
  • 网络frontier guards;Border Guard;frontier forces;Border Guard Force
  1. 文工团常年在边防部队流动。

    The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards .

  2. 边防部队常备不懈地守卫着祖国边疆。

    The frontier guards , ever on the alert , stand watch over the borders of our country .

  3. 云南边防部队产酸克雷伯菌生化特性与致病性研究

    Biochemical features and pathogenicity of Klebsiella oxytoca in Yunan Frontier army

  4. 边防部队不得不与入侵者展开战争。

    The frontier forces had to operate against the invaders .

  5. 西北边防部队建制师团卫生事业费保障特点与对策

    The characteristics and Countermeasures of health expenses support in the northwestern troops

  6. 打击边境地区发生的违法犯罪活动是边防部队需要处理的头等要事。

    The border army must do something to prevent the illegal activities .

  7. 但是在我们的指示下海关边防部队已经到了现场。

    But we 've got a customs and border protection task force onsite .

  8. 边防部队发展农副业生产应注意的几个问题

    On developing sideline production in border forces

  9. 武警边防部队医院发展的做法与体会

    Development of Armed Police Frontier Hospital

  10. 基于C/S模式的边防部队军官管理系统

    The Management System for Officers of Frontier Guards Based on the Models of C / S

  11. 在忍无可忍的情况下,中国边防部队进行了自卫反击。

    Being driven beyond the limits of forbearance , Chinese frontier troops fought back in self defense .

  12. 因此本文的研究工作为边防部队一线分队勤务派遣提供了有价值的参考。

    Therefore , the result of this paper provides a valuable reference to the border army duty dispatching system .

  13. 蚊蚋对新疆某边防部队官兵健康危害的调查

    Investigation on the harm of mosquitoes and black flies to officers and soldiers health of Xinjiang frontier defence army

  14. 中国武装警察边防部队被装管理信息系统的开发与应用

    Design and Application of Army Uniform Management Information System for the People 's Frontier Defence Armed Police Force of China

  15. 结论蚊、蚋对驻守在新疆边境地区某边防部队官兵的身心健康产生了严重危害。

    Conclusion The mosquito and black fly had caused serious harm to the officers and soldiers of a certain frontier guards .

  16. 目的了解蚊、蚋医学昆虫对驻守在新疆边境地区的某边防部队官兵健康的危害状况。

    Objective To study the state of the harm of mosquito and black flies to Xinjiang frontier guards in frontier area .

  17. 随着大量的巡逻车辆配发到边防部队,极大地提高了巡逻效率和质量。

    A large number patrol vehicles had been allotted to the frontier guards which improves the patrol efficiency and quality greatly .

  18. 海防部队、边防部队和警卫警备部队,根据担负的作战任务和地理条件,确定编组方式。

    The organizational systems of the sea border defense , frontier defense and garrison troops are decided in accordance with their operational tasks and geographical conditions .

  19. 他这位朋友的官阶虽然不高,只是一名边防部队的军士,可是却一向受到子牢的敬重。

    Though his friend 's rank in the government was not high , just a sergeant in frontier defense army , he was always respected by Zilao .

  20. 边防部队基层警营文化建设存在的问题原因及对策试论文化育警对和谐警营构建的促进

    On the Problem with Cultural Construction of Public Security Border-control Units at Grass Levels ; On the Promotion of Building Harmonious Police Team by Means of Culture-cultivated Police

  21. 做好边防部队基层思想政治工作,对于充分发挥职能作用,保护边境安全,维护社会稳定,有着不可替代的重要作用。

    Completes the Frontier forces basic unit ideology political works , Full display function , Protects the frontier security , Maintains the social stability , all is very important .

  22. 陆军按其担负的任务还划分为野战机动部队、海防部队、边防部队、警卫警备部队等。

    The Army , in accordance with its different duties and responsibilities , is also divided into field mobile , sea border defense , frontier defense , and garrison troops .

  23. 加之驻疆边防部队高度分散、点多、线长、面广,健康促进工作实施难度较大。

    The health promotion work of frontier defence army in Sinkiang is carried into effect difficultly because the army is dispersed in so many spots , too long lines and quite wide areas .

  24. 双方达成的共识包括,中印双方同意建立区域热线电话,这样两国边防部队就可以直接对话。

    As part of the consensus , the two sides have agreed to set up a regional hotline so the military garrisons on either sides of the border can talk to one - another directly .

  25. 本研究针对以上特点,对驻疆边防部队基层军官的健康促进现状进行了深入的调查研究,以期改进驻疆部队健康促进的模式及方法,提高部队官兵自我保健能力,增强部队战斗力。

    In order to improve mode and method of health promotion , increase self-health ability and enhance battle effectiveness , the health promotion actuality of the field army officers in Sinkiang frontier defence army was investigated , aimed at the characteristics mentioned above .

  26. 为切实摸清边防部队士兵的真实思想,有针对性地抓好兵员管理工作,解决带兵人普遍关心和比较敏感的关系问题。

    To find out the real ideas of the Frontier Defence Police in Special Economic Zone , with well targeted to ensure that personnel management , and well resolve how to deal with the more sensitive and generally concerned about the relationship between officers and soldiers .

  27. 巴基斯坦士兵今早8点5分在我们W哨所无缘无故开火。印度边防安保部队准军事部队发言人说。

    " Pakistani soldiers opened unprovoked firing on our Umra Wali post at8.05 ( local time ) this morning ," said the spokesman for the paramilitary Indian Border Security Force .

  28. 克钦独立组织(KIO)被禁止参加去年的缅甸大选,因为它拒绝让自己的士兵加入政府组建的“边防安全部队”。

    The KIO was banned from last year'selection in Myanmarbecause it refused to let its fighters join the government 's " border securityforce . "

  29. 他说如果佤联军在9月份之前还未加入边防警卫部队,那么就将成为非法。

    He said the UWSA would be outlawed if it did not join the BGF by September .

  30. 但是,在我军边防基层部队通信组网的应用还处于探索阶段。

    However , the application of WLAN in the grass-roots frontier defence army is still in the exploring phase .