
dān wèi biǎo shì
  • unit representation
  1. Period:这个类表示与Duration相同的概念,但是以人们比较熟悉的单位表示,比如年、月、周。

    Period : This class represents the same concept as Duration , but in " human " terms such as years , months , and weeks .

  2. 上校R。区允长老,第62空中机动联队司令,事件的主办单位表示,今年的活动有望成为有史以来最大的圈地。

    This year 's event promises to be the largest rodeo ever , said Col.R.Wyn Elder , the commander of the62nd Air Mobility Wing , the host unit for the event .

  3. 方法在Olympus2700全自动生化分析仪检测尿γ-GT和尿肌酐,并用U/g·Cr的单位表示酶活性单位。

    Methods To determine the urinary γ - GT and creatinine on Olympus 2700 auto-matic biochemistry analyzer . The enzyme activity unit was indicated as U / g @ Cr.

  4. 本文将文献[1]中所汇集的一组以英制单位表示的氟利昂制冷剂热力性质方程式,按照换算其基本方程式中的系数值的方法转换为SI制。

    In this paper , the equations of the thermodynamic properties for freon refrigerants in English System mentioned in Reference are transformed into SI System on basis of the converting the coefficient in the basic equations .

  5. 用计数率为单位表示测量结果具有专属性。

    A measurement reported in terms of count rate is peculiar .

  6. 根据国际协议,气压现在用百帕为单位表示。

    271.By international agreement pressure is now expressed in hPa ' s.

  7. 以指定的单位表示图像的界限。

    That represents the bounds of the image , in the specified unit .

  8. 存储容量单位表示方法的探讨

    Study on Representation for Units of Storage Capacity

  9. 用两个不同单位表示的数量。

    A quantity expressed in two different units .

  10. 管理单位表示,龙洞攀岩场相当适合推广给全世界知道。

    The managing authorities said that Longdong is worthy of being promoted throughout the world .

  11. 标本的肺炎衣原体抗体水平用酶联免疫单位表示。

    The level of chlamydia pneumonia antibody was expressed with the enzyme - linked immune unit .

  12. 论英语中数个语言单位表示同一语义的语言现象

    On a Language Phenomenon in English : " Several Language Units Conveying the Same Meaning "

  13. 并根据误差单位表示的不同,提供了随机模型的两种表达式。

    Considering the different units of errors , two corresponding expression of stochastic model are provided .

  14. 在远程通信线的某一位置上,以分贝(奈培)单位表示的信号电平。

    The signal level in decibels ( or nepers ) at a particular position on a telecommunication line .

  15. 在此,对所有支持我厂长足发展朋友以及使用单位表示最诚恳的感谢!同时也竭诚欢迎广大新用户择优惠顾。

    Here , to the friend who as well as the Measure unit to be used all supports my factory considerable development expresses sincerest thanks !

  16. 当鱼类摄食不同饵料生物或群居行为发生变化时,能引起其摄食率与生长率显著差别,却不能使以比能值为单位表示的能量转化效率发生显著变化;

    The feeding levels and specific growth rates could be significantly changed by differences of food species and social behavior , but energy conversion efficiencies could not .

  17. 即便如此,许多用人单位表示他们在聘用符合职位要求的理想毕业生人选时十分谨慎,因为他们都不愿意从事基层工作。

    That said , employers say they are cautious about hiring college graduates who often seem ideal for the job , but are reluctant to do the groundwork .

  18. 结合目前水质分析的实际,提出用法定计量单位表示水介质中的物质含量的切实可行的方法。

    According to the practice of water quality analysis at present , this paper puts for - ward a method indicating the content of matters in water by using legal units of measure .

  19. 结果表明:(1)8种鱼类的生态转换效率有显著差异,以湿重或比能值为单位表示的生态转换效率变化范围分别为12.9%~39.0%和14.8%~46.1%;

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) There were significant differences among ecological conversion efficiencies of 8 fish species . The change range of food or energy conversion efficiencies of the fishes were 12.9 % - 39.0 % or 14.8 % - 46.1 % respectively .

  20. 精氨酸酯酶的浓度以酶活单位U表示。

    The concentration of arginine esterase was indicated as enzyme activity ( U ) .

  21. 本文借助数学工具,引入Poincare球与Stokes子空间单位球表示光的偏振态,并对二者关系进行了研究。

    Under the help of maths tools , the authors induct Poincare sphere and Stokes son space unit sphere to express the stations of polarization , and study their connection .

  22. 但随著基础设施濒临瓦解,水电供应单位现在表示,北部的消费者必须付费,否则就要切断供应。

    But with infrastructure crumbling , suppliers now say that northern consumers must pay up or be cut off .

  23. 但是即使我们以相同的单位来表示这两种熵,它们的典型值大小还是差异很大。

    Even when reduced to common units , however , typical values of the two entropies differ vastly in magnitude .

  24. 元素的原子量以克为单位所表示的量。

    The quantity of an element whose weight in grams is numerically equal to the atomic weight of the element .

  25. 敲打序列目前是以4到9个数字在~/.knockFile中进行存储的,它们以毫秒为单位来表示延时。

    The knock sequences are currently stored as4-9 digit representations of the delay in microseconds in the ~ / . knockFile .

  26. 像素点以毫米为单位,表示屏幕上相同颜色的磷光点之间的对角线距离。

    Dot is measured in millimeters ( mm ), and indicates the diagonal distance between same-colored phosphor dots on the screen .

  27. 由于这些波长很小,因而用小的长度单位来表示更方便。

    Because these wavelengths are so small , it is convenient to express them in terms of a small unit of length .

  28. 缓存生命周期(以秒为单位),表示缓存解密后的“EncryptedKey”需要多长时间。

    Cache lifetime in second on how long to cache the decrypted " Encrypted Key " material .

  29. unit-KMM:需要使用的单位,KM表示公制,M表示英制。

    Unit-KM | M : The units to use , KM for metric , M for English .

  30. 用于量度单位前,表示‘每一’

    Used in front of a unit of measure to mean ` every '