
  • 网络Law of Diminishing marginal utility
  1. 当你试着向上更进一步,边际效益递减规律开始呈现威力&你想要更多,更好,更快。

    When you try to outdo yourself , the Law of Diminishing Kicks exerts itself & you want more , better , sooner .

  2. 本文从传统经济的边际效益递减规律入手,阐述了网络经济是边际收益递增的经济及其原因,并指出网络经济中存在边际效益递增规律的例外。

    Starting with the progressive decreasing theory of marginal utility in traditional economy , this paper points out that the network economy is marginal utility progressive increasing economy and discusses the reason for it . Then the exceptions are also indicated .

  3. 高技术产业的科技投入也具有边际效益递减的规律,大型企业在高技术产业发展中具有主导作用,在众多影响因素中,大多数调查对象认为制度因素是影响高技术产业发展最重要的因素。

    The large scale enterprises and institutional factors play important roles in factors affecting hi-tech industry development .