
  • 网络free migration
  1. 这种人口的双向流动是自由迁徙的标志。

    The two-way flow will mark the free migration of population .

  2. 人口双向流动是自由迁徙的标志

    Two-Way Flow of Population Marks Free Migration

  3. 在这种情况下,我们永远都不会实现人的自由迁徙。

    Under these circumstances we can never have the free movement of people .

  4. 不过,要想以这样那样的方式对自由迁徙加以限制,我认为是很难做到的。

    But to start putting restrictions on free movement in one way or another I would find quite difficult .

  5. 上周二,成都市政府就自2012年开始实现城乡居民的自由迁徙发布了一份工作计划。

    On Tuesday , the Chengdu government released a working plan on the free migration of its residents between urban and rural areas starting in2012 .

  6. 纳税人直接参与税收治理和自由迁徙权是确保税赋公平的两支重要力量。

    However , if the taxpayer cannot participate in governance , the right of free migration is the fundamental restricting factor to ensure tax equity .

  7. 但同时农民所受人身控制也有所放松,他们有了自由迁徙的机会。

    But at the same time , government had relaxed the control of farmer ' spersonal , farmer has the right of freedom of movement .

  8. 新中国农民进城的历史实际上是一部国家关于农民自由迁徙权、自由择业权等众多进城权利的制度变动史。

    The history of peasants ' migrating to cities was actually a changing history of the institution about the free migration and employment rights as well as other rights of the rural population .

  9. 考虑到农村的土地制度、社会保障制度和户籍制度密切联系,本文提出了一个综合改革的方案,其核心内容是:(1)彻底改革户籍制度,实现农民的自由迁徙;

    Considering the close relation of these systems , I bring forward an integrated reform scheme . The core of its content includes : 1 . reforming the hukou system completely to make farmers migrate at liberty ;

  10. 英国的欧盟成员国身份使得其公民可以自由迁徙到其它成员国并在那里工作&举例而言,享受这一权利的英国人包括在西班牙生活的约76万人,以及在爱尔兰的29万人。

    The UK 's EU membership allows its citizens to move and work freely in other member states – a right enjoyed by the estimated 760,000 Britons who live in Spain and the 290,000 in Ireland , for example .

  11. 如果英国在6月23日投票脱离欧盟,让欧盟公民得以在英国安家和就业的自由迁徙权利可能被取消。根据国家统计局最新数字,英国劳动大军中有两百多万欧盟公民。

    The free movement rights which allowed EU citizens to set up home here and take jobs ( there are just over 2 million EU citizens in the UK workforce , according to the latest ONS figures ) could be scrapped if Britain votes to leave on 23 June .

  12. 企业基本经济权利可以细分为企业营业自由、企业迁徙自由、企业结社自由和企业财产权两类四种,各自在经济法中有具体的体现。

    There are two kinds of enterprises ' basic economic rights , which can be further discussed in the following four types : operation freedom , migration freedom , association freedom , and property rights , which are revealed specifically in economic law .

  13. 地球球民可在任何国之间自由通行和自由迁徙,不需任何审核批准。

    Earth 's ball in any country between freedom of movement and freedom of movement , without any examination and approval .

  14. 其次,国民待遇制度是自由的体现,它是对人自由迁徙的尊重和保护。

    Secondly , national treatment embodies the value of freedom , and it is respect and safeguard for human 's free migration .