
  1. 古代边塞诗派的成熟兴盛与大西北

    The Maturity and Thriving of Ancient Frontier Fortress Poem and the Northwest

  2. 在以前的文学史中,把边塞诗派的形成划分到盛唐时期。

    In the previous literature , divide the formation of the glorious sent to tang period .

  3. 作为盛唐边塞诗派的代表诗人之一,岑参的边塞诗历来为人们所称道。

    As one of the Frontier Poems is representative of the poet Cen Shen Frontier has always been praiseworthy people .

  4. 作为新边塞诗派(或称西部诗派)代表诗人之一和主要的理论家,他的诗论已自成体系,但他首先是一个诗人。

    As a representative of the new frontier fortress poets and main theorist , his poetic theory has been a system .

  5. 杨牧是我国当代著名的“新边塞诗派”的代表诗人。

    Yang Mu is a representative poet of " School of New Frontier Fortress Poetry " at the present age of China .

  6. 其主要表现是边塞诗派的出现,而边塞诗派的主要代表人物都属于以功名为理想的士人阶层。

    The main performance is the Frontier Fortress , while the main representative of the Frontier Fortress belonging to fame as the ideal of the literati class .

  7. 高适、岑参同为唐代边塞诗派的杰出代表,向来被并称为“高岑”。

    Gao Shi and Cen Cen were two outstanding representatives of frontier fortress poems of the Tang Dynasty , and they have been called " Gao Cen " jointly .

  8. 唐朝是中国旅游文学辉煌耀眼的时代,涌现出了传诵千古的山水田园诗派和边塞诗派,出现了两位伟大的诗人&李白和杜甫。

    The Tang Dynasty is the era of Chinese tourist literature the dazzling , emerged in a very long pastoral poetry and the poetry about frontier fortress , the two great poets & Li Bai and Du Fu .

  9. 唐代是边塞诗发展的极盛时期,中唐大历十才子和盛唐边塞诗派都写作了大量的边塞诗作。

    Tang Dynasty is a period of great prosperity in which plenty of frontier fortress poems were written .