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xù piān
  • sequel;continuance;continuation
续篇 [xù piān]
  • [sequel;continuation] 同续编

续篇[xù piān]
  1. 她的新书是她自传的续篇。

    Her new book is a continuation of her autobiography .

  2. 本杂志五月号将刊载该故事的动人续篇。

    The May number of the magazine will contain an exciting continuation of the story .

  3. 本文为参考文献[7]的续篇,在此继续生成中介逻辑的谓词演算系统MF的形式定理。

    This paper is the continuation of Reference [ 7 ] .

  4. 本期的J2EE探索者是上个月的正确处理会话作用域入门的续篇。

    This installment of J2EE pathfinder is a follow-up to last month 's introduction to the proper handling of session scopes .

  5. 文〔1〕的续篇,进一步论述Walsh函数的数学美。

    Continuing the preceding paper , this paper expounds further the mathematical beauty of Walsh functions .

  6. 本文是Zhou与Feng,Nonlinearity,2004的续篇,对自相似集的结构和动力系统提出一些较为深入的问题。

    This paper is a successor of Zhou and Feng , Nonlinearity , 2004 and some problems on the structure of the self-similar set and on the topological dynamical system have been proposed .

  7. 但在七月出版的续篇《设立守望者》(GoSetaWatchman)中,阿提克斯的事迹出现了一次不堪入目的转折:随着年龄增大,他成了一个种族主义者。

    But in " Go Set a Watchman , " " the sequel to " To Kill a Mockingbird , " " published in July , Atticus was given a scandalous status update : He had been aged into a racist .

  8. 这是盖茨书单上唯一的一本小说,是辛溥生所著《萝西的计划》(TheRosieProject)的续篇。该书将于今年12月31日正式出版,但是盖茨已经直接从作者手中拿到小说的预售版。

    The only fiction work to make Gates " list is a follow-up to Simsion 's " The Rosie Project . " The novel will be released on Dec. 31 this year , but Gates was able to snag an advanced copy from the author directly .

  9. 这种气质发端于傻朋克的早期,即他们推出“DaFunk”之后。由于这首曲子非常迎合大众口味,本高特和德霍曼-克里斯托决定推出一首相似的续篇。

    It 's an ethos that goes all the way back to their early days , right after they came up with ' Da Funk . ' The track was such a crowd-pleaser that Bangalter and de Homem-Christo set out to make a soundalike sequel .

  10. 防结盟相关平衡的一致性公理化(续篇)(英文)

    A Consistency Axiomatization of Coalition-proof Correlated Equilibria ( Continuation )

  11. 摩擦振动(五)(续篇)&(五)系统参数对摩擦振动的影响

    Frictional Vibration ( 5 ) Effect of System Parameters on Frictional Vibration

  12. 这以后她就提供给我关于希刺克厉夫的历史的续篇。

    And afterwards she furnished me with the sequel of HeathclifFs history .

  13. 岭南医药启示录(续篇十三、十四)

    Apocalypse of Lingnan medicine ( continuation 13 、 14 )

  14. 每个开始毕竟都只是续篇,

    every beginning is only a sequel , after all ,

  15. 这些故事已各有续篇。

    These stories have produced progeny of their own .

  16. 这是作者们以前工作(1990)的续篇。

    This is a sequel of the authors former papers ( 1990 ) .

  17. 我在某处发现了这个的续篇,现在发在这里。

    I found this continuation somewhere , and now I 'm posting it here .

  18. 神圣言说(续篇)&从汉语文学发生看神话历史

    On Holy Words ( Continued ) & Chinese Literature and " Myth History "

  19. 毕竟都只是续篇,

    is only a sequel , after all ,

  20. 报道还称,游戏续篇将从猪的角度叙述故事。

    It is also reported that the sequel will tell the story from the pigs'perspective .

  21. 在无电磁现象时,此文与爱因斯坦之吸力理论多相符合至於详细情形,容诸续篇。

    In the absence of electromagnetic phenomena the theory reduces practically to Einstein 's theory .

  22. 我保证他们不会喜欢续篇的

    It is . I promise you they are not going to love the follow-up .

  23. 新旧文化原型之比较(续篇)&女装原型袖子篇

    Comparison between Old and New Culture Pattern ( Series ) - Sleeves of women 's pattern

  24. 国际人造板工业研究和开发的进展及趋势(续篇)

    The Progress and Trends of Research and Development of International Wood Based Panels Industry ( continuation )

  25. 这次远行的结果就是《小碎丸》的续篇《假想瘾君子》。

    The result of this hiatus was the follow-up to Jagged Little Pill , entitled Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie .

  26. 本文是“脉宽调制方式在生理途测和磁带记录上的应用”一文的续篇。

    This paper is a continuation of " Application of pulse width modulation in radio transmission and magnetic recording " .

  27. 每个开始,终究不过是一个续篇,而充满情节的那本书,总是被人从中间看起。

    Every beginning is only a sequel , after all , and the book of events is always open halfway through .

  28. 续篇,补编事物被扩充延伸的附加部分她点了点头,叹了口气又继续缝补衣眼。

    An extension by which something is carried to a further point . She nodded , sighed , and went on stitching .

  29. 但她凭借《沉睡魔咒》续篇的可观片酬跻身榜单第二位。

    But the actress managed to nab the second spot thanks to a hefty paycheck for her role in the Maleficent sequel .

  30. 本文是[6]的续篇,是对经典集合的进一步扩张。

    This paper is continuous Literary piece of reference [ 6 ] , It expanded go a step further the classical set theory .