
  • 网络Strategic stage;strategie stage;Strategic steps
  1. 最后论述了中国RITS的发展模式、战略阶段及相应的战略目标。

    The pattern of development , the strategy phases and corresponding goals of RITS are given at last .

  2. 同时,它又可具体分为导入、管理与释放等战略阶段。

    Meanwhile , it can be divided to strategic stages as introduction , management and release .

  3. 根据营销型理念的框架讨论了食品企业发展电子商务的三个目标层次以及相对应的三个战略阶段。

    Three aim layers and three correlative strategic phases are discussed in the frame of Marketing Belief .

  4. 第三,还要想到下一战略阶段的文章。

    Third , one must also consider what will happen in the next strategic stage of the war .

  5. 战略阶段的划分,是由战争力量的消长变化决定的。

    Strategic stages of the zoning is changed by the war , the waxing and waning power of decision .

  6. 新的世纪,我国进入了建设全面小康社会的战略阶段。

    In the new century , we have come to the new strategy stage of building the whole well-off society .

  7. 随着受资助银行走过这些战略阶段,我们相信,重大股东价值将开始显现。

    As our investee banks move through these strategic stages , we believe that significant shareholder value will begin to emerge .

  8. 连续七年喊出“品牌建设”、“多样化”、“全球化”的口号,海尔已经进入了“全球化品牌战略阶段”。

    After seven years apiece of " brand-building "," diversifying " and " globalising ", the company has entered the " Global Branding Strategy Stage " .

  9. 我们在今后一年中的目标是,保持和扩大2007年的战果,同时向下一战略阶段过渡。

    Our objective in the coming year is to sustain and build on the gains we made in2007 , while transitioning to the next phase of our strategy .

  10. 然而贯通全战略阶段乃至几个战略阶段的、大体上想通了的、一个长时期的方针,是决不可少的。

    However , it is absolutely essential to have a long-term plan which has been thought out in its general outline and which covers an entire strategic stage or even several strategic stages .

  11. 就全国来说,在抗日战争全过程的三个战略阶段防御、相持、反攻中,首尾两阶段,都是正规战争为主,辅之以游击战争。

    Of the three strategic stages the defensive , the stalemate and the counter-offensive in the entire process of the war in the country as a whole , the first and last are stages in which regular warfare is primary and guerrilla warfare supplementary .

  12. 平衡计分卡(BSC)是企业战略管理阶段的重要衡量指标。

    The Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) is the important measure index in the enterprise strategic management .

  13. 战略设计阶段:首先运用SWOT分析企业的优势与劣势、行业的机会与威胁以确定公司发展的方向,制定战略目标及态势;

    Strategy design phase : firstly , use SWOT to analyze the company 's strength and weakness , the opportunities and threats of this industry ;

  14. 分析完问题的根源后,讲述JIT采购供需双方关系本质及特性,供应商关系的发展经历了四个发展阶段,传统阶段竞争阶段改进阶段战略伙伴阶段。

    Supplier relations has gone through four stages of development : Traditional stage - competition stage - Improved stage - stage of strategic partnership . Strategic cooperation relationship between supply and demand is basis to achieve JIT procurement .

  15. 这就是战略反攻阶段的全任务。

    This is the sole task in the stage of strategic counter-offensive .

  16. 这将是战略反攻阶段中的事业。

    That will be our task in the stage of the strategic counter-offensive .

  17. 这两个方面都强烈地体现出中国可持续发展战略的阶段性特征。

    These two aspects strongly reflect the stage characteristics of China ' ssustainable development strategy .

  18. 这种战略相持阶段,即是准备反攻阶段。

    And the stage of strategic stalemate is the stage of preparation for our counter-offensive .

  19. 西部开发已经进入了战略调整阶段,更加迫切需要金融支持。

    Western development is in a strategic adjustment phase ; and it required more financial support .

  20. 在战略实施阶段,重点研究交易价格的确定和全面整合管理;

    In the implementation stage , focus on fixing exchange price and the whole integration management ;

  21. 在这种意义上,抗战的战略相持阶段基本上已经到来。

    In this sense , basically the War of Resistance has reached the stage of strategic stalemate .

  22. 第二点是提出中国贸易战略演变阶段的划分方法并试图建立制定科学贸易战略的理论依据;

    The second point is raising a differential method in the evolution stages of Chinese foreign trade strategy ;

  23. 第四章是战略规划阶段,是以环境分析为基础,确立武汉的发展路径和终极目标,即武汉的城市定位;

    The fourth part deals with the period of strategy planning which conducts city positioning of Wuhan based upon circumstances analyses .

  24. 在战略执行阶段所面临的最大挑战是战略与组织内其他相关因素的匹配。

    The greatest challenge of the implementation of the strategy is the match between strategy and organization of other relevant factors .

  25. 当今的企业己经进入了追求长期利益最大化的时代,企业管理也进入了战略管理阶段。

    At present , long-term profit maximization is what the enterprises has pursued , and enterprise management has entered a strategic period .

  26. 第三章是战略准备阶段,主要分析了武汉目前所处的微观和宏观环境因素;

    The third part deals with the period of strategy preparation , which analyzes the micro , and also macro environment that Wuhan now faces .

  27. 条件和形势,不仅仅在战略退却阶段中造成,在反攻阶段中继续地造成着。

    Conditions and situation are created not only in the stage of the strategic retreat , but continue to be created in that of the counter-offensive .

  28. 战略联合阶段确保了企业将其IT资源的使用和企业的战略目的和目标适当地结合起来。

    The strategic alignment stage ensures that the business has appropriately aligned the use of its IT resources to the strategic goals and objectives of the business .

  29. 为了完成这些目标,IT治理方法被构架为两个高层次阶段:战略联合阶段和业务执行阶段。

    To accomplish these objectives the IT Governance Approach is architected into two high level stages : the strategic alignment stage , and the business execution stage .

  30. 这个过程可分解为三个阶段,依次是战略分析阶段、战略制定与选择阶段、战略实施和控制阶段。

    This process can be divided into three stages , namely , the strategic analysis stage , the strategy selection stage , and the strategy implementation and control stage .