
  • 网络Frontier Poets
  1. 青海与边塞诗人

    Qinghai and the frontier poets

  2. 论唐代边塞诗人的汉代情结

    The Han Dynasty Complex of the Tang Dynasty Frontier Fortress Poets

  3. 盛唐的边塞诗人视野开阔,胸怀激荡,充满了磅礴的浪漫气质和一往无前的英雄主义精神。

    Tang Frontier vision , is heart stirring , full of majestic romantic temperament and indomitable spirit of heroism .

  4. 李益是中唐著名的边塞诗人,他人生的壮年时代都是在边塞度过的,他的足迹遍及今甘肃、陕西、内蒙古、北京等地。

    During this period he travelled to Gansu , Shanxi , In-Mongolia , Beijing ( nowadays name ), and so on , and created a series of frontier poems on the basis of his life in the troop .

  5. 阐述了历史意识产生的社会原因及其对唐代边塞诗人的深远影响,指出历史意识主要表现为汉代情结和英雄意识。

    Ex-pounds ' the impacts of the historical consciousness on the poets and their poems , explores the sources of the consciousness and points out that its way of expression is the Han Dynasty complex and heroic consciousness ;

  6. 然而边塞诗在诗人流传至今的四百零一首诗歌中,仅有七十几首,占其诗歌数量的六分之一左右。

    The frontier fortress in the poet handed down four hundred and one poems , only seven more than a dozen first , accounting for about one seventh .

  7. 其中包括“初唐四杰”、“田园山水派”的代表王维(699~759);“边塞派”诗人岑参(715~770)以及素有“诗仙”之称的唐代大诗人李白(707~762)等等。

    The renowed are " the four elites of the early Tang " ( Wang Bo , Luo Binway , Yang Jiong and Lu Zhaoling ) , the pastoral poet Wang Wei ( 699 ~ 759 ) and the " immor-tal poet " Li Bai ( ( 707 ~ 762 ) etc.

  8. 作为盛唐边塞诗派的代表诗人之一,岑参的边塞诗历来为人们所称道。

    As one of the Frontier Poems is representative of the poet Cen Shen Frontier has always been praiseworthy people .

  9. 从唐代边塞诗看唐代诗人的战争反思&唐代边塞诗系列研究之五

    On Tang Poets ' Introspection on War through Their Poetry about the Wars along the Border & The 5th of series study of border poetry in Tang Dynasty

  10. 面对使民族结怨、国家受损、人民受难的边塞战争,唐代诗人对战争的理性思考达到了前所未有的高度。

    Facing the wars along the border , which brought hatred to the nation as well as sufferings to the country and the people , Tang poets ' rational think on was reached an unprecedented level .