
  • 网络frontier city;Border City;City of Borders
  1. 如果它仅限于[边境城市]Pailin和Pailin地区,成功的机会就非常高。

    If it is limited to [ the border city ] Pailin and the Pailin area , the chances of success are very high .

  2. 同样非法在美国的新郎Felix说他从圣地亚哥回到对边的墨西哥边境城市Tijuana,资源参加这次集体露天婚礼。

    Felix , also living in the United States illegally , said he came back to the Mexican border city of Tijuana , across from San Diego , voluntarily for the mass open-air wedding .

  3. 联合国世界世界粮食计划署(unworldfoodprogramme)亚洲区主任托尼班布里(tonybanbury)表示,停止铁路服务导致已经积存在中国边境城市丹东的8000吨玉米和小麦无法发货。

    Tony Banbury , Asia director for the UN World Food Programme , said that the curtailed service had held up the delivery of 8000 tonnes of maize and wheat already stockpiled in Dandong , a Chinese border town .

  4. 三架载有医用防护服、N95口罩和呼吸机的飞机相继运抵黑龙江省省会哈尔滨、边境城市牡丹江机场。

    Three planes carrying medical protective suits , N95 masks and ventilators have landed at the airports in the provincial capital of Harbin and the border city of Mudanjiang .

  5. 在现金窘迫的朝鲜寻求新的收入来源之际,朝鲜官方媒体周一说,该国正准备向中国游客新开放一条通往东北部边境城市会宁(Hoeryong)的旅游路线。

    As cash-strapped North Korea seeks new sources of revenue , it prepares to open a new tour for Chinese visitors to the north-eastern border city of Hoeryong , state media said on Monday .

  6. Cabrera女士对当地报纸说,她确实需要提升自己的英语能力,但以她目前的水平,足以胜任圣路易斯市议员工作。因为在这座边境城市,西班牙语和英语一样常用。

    Ms Cabrera told the local newspaper that she needs to improve her command of English but said her language skills are adequate for serving the border city of San Luis , where Spanish is used as often as English .

  7. 警方已经成为众矢之的,尤其是在墨西哥北部的边境城市。

    Police have become common targets , especially in border cities in northern Mexico .

  8. 边境城市、边防卫兵、边防巡逻

    A border town , guard , patrol

  9. 中国的边境城市有很多。

    China has many border cities .

  10. 然而,中俄边贸传统的贸易方式已不适应中俄边境城市经贸合作进一步发展的需要,中俄边境贸易的发展需要新的突破口。

    However , new breakthrough is desired to upgrade Sino-Russia border trade , rather than traditional trade mode .

  11. 这名狱警是边境城市华雷斯美国领事馆一名官员的丈夫。

    The guard was the husband of an official from the US consulate in the border city of Ciudad Juarez .

  12. 边境城市开城进入封锁状态,并采取了严格的检疫和筛查措施。

    The border town of Kaesong went into lockdown and strict quarantine and screening measures have been put into place .

  13. 该法律于上周在该边境城市生效,赋予警方新的权力,可以随时制止任何疑似非法移民。

    The law was enacted in the border state last week , giving police new powers to stop suspected illegal immigrants .

  14. 之后,这批价值3000万元的物资被送达中国俄边境城市绥芬河。

    The materials , worth about 30 million yuan , have been delivered to the city of Suifenhe at the China-Russia border .

  15. 在这次访问之前,美国领事馆三名相关人员在墨西哥边境城市华雷斯被杀害。

    Her visit follows the recent murder of three people connected to the United States'Consulate in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez .

  16. 警员布鲁克斯(加拿大边境城市三角洲)说地面,空中和警犬部队在搜索。

    Constable Sharlene Brooks in the Canadian border city of Delta said ground , air and canine units are involved in the search .

  17. 这三名中国公民是上周五在边境城市丹东附近被枪杀的,还有一人受伤。

    The three Chinese citizens were shot dead last Friday near the border city of Dandong , while a fourth person was wounded .

  18. 在墨西哥最暴力的这座边境城市,人们仍然通过在屋顶和家庭聚餐时悬挂国旗,展示他们的爱国主义热情。

    People still showed their patriotism in the border city Mexico 's most violent by hanging Mexican flags from their roofs and hosting family dinners .

  19. 中国边境城市丹东的铁路工人描述了金正日乘坐的专列于周一黎明前通过该地的情景。

    Railroad workers in the border city of Dandong , China , described the passage of Mr. Kim 's train in the predawn hours Monday .

  20. 中国最大的边境城市丹东,坐落在鸭绿江畔与朝鲜隔江相望。

    China 's biggest border city Dandong sits on the bank of the Yalu River , facing Korea on the other side of the river .

  21. 由于其他避难所达到容量上限,边境城市华雷斯城的有关部门被迫将当地体育馆改为临时避难所。

    Authorities in the border city of Ciudad Juarez have been forced to a local gymnasium a temporary shelter due to other shelters reaching maximum capacity .

  22. 希特法诺在烘焙视觉艺术领域中的名声越来越响,这让他在乌日戈罗德这个与斯洛伐克接壤的边境城市里拥有了许多追随者。

    Shtefano is a rising star in the field of baking as visual art , earning him a following in this city near the border with Slovakia .

  23. 韩国表示,朝鲜必须为关闭韩朝共同开发的开城工业园区所产生的后果负全责,开城是一座边境城市。

    South Korea says North Korea must take all responsibilities for the consequences from the closure of the joint industrial park at the border town of Kaesong .

  24. 这些地区包括5个经济特区、14个沿海开放城市、6个沿长江开放城市、21个省会城市和13个内陆边境城市。

    They included five sezs , 14 open coastal cities , six open cities along the Yangtze river , 21 provincial capital cities and13 inland boundary cities .

  25. 允许沿边重点口岸、边境城市、经济合作区在人员往来、加工物流、旅游等方面实行特殊方式和政策。

    Special methods and policies will be implemented at key borders , and in bordering cities and economic cooperation zones to promote personnel exchanges , logistics and tourism .

  26. 事实上,一座暴力泛滥的边境城市的分行经理或许置身于这样的处境,但墨西哥城的员工肯定不会面临这样的威胁。

    While that might have been true of a branch manager in a violent border city , it was surely not a threat faced by staff in Mexico City .

  27. 本文就此对于这种中外边境城市功能互动的概念、形式、意义以及发展对策等进行了探讨、归纳与说明。

    The article surveys , summarizes and presents the concept , forms , significance and the development strategy of the functional interactions of the border cities between sino-foreign countries .

  28. 以地缘政治角度研究边境城市的类型,从区域条件和差异的出发,认识城市形态特征与独特自然地理因素和文化分区的关系。

    Research the type of border cities from the geopolitical perspective , to recognize the relationship between the characteristics of urban form and the unique geographical factors and the cultural district .

  29. 在沿边少数民族地区实施沿边开放战略过程中,其所属的边境城市与毗邻周边国家的边境城市之间的功能互动,是实现区域整体发展的集中体现与关键所在。

    In this process , the functional interactions of the border cities of the regions with the adjacent foreign cities play a highly determinant role in achieving the development of whole regions .

  30. 现在正在寻找那些接触过小男孩的人,他是从墨西哥城来边境城市布朗斯维尔市走亲戚。

    Now the hunt is on to find anyone who came into contact with the little boy while he visited relatives in the border city of Brownsville from his home in Mexico City .