
  • 网络strategic technology
  1. CAE技术在制造业和国民经济中具有举足轻重的作用,是提高企业竞争力和保证国家安全的战略技术。

    CAE technology plays an important role in the manufactory industry and national economy . It is the strategic technology to raise competitive power of enterprises and ensure national security .

  2. 吸收能力与战略技术联盟的创新绩效

    Study on Absorptive Capability and Innovative Performance of Strategic Technology Alliance

  3. CAE:事关国家竞争力和国家安全的战略技术&关于发展我国CAE软件产业的思考

    CAE : Technology for National Competitive Power and National Security

  4. 因此,很多国家和国际企业把KBE系统作为发展的战略技术之一。KBE系统处理的对象是领域知识。

    So a lot of countries and international enterprises regard KBE system as one of the strategic technologies of development .

  5. 战略技术就成为国家和地区间竞争的核心所在。

    Strategy technologies become the core competition of nationals and regional .

  6. 战略技术联盟成因的新视角

    The New Angle of View on the formation of Strategic Technology Alliance

  7. 中国战略技术及产业发展的系统思考

    Systematic Thinking on China 's Strategic Technology and Industrial Development

  8. 这些问题有些是来自战略技术和战略产业自身属性的,有些则是根源于中国基本经济结构和产业发展水平。

    Others are rooted from basic economy structure and industrial development level of China .

  9. 本文分析了技术家族创新、战略技术创新和技术创新型企业的结构。

    The author analyses the structure of technological family innovation , strategic technological innovation and technological innovative enterprise .

  10. 高新技术企业利用战略技术联盟整合外部资源、提升技术商业化能力已得到广泛的认可。

    Utilization of technology alliance to integration of external resources and enhance technology commercialization capability has been widely recognized .

  11. 引领未来生产、生活方式的技术经常是在战略技术联盟中孕育和成长起来的。

    The technology guiding the future production and lifestyle is often breeding and growing in the strategic technology alliance .

  12. 摘要仿真技术是迄今为止最为有效的且经济的综合集成方法,是推动科技进步的战略技术。

    As the most effective and economic integrated approaches , emulation technology proved a strategy to promote scientific progress .

  13. 这是非常有效的综合集成方法,是能够迅速地推动流程改善的战略技术。

    It is an effective integrated method , it is the strategic technology which can rapidly improve the production process .

  14. 结构性失衡与战略技术联盟&资源配置视角中的科技成果产业化

    Structural Asymmetry and Strategic Technology Alliances : A Resource-Based View of the Transfer and Diffusion of R & D Results

  15. 而通过外部资源整合以提升企业的核心竞争力则是企业间结成战略技术联盟的内在动因。

    And advancing the core competency through the conformity of exterior resources is the intrinsic cause of strategic technology alliance formation .

  16. 机器人自诞生之日起就有着广泛的应用,近年来,机器人技术已成为高技术领域内具有代表性的战略技术之一。

    Robot is widely used after invented and Robotics has become one of the most representative strategy technology in high-tech field recently .

  17. 行业技术创新绩效差异及影响因素研究吸收能力与战略技术联盟的创新绩效

    The Differences and Influencing Factors Study on Technology Innovation Performance among Industries ; Study on Absorptive Capability and Innovative Performance of Strategic Technology Alliance

  18. 第二章,战略技术的界定,研究了战略技术的本质,对战略技术与一般技术的进行了比较。

    Chapter two , disgusted the definition of strategic technology . Nature of strategic technology was studied . The strategic technology and common technology was compared .

  19. 在国际范围内,近年来陆续出现了一些以获取企业外部技术知识为根本目的的战略技术联盟或者是知识联盟;

    Around the world , there have been strategic technological alliances or knowledge alliances in recent years , whose essential goal is to acquire technological knowledge outside the enterprises .

  20. 企业持续技术创新是技术创新型企业的独特的组织行为,是由技术家族创新和战略技术创新两个阶段组成的多次循环往复的过程。

    Continuous technological innovation in enterprises , as an unique behavior of technological innovative enterprise , includes two basic stages , i.e. technological family innovation and strategic technological innovation .

  21. 在国际经济竞争越来越激烈的今天,大国之间的竞争更多地表现为战略技术的竞争和战略产业的竞争。

    The competition of international economy becoming more and more intensive , the competition between development countries are mostly represented by that of strategic technology and that of strategic industries .

  22. 这和我们之前看到的都不一样,韦伯说,如果这些工具奏效的话,就可以转化成更小、更有创造力、更有战略技术的营销和广告公司团队。

    This is pretty much unlike anything we 've seen before , she said . If these tools work , they may translate to smaller creative and strategic teams at marketing and ad firms .

  23. 战略技术联盟作为一种社会经济现象,一个商业进化成果,一种知识集成及分享方式,在技术创新领域受到了越来越多的关注与研究。

    As a socio-economic phenomenon , a commercial evolutionary result and a way of knowledge-sharing and integration , Strategic Technology Alliance has received more and more attention and research in the field of technological innovation .

  24. 第三章,战略技术在产业发展中的必然选择,主要研究了战略技术与产业发展的关系,论证了战略技术是产业发展的必然选择,阐释了战略技术选择的原则。

    Firstly , studied the relation between strategic technology and industry development , and then , demonstrate strategic technology is the inevitable choice in industrial development . At last , illuminate the principle on strategic technology selective .

  25. 数控加工技术在制造业中占有重要地位,是机械加工现代化的主要基础和关键技术,也是发展军事工业的重要战略技术。

    Numerical control ( NC ) machining occupies an important place in the manufacturing industry . As one of the key technologies , NC machining is the basement for manufacturing modernization , and is strategically important to develop military industry .

  26. 介绍了传统的和新兴的战略技术管理理论,分析了合作竞争战略,包括价值网模型及其延伸,论述了构建合作竞争框架的核心。

    This paper introduces the traditional and new theories of strategic technological management , analyzes on the strategy of cooperation and competition including the model of value net and its extension , and discusses on the core of constructing the frame of cooperation and competition .

  27. 第一章,绪论,从发达国家战略技术及产业发展的现状和国内外专家对战略技术及产业发展的研究现状入手,介绍战略技术研究的意义。

    Chapter one is Introduction . This paper started from the status of strategy technology and industry development of developed countries , and the study status of domestic and foreign experts on strategy technology and industry development , and introduced the significance of research on the strategic technology .

  28. 物联网技术作为我国十二五规划中的战略技术,目前已经广泛用于交通运输、物流产业以及智慧城市等应用领域中,在日常生活、工业生产以至军事中发挥着重要的作用。

    As a strategic technology of the 12th Five-Year Plan in our country , the internet of things technology has been applied in various areas such as transportation , logistics and smart city and plays an important part in normal life , industries and even in the army .

  29. MIS系统涉及企业的生产经营战略、技术开发战略、人才战略等方方面面,其在企业竞争中的作用将日趋显著。

    The function of MIS will become more distinct because MIS relates to enterprises ' strategy of management , technique , human resource etc.

  30. 主数据集成(MDI):MDI是一套用于执行以下任务的规则、战略、技术和解决方案

    Master data integration ( MDI ): MDI is a set of disciplines , strategies , technologies , and solutions , used to perform the following tasks