The paper discussed collection mode , organization management system , collection station building and transferring transportation respectively .

  4. 这些扩张使深圳港口将首次拥有从事国际中转运输业务的备用吞吐容量。

    The expansions should for the first time give Shenzhen ports spare capacity to pursue international trans-shipment work .

  5. 第2、3章对大连港口集装箱中转运输发展的现状进行分析并对国内外主要竞争对手作综合比较,为后面的定量分析打下理论基础。

    The second and third chapters analyze Dalian port 's actuality and compare with competitive adversaries inside and outside , as groundwork for quantitative analysis .

  6. 现代港口已经突破了传统港口的中转运输功能,港口物流与临港工业的发展,大大拓展了港口的功能。

    Modern ports have broken the function of transportation of the traditional port , and the function has been widened because of the development of port logistics and port-neighboring industry .

  7. 第4、5章是在前面的定性分析基础上,结合大连港口实际,运用灰色系统方法,做出大连港口集装箱中转运输发展的前景分析并且提出大连港口集装箱转运中心发展战略。

    According to the practicality of Dalian port and the qualitative analysis , the paper uses gray system and make out the forecast and stratagem for Dalian port container transferring development .

  8. 俄罗斯认为,《条约》的中转运输协定及相关条款不利于俄保持对欧洲天然气出口运输的垄断地位;

    Russia claimes that the " transit transport agreement " specified in the Treaty , as well as other related clauses , undermine Russia 's dominance in natural gas export transport in Europe .

  9. 反过来区域经济的发展能够优化港口中转运输产业,促使港口中转运输业的升级,不断为港口发展注入新的活力。

    At the same time , the development of regional economy , in turn , can optimize the port transit transport industry , make port transit transportation upgrade , to inject new vitality for port development .

  10. 现代港口作为全球供应链节点,已经突破了传统港口的中转运输作用,港口功能进一步拓展,港口国际竞争力进一步增强。

    As the node of global supply chain , modern ports have broken through the transit transport role of traditional ports , the port function has further expanded , and the port international competitiveness has further enhanced .

  11. 以典型航线为实例分析,通过航次估算得出各备选船型的单位货载运输成本,并进行敏感性分析,分别研究了直达运输和中转运输模式下的单位成本,最终选出各情况下的适宜船型。

    Typical shipping line is taken as an example , in which unit cost is calculated through voyage estimate and sensitivity analysis is done according to different factors . Direct transport and transhipment mode is researched for the selection of suitable carrier .

  12. 在分析木材运输过程的基础上,结合木材运输的特点,建立了木材直达、中转混合运输问题的数学模型。

    Based on the analysis and the characteristics of timber transportation , the mixed transportation model was built with nonstop and secondary transportation .

  13. 作为回应,各种部门和机构来到现场,警察、消防、中转、运输及公共设施。

    In response , a slew of departments and agencies to sent on the scene , police , fire , transit , transportation , utility .

  14. 香港特区继续与有关贸易伙伴合作,共同打击非法转运纺织品。也门共和国亚丁港集装箱中转站运输系统规划研究

    The HKSAR continued to co-operate with relevant trading partners with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of action taken to combat illegal transhipment of textiles . Research for Container Terminal Transportation System on Port of Aden , the Republic of Yemen

  15. 从一个中转站或者运输站向前送或者运载。

    Send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit .

  16. 液化天然气船(LNG船)就是一种将液化后的天然气运输到消费地或中转站的海上运输专用工具,近年来,LNG船舶市场持续升温。

    LNG carriers ( LNG ships ) are special transport tools which transport liquefied natural gas to the point of consumption or transit point at sea . In recent years , the LNG shipping market continues to heat up .

  17. 港口作为水陆交通运输的枢纽,发挥着连接海陆运输,中转旅客和货物运输,集散现代物流的重要作用。

    Ports as land and water transportation hub , plays an important role in land and sea transport connection , transit passengers and cargo transport , collection and distribution of modern logistics .