
  • 网络marginalization;Marginalized;marginalize;marginalisation
  1. 本文首先提出了网络时代图书馆边缘化走势的概念,并以Google现象作为最主要的表象加以说明。

    The paper first puts forward the concept of library marginalization trend in network age , and explains the concept with ' 'google phenomena ' ' .

  2. 二是本国银行业在国外开展的经营业务。加入WTO后,中国经济与世界经济逐渐融合,经济边缘化将不复存在,为国内商业银行的发展提供了更加广阔的空间。

    Being a full member of WTO and with the more and more integration of China 's economy into the world , China has surmounted the threat of economic marginalization and created a more spacious environment for the development of domestic banks of commerce .

  3. 有的发展中国家被发达国家妖魔化、边缘化了。

    Some developing countries have been demonised and marginalised by developed countries .

  4. “这种信息不应使不良行为规范化,而需要使它边缘化,例如‘即使一个人再多买一辆SUV,也会降低我们不依赖能源的能力’这样的声明。”

    " Instead of normalising the undesirable behaviour , the message needs to marginalise it , for example , by stating that if even one person buys yet another SUV , it reduces our ability to be energy-independent . "

  5. 但人类在整整200万年的时间里享受着所有这些优势,在此期间,它们仍然是弱小、边缘化的生物。

    But humans enjoyed all of these advantages for a full 2 million years during which they remained weak and marginal creature .

  6. “海狮”这种行为让人有一种无名火,有时候会导致目标对象把怒火发泄到他们身上,表面上“海狮”似乎是受害者,但他们的目标对象却因此而被边缘化。

    Sea-lions can be so passively annoying that they goad3 their targets into exploding in anger at them , thereby4 seemingly become the victims and leave their targets marginalized .

  7. 姆贝基1999年相信艾滋病毒(HIV)不是艾滋病的罪魁祸首,他与一批边缘化的科学家站在了一起。

    Mbeki became convinced in1999 that HIV was not the cause of AIDS , in line with a group of dissident scientists .

  8. P2P技术使得网络朝边缘化的方向发展,网络存储成为可能,网络存储将是P2P技术的一个重大应用。

    Technology of p2p promotes improvements for edge , makes network storage possible , which will be one of the most important application of p2p technology .

  9. 大项目失败,BPMS使用的边缘化,给组织带来极少的益处。

    Big projects fails and BPMS usage is marginalized and bring little benefits to an organization .

  10. 世纪末文坛话语林立、姿态迭起的边缘化生存态势无疑显示了小说批评正遭遇范式改变(paradigmchange)的危机与困境。

    With an existing state of'borderline-way ' , the literary stage of the end of this century abounds with critical discourse and writing gesture , and this undoubtedly reveals that fiction criticism is confronting the crisis of ' paradigm change ' .

  11. 即便经历了纽约那段插曲,卡恩在IMF工作人员中仍广受欢迎&是他抓住了全球金融危机的机会,让IMF摆脱了日益被边缘化的命运。

    Even after the New York episode , he was popular among many IMF employees , having seized the opportunity of the global financial crisis to bring the organization back from irrelevance .

  12. 否则,在这个RIM共同打造的市场中,它或许会面临被边缘化的窘境,最后只剩一家圆周理论物理研究所(PerimeterInstitute)。

    Otherwise , rim might as well fold into its perimeter institute because that is exactly where it will end up & on the outskirts of the very market the firm helped create .

  13. 由于担心伦敦金融城将被这些安排边缘化,英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)将努力争取预防性条款,以阻止欧元区成员国支配欧元区以外国家的规则。

    Amid fears that the city will be sidelinedbythearrangements , George Osborne , the UK chancellor , will push for safeguards to prevent eurozone members from dictating rules to nations outside the currency union .

  14. 首先针对现有丢失数据语音识别技术中的边缘化(marginalisation)技术在特征运用上的局限,提出了一种倒谱特征分量的可靠性估计方法,将边缘化技术推广到常用的倒谱语音识别系统中;

    This paper first proposes a new method for evaluating the reliability of cepstral components and extends the marginalisation technique to cepstral recognizers .

  15. 细胞死亡的检测:Ho33342和PI双标:对照组中的细胞核质均匀,呈现蓝色荧光;磁场照射组出现呈红色荧光的坏死细胞,部分细胞出现染色质凝集、边缘化现象。

    The detection of cell death : Ho33342 and PI fluorescence dual-stain : In control group , caryoplasm were uniform and presented blue fluorescence . In experiment group , there were necrotic cell which presented red fluorescence . 3 .

  16. 如今,在肯尼迪遇刺50周年之际,随着电视台工作人员纷纷涌入达拉斯,格勒登感觉被这座城市边缘化了。周五,达拉斯市迫使阴谋论者离开迪利广场(DealeyPlaza),以便组织一场毫无争议的肯尼迪遇刺纪念活动。

    Now that TV crews are flocking to Dallas for the 50th anniversary , Mr. Groden feels marginalized by the city , which pushed conspiracy theorists out of Dealey Plaza to stage a noncontroversial assassination commemoration on Friday .

  17. 境外建筑师在中国的实验与中国建筑师的边缘化

    Practice of Foreign Architects in China and De-centering of Chinese Architects

  18. 当前高校学生工作边缘化倾向刍议

    Discussion of the Marginality Trend in Student Work in Higher Education

  19. 试述《新华书目报》征订功能的边缘化

    The Marginalization of Subscription Function of The Newspaper of Xinhua Catalogs

  20. 高等教育自考生边缘化现象的审视与思考

    Pondering and Thinking About the Marginalization of Students of Self-study Examination

  21. 网络时代图书馆的边缘化走势及其应对

    Marginalization Trend of Library in Network Age and Its Countermeasures

  22. 而最大的挑战源自边缘化与依附性并存。

    The biggest challenge is the simultaneous existence of marginalization and dependency .

  23. 中小学校园网管理人员边缘化现象剖析及解决对策

    Marginalization of Campus net Manager in Elementary and Middle Schools

  24. 主流化与边缘化的双重变奏

    The Dual Change of Main Current News and Edge News

  25. 而以经济为中心的现代化建设,又进一步将道德教育置于边缘化地位。

    Centering on economy , updating construction brought moral education to verge .

  26. “黑色旅游”在实践中正从边缘化向典型化发展。

    The development of dark tourism from edge to typical in practice .

  27. 中小学信息技术教师边缘化问题研究

    Research on Marginalization of Information Technology Teachers for Primary and Secondary School

  28. 从贫困和边缘化的角度来看,它使生活变得更加恶劣。

    It blights lives in terms of poverty and marginalization .

  29. 中国农民在经济结构变动中的边缘化趋势

    Marginalization Trend of Chinese Farmers in Changes of Economic Structure

  30. 他们发现部分行业已被边缘化或竞争力下滑。

    They see some of our industries becoming marginalised or less competitive .