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zì zhuàn
  • autobiography;memoir
自传 [zì zhuàn]
  • [autobiography] 以第一人称记叙生平事迹的传记文或著作

自传[zì zhuàn]
  1. 她的新书是她自传的续篇。

    Her new book is a continuation of her autobiography .

  2. 这些照片准备要收入他那尚未写的自传。

    The photographs were to be included in his as yet unwritten autobiography .

  3. 他最近的作品既不属于小说也不属于自传。

    His latest work cannot be categorized as either a novel or an autobiography .

  4. 这部小说让人一眼就可以看出是部自传。

    The novel is a thinly disguised autobiography .

  5. 他的自传精装本已经卖出了36,000多册。

    His autobiography has sold more than 36,000 copies in hardback .

  6. 昨天她闭门独处,对她的自传作最后的润色。

    Yesterday she was incommunicado , putting the finishing touches to her autobiography

  7. 他的自传写于晚年。

    His autobiography was written late in life

  8. 他去年秋天出版了自己的自传。

    He published his autobiography last autumn .

  9. 我出版了《每日邮报》的女记者为他代笔的自传,写得颇具文采。

    I published his autobiography , which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail

  10. 这会让人以为是一本内容晦涩而详尽的大部头自传。但正好相反,这本书简短明了。

    This would lead one to expect a fat , dense and detailed autobiography . The reverse is true . The book is short and spare .

  11. 他退休以后开始写自传了。

    He began to write an autobiography when he retired .

  12. 在其自传中,她偶尔提及她不幸的学生时代。

    In her autobiography , she occasionally refers to / mentions her unhappy schooldays .

  13. 她在自传中毫不掩饰地谈到三次失败的婚姻。

    She lays bare her three unhappy marriages in her autobiography .

  14. 这些诗篇决不纯粹是自传性质的。

    These poems are by no means purely autobiographical .

  15. 她的自传使我领悟到政府的实际运作方式。

    Her autobiography gave me an insight into the way government actually works .

  16. 自传往往不如传记来得真实。

    Autobiography is often less truthful than biography .

  17. 有些歌曲描述了农民的经验,最近还出了几本自传

    There are some songs and , recently , a few autobiographies about peasant experience .

  18. 在那个女演员的自传中,她写到了自己苦乐掺半的初恋。

    In her memoir , the actress wrote about the bittersweet memories of her first love .

  19. 在录制新专辑的同时你还发行了名为《MyStory》的自传。

    As well as working on the new record you have your biography called , my story , out .

  20. 根据乔布斯自传记载,正是智能屏幕设计,让乔布斯相信苹果公司(Apple)能够生产出一款必将获得成功的手机。

    According to his biographer , it was the clever screen trick that convinced jobs that apple ( AAPL ) could make a successful cellphone .

  21. 作为一种尝试,本文运用合成自传法构建了Z老师的教学故事,并对这个故事进行了初步阐释。

    At the conclusion , the author constructed Z ' teaching story as an example by methodology of composite biography .

  22. 另外詹姆斯·杜威·沃森的讲述发现DNA结构过程的自传著作《双螺旋》也入选,排在第10名。

    The Double Helix , which is an autobiographical account of the discovery of the structure of DNA written by James D. Watson , also made the cut in tenth place .

  23. 他后来在自传《漫漫自由路》(LongWalktoFreedom)中写道,独自一人抵抗会非常艰难,乃至不可能。

    ' It would be very hard , if not impossible , for one man alone to resist , ' he later wrote in ' Long Walk to Freedom , ' his autobiography .

  24. 彼得•米德(PeterMead)的自传《要友善》(WhenInDoubtBeNice),描述了一个“讨人喜欢的”管理理念的例子。

    An example of the " agreeable " philosophy of management is described in Peter Mead 's autobiographical book , When In Doubt Be Nice .

  25. 地球每天自传时其北极被推离,并把自己的北极朝向了太阳和邻近的行星X(它就在太阳附近)。

    The N Pole of Earth is shoved away when the Earth rotates , daily , to present it to the Sun and the nearby Planet X which rides near the Sun .

  26. 最后,透过结构与和声这两大表现形式,结合相关资料与史实,对《b小调奏鸣曲》的内容做相关阐释。并得出该曲具有极大的自传意义的结论。

    Finally , through the two major forms , the structure and harmony , and combined with relevant information and facts on the " Sonata in b minor ", infer the great sonata has " autobiographic feature " conclusions .

  27. 斯隆把通用塑造把成世界最大的汽车制造商的奋斗史,表面看来是CEO自传,实际上是一部绝佳的管理与组织指南。

    Sloan 's chronicle of his efforts to shape GM into the world 's largest automaker is a superb management and organizational handbook that comes disguised as a CEO autobiography .

  28. 客户关系管理(CRM)自传入我国后就受到各行各业的青睐,人们试图通过对客户关系管理的研究,努力寻求适合本企业生存和发展的路径。

    After introduced into China , Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) has being favored by many people who had trying to seek suitable survival and development path for all enterprise .

  29. 而阿桑奇也打算写作一本自传,电影改编权已由美国著名艺人经纪公司CAA提前拿下。

    The A Sangqi also plan to write an autobiography , the famous American film rights by CAA CAA win in advance .

  30. 本月早些时候,乔治布什(georgew.bush)出版了他的自传,在政治圈内引起了巨大反响,部分原因在于这位前总统在一些章节中,承认自己犯下了一些错误。

    Earlier this month George W. Bush published his memoirs , which have been causing a buzz in political circles partly because the tome includes passages where the former president admits that he made some mistakes .