
  • 网络sino-russian relations;china-russia relationship
  1. 中俄关系不受国际风云的影响,也不针对任何第三方。

    The China-Russia relationship is not dictated1 by international vicissitudes2 and does not target any third parties .

  2. 经过双方20多年不懈努力,中俄关系发展成为全面战略协作伙伴关系。

    With over 20 years of unremitting efforts from both sides , China-Russia relationship has grown into a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination .

  3. 作为加强中俄关系的一部分,中国主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)将在未来数月内利用去年10月创建的20亿美元中俄投资基金,作出首笔投资。

    As part of the strengthening ties between the two countries , China Investment Corp , the country 's sovereign wealth fund , will make its first investment in coming months using a $ 2bn Russia-China Fund , created in October .

  4. 中俄关系进入全面发展的新时期

    The New Period of all-round Development between China and Russia Relationship

  5. 中俄关系与外蒙古自中国的分离(1911&1915)

    Sino-Russian Relations and Mongolia s Split from China ( 1911-1915 );

  6. 因此,中俄关系的前景还是乐观的。

    Therefore , the China - Russia relations prospect is optimistic .

  7. 伊拉克战争后大国关系与中俄关系研讨会综述

    Summary of Seminar on Post-Iraq-War Relations of Major Powers and China-Russia Relations

  8. 中俄关系:地位、模式、趋势

    Sino-Russian Relations : Importance , Model , and Development Trends

  9. 北京在很大程度上是中俄关系中的老大哥。

    Beijing is very much the senior partner in the Sino-Russian relationship .

  10. 面向21世纪的中俄关系

    The Relations between China and Russia for the 21st Century

  11. 共创中俄关系的美好未来。

    Jointly creating a glorious future for Sino-Russian relations .

  12. 中俄关系:国际关系动因视角的分析

    China-Russia Relations : The Analysis of the International Relation Agent Angle of View

  13. 双方承诺将推动中俄关系进一步发展。

    The two have issued the standard promise of further promoting bilateral ties .

  14. 这是中俄关系发展史上具有里程碑意义的大事。

    This great event is a milestone in the development of Sino-Russian relations .

  15. 从中俄关系看新型国家关系的构建

    The Construction of New Relationship Among Countries of Sino-Russia

  16. 中俄关系前景广阔&国际学术讨论会纪要

    Broad Prospects for Sino - Russian Relations - Summary of an International Academic Symposium

  17. 不同视角下的中俄关系&俄罗斯如何看俄中关系

    Sino-Russian Relationship at different angles of view & how does Russia look at it

  18. 论新时期的中俄关系

    On the Sino-Russian Relationship in the new era

  19. 关于中俄关系发展新阶段的定位论证

    Expounding and proving the fixed position of Sino-Russian relations in the new developing stage

  20. 中俄关系:与时俱进拓展深化

    The China - Russia Relationship : Going on with the Time , Expanding and Deepening

  21. 新起点新任务&对新世纪中俄关系发展的再思考

    New Starting Point New Tasks & Further Analysis on Sino-Russian Relations in the New Century

  22. 中俄关系的可协调性:从国家发展战略视角分析

    The Coordination of Sino-Russian Relationship : A Perspective from the Strategy of a Country Development

  23. 2004年的中俄关系及前景

    Sino-Russian Relationship in 2004 and Its Prospects

  24. 我对中俄关系的顺利发展深感欣慰。

    I 'm greatly gratified at the smooth progress in the development of Sino-Russian relations .

  25. 中俄关系在经历十多年的发展后,已达到高水平。

    The Sino-Russian relationship has reached a higher level after more than a decade of development .

  26. 这里,我愿就新世纪中俄关系的发展提出几条建议,供朋友们参考。

    Here , I 'd like to make some proposals for the development of Sino-Russian relations .

  27. 中俄关系存在着长期稳定发展的战略基础。

    The strategic basis for long-term and stable growth of China-Russia relations is already in place .

  28. 中俄关系继续发展。

    Sino-russican relations continue to develop .

  29. 共创中俄关系的美好未来格鲁吉亚与俄罗斯关系中的美国因素

    Jointly Creating a Glorious Future for Sino-Russian Relations The US Factor in Georgian - Russian Relations

  30. 近代中俄关系史上一则重要史料的日期辨析

    Analysis of the date of an important historical data in the modern history of Sino-Russia relation