
  • 网络Voluntary Resignation
  1. 一旦正式或非正式的听到员工的自愿辞职信息,管理人员应进行正式的沟通,了解辞职原因。

    On hearing of employee 's voluntary resignation either formally or informally , the management staff shall conduct informal communication and understand the reason for leaving .

  2. 举个例子,华为技术有限公司-广州,这个中国通信网络技术企业的巨头,于去年年底提出有争议性的“自愿辞职”政策后,频登各报头条。

    In one instance , the Guangdong-based Huawei Technologies Co Ltd , China 's telecom network equipment giant , made headlines for its controversial " voluntary resignation " scheme late last year .

  3. 面临不规范会计操作指控的中国林木企业嘉汉林业(sinoforest)周日宣布,其董事长兼首席执行官陈德源(allenchan)已自愿辞职。

    Sino-forest , the Chinese timber company facing allegations of accounting irregularities , said on Sunday that Allen Chan , its chairman and chief executive , had voluntarily resigned .

  4. NPR新闻的西尔维娅·普吉利报道教皇以平时的神学语调解释了为什么明天他将是在600年教皇任期中自愿辞职的第一人。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the pope dropped his usual theological tone as he explained why tomorrow he will be the first Pope in 600 years to resign voluntarily .