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zhàn ɡuó qī xiónɡ
  • 熟语the seven powerful states in the Warring Kingdoms period
  1. 战国七雄是当时华夏体系内国家间互动的主要行为体,并构成了复杂的多极格局。

    The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period were the main actors of inter-state interaction in the huaxia system , and formed complex multipolar structure .

  2. 另一方面对外交战,意图兼并他国,这导致了战国七雄相互歌剧混战的局面。

    on the other , were warring against each other and scheming to annex other states , which gave rise to the situation of seven powerful states existing side by side and struggling against each other .

  3. 经过长期的战争,齐,楚,燕,韩,赵,魏、秦,战国时期内最强大的国家,史称“战国七雄”。

    After long-term wars , seven kingdoms , namely Qi , Chu , Yan , Han , Zhao , Wei and Qin , appeared as the most powerful states in this period , known as the " Seven Overlords " in history .

  4. 张仪也是中国战国时期的政治家和外交家,他的外交思想则形成于中国从奴隶社会向封建社会过渡的战国七雄争霸的历史时期。

    Zhang Yi was also the statesman and diploma in the Period of Warring States in China . His diplomatic thought formed in the historical period of transition from slave society to feudal society , in which seven powerful countries were struggling for hegemony .