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  1. 自休神经移植虽可提供良好的神经营养并防止神经纤维瘤,但供体有限,而且存在供体神经支配区感觉缺失、运动障碍以及可能发生痛经神经瘤等后遗症。

    Autograft may provide neurotrophic and prevent neurofibroma , but the donor is limited , and the presence of donor Nerves of sensory loss , movement disorders , and may occur painful neuroma sequelae .

  2. 上赛季季后赛,使得小托马斯的臀部伤情加重。自休赛期被交易至克利夫兰以来,同时凯里-欧文被送至波士顿,他一直在从关节唇撕裂伤势中努力恢复。

    Thomas aggravated an existing hip injury in last season 's playoffs and has been recovering from a torn labrum since being dealt to Cleveland in the offseason trade that sent Kyrie Irving to Boston .

  3. 当生产过程存在自相关时,休哈特控制图常常出现失效,使得控制图的监测效果受到很大的影响,并导致人力、财力和物力的极大浪费。

    When autocorrelation exists in the production process , the Shewhart control chart is often disabled , and its detection performance has been greatly affected , resulting in human , financial and material resources of a great waste .