
  • 网络Company Strength;business strength;STRENGTH
  1. 云铝就是通过不断的技术创新和改造来增强企业实力及提高国际竞争力的典范之一。

    Yunnan Aluminum Stock Company , Limited , is an example of making continuous technical innovation and reform , and strengthening its international competitive power to raise the business strength .

  2. 从争取分散企业风险转向努力增强企业实力;

    From managing to reduce business risk to enhancing business strength ;

  3. 基于Hamming神经经网的企业实力评判方法

    A Method for Evaluating Enterprise Strengths Based on Hamming Neural Net

  4. RD是技术创新的源泉,战略RD投资对于提高国家的科技竞争、增强企业实力有着相当重要的作用。

    R D is source of technological innovation , strategic R D investment play a key role in enhancing the national technical competitive power and upgrading enterprise strength .

  5. 顾客满意度分析是商业CRM(CustomerRelationshipManagement,简称CRM)的重要内容,它不仅反映了商业企业实力与效益,而且反映了商业企业经营管理的本质和服务的核心。

    Customer satisfaction analysis is an important part of business customer relationship management ( CRM ) . It not only reflects the strength and benefit of an enterprise but also reflects its management essence and core of service .

  6. 全面创新,于细微处增强企业实力。

    Entire creation , enhancing enterprise power in small place .

  7. 员工情商是知识技能之外、包含于员工素质之中并反映企业实力的重要因素。

    Employee 's EQ is an important factor in competitive strength of enterprises .

  8. 企业实力分析与扩充实力的购并

    Enterprise Ability Analysis and Merger for Expanding Ability

  9. 论企业实力与企业形象的关系

    The Relationship Between Corporate Strength and Corporate Image

  10. 第三部分,企业实力与企业形象的辩证关系。

    Part Three gives a detailed analysis of the relationship between corporate strength and corporate image .

  11. 今年来,全球化的步伐加快,我国上市公司站在了国际化的大舞台上,与众多国内外优秀企业实力比拼。

    Recently , the pace of globalization put the listed companies of China into the international competition .

  12. 中小企业实力指数研究报告

    SME Benchmark Index Report

  13. 面临的挑战主要在于房地产的开发领域、企业实力、中介服务和金融保险业方面。

    The confronted challenges mainly lie in exploitation domain , enterprise strength , agency services and finance-insurance of real estate .

  14. 若每个弱势矿山企业实力相当,则采取合作型生产策略更有利于应对竞争。

    If each weak mine enterprise has almost the same strength , then a cooperative production policy is good selection for competition ;

  15. 国内宠物产业在技术、资金上,大部分企业实力难以与国外巨头抗衡。

    The domestic pet industry in technology , capital , the majority of enterprise strength is difficult to compete with foreign giants .

  16. 与此同时,奥巴马正努力推进更多举措,帮助创造并保护就业,增强企业实力。

    At the same time , he is pushing for additional measures to help create and protect jobs , and strengthen businesses .

  17. 品牌扩张已经成为国内外饭店集团迅速拓展市场网络、增强企业实力的重要途径之一。

    Brand expansion has become one of the main channels to expand market network and improve core competence of hotel groups in China .

  18. 工程投标是凭借企业实力和投标水平、技巧争取获得施工任务的过程。

    The tender for the engineering is the course of obtaining the construction task depending on enterprise 's strength , bidding level and skills .

  19. 依据不同的产品定位,选定恰当的目标市场;依据企业实力,选择适当的渠道策略。

    The right target markets are chose according to the different product position and the proper channel strategies are selected by the enterprises ' strength .

  20. 正是凭借这雄厚的企业实力及与各大航空公司精密的合作关系,可为您争取最优惠的价格和紧张的座位。

    It is on this strength and solid business partnerships with major airlines sophisticated , you can secure the most favourable prices and tensions seats .

  21. 本文分析了影响特色农产品加工业快速发展的制约因素,认为应从加快农产品生产基地建设、壮大龙头企业实力、建立良好市场平台、创造发展环境等方面推动新疆特色农产品加工业的快速发展。

    This paper analyzes the restrained factors in developing the processing industry of distinctive products , and puts forward some countermeasures to promote its development .

  22. 虽然路面机械市场起步晚,但其技术起点高,进入该行业的国内企业实力一般较强。

    The starting point of road machinery technology is high though road machinery market started lately , so the strength of domestic enterprises is much more strong .

  23. 信任感则来自于企业实力认知、价值感知和满意的积累,对消费者溢价购买行为有积极影响。

    Trust comes from the perceived enterprises ' strength , perceived value and accumulative satisfaction , which has positive influence on the consumers ' premium purchase behavior .

  24. 根据企业实力和规模,采取强强合作、强弱合作或弱弱合作方式实现合作;

    The collaboration could be achieved by the rules of " strong-strong collaboration , strong-weak collaboration or weak-weak collaboration " according to the capability and the scale of enterprises .

  25. 企业实力薄弱,信用等级低;银行贷款、金融中介机构等社会金融环境不好;

    The reasons are that their strength is weak and credit degree is low , social financial environment is not good such as bank loans , financial intermediaries , etc.

  26. 更全面展示企业实力,令采购商更深入了解企业,建立联系,从而增加了交易机会。

    Which can bring forth strength of enterprise all-around , and make buyers know your enterprise better ; build connection with buyers ; so as to develop new business chances .

  27. 丰田黯淡的收益预期很可能会对日本整个出口型经济带来扩散效应。该公司是日本的出口领头羊,也是日本企业实力的代表。

    The grave forecasts by Toyota , Japan 's flagship exporter and a bellwether of Japan 's corporate strength , will likely have ripple effects throughout Japan 's export-dependent economy .

  28. 福特称,该交易“将确保沃尔沃拥有包括资本投资在内的必要资源,以进一步增强企业实力,构建全球业务”。

    The deal " would ensure Volvo has the resources , including the capital investment , necessary to further strengthen the business and build its global franchise " , Ford said .

  29. 目前,我国软件产业整体上缺乏竞争力,这主要是软件企业实力不强和软件产业发展的环境还不够理想导致的。

    At present , the software industry of our country lacks the competitive ability on the whole because software enterprises are not strong and software industry development environments are also not ideal .

  30. 向海外投射中国企业实力的许多国企债台高筑,如果是在市场经济下,它们会很难或者不可能申请到银行贷款。

    Many of the state-owned companies projecting Chinese corporate power overseas are so indebted that it would be difficult or impossible for them to raise a bank loan in a market economy .