
xù hánɡ shí jiān
  • endurance
  1. 明白,继续盘旋,请告你的续航时间。

    Roger , continue holding , say your endurance please .

  2. 测试的目的就是要验证在经济模式下,是否能够实现更长久的续航时间和里程。

    Test is designed to verify in the economy mode , whether it can achieve longer endurance time and mileage .

  3. 测试显示这种新电池续航时间更长。

    Tests showed that the new battery lasted longer .

  4. 支持系统的高能电池续航时间可达一周,具体时长依据使用情况而定,用USB数据线充电三个小时就能充满。

    It is powered by a heavy-duty battery that can last for up to one week , depending on use . The battery can be charged in just three hours , using a USB cable .

  5. 苹果官方宣称Air的续航时间可以长达5个小时。

    The company claimed the air could get 5 hours in-between charges .

  6. 得益于新技术,Air在保证性能的前提下极大地提升了续航时间。

    In doing so , battery life supposedly gets a major boost without performance taking a hit .

  7. 三星说,Gear手表的电池续航时间差不多与普通的智能手机一样。

    Samsung says the battery life of the Gear watch should be about the same as your average smartphone .

  8. 三星表示,根据使用情况,Gear的续航时间为一天左右。

    According to Samsung , the Gear should go a day in between charges depending on how it 's used .

  9. 该公司称MiWatch在蜂窝模式下充电一次续航时间长达36小时。

    The Mi Watch should last for 36 hours on a single charge on cellular mode , the company claimed .

  10. 在一周的时间里,新款11英寸MacBookAir的电池续航时间比老款长得多。

    Over the course of a week , the 11-inch air ran much longer before it needed to be plugged in .

  11. 例如Chrome笔记本的启动速度更快,其电池续航时间据称也长于传统笔记本。

    For example , chromebooks boot up faster and claim to have a much longer battery life than traditional laptops .

  12. 苹果本周表示,配备新处理器的13寸MacBookAir一次充电可以提供至多12小时的电池续航时间。

    Apple claimed this week that , with the new chips , the 13-inch MacBook Air can get up to 12 hours of battery life between charges .

  13. 解锁版售价为20美元(或20英镑),电池续航时间可长达数周,为人们提供了一个既能保持联络、又可不受Facebook或电子邮件打扰的选择。

    Costing $ 20 ( 20 ) unlocked , its battery lasts for weeks and provides a way to keep in touch without being sucked into Facebook or email .

  14. 打开无线模式使用Kindle时,我隔几天充一次电,如果关掉无线功能,电池续航时间会更长。

    The battery lasted me a couple of days between charges with the wireless on , longer if I switched it off .

  15. 不过即便是配备较老的英特尔处理器,MacbookAir也可以在电池续航时间上轻松压倒Kirabook。

    However , even with the same , older Intel chips , the MacBook Air handily beat the Kirabook in battery life .

  16. 届时英特尔也会发布新芯片,致力于极大提升电池续航时间;而微软会推出代号为WindowsBlue的改进增强版的Windows8,向目前的购买者提供免费升级。

    There also will be new chips from Intel that aim to greatly increase battery life and a refined , beefed-up version of Windows 8 , code-named Windows Blue , which will be available to current buyers as a free upgrade .

  17. 劣势:iPadAir的电池续航时间(10小时)就平板电脑而言是非常出色的,但比不上AuraHD和Paperwhite等电子墨水阅读器。

    Minus : The iPad Air 's battery life ( rated at 10 hours ) is impressive for a tablet but trails e-ink readers like the Aura HD and Paperwhite .

  18. (电池续航时间与存储空间没有变化:每次充电可续航两个月,存储空间为2G,可存储多达1100本电子书。)

    ( battery life and storage remain the same : two months of reading in-between charges and 2 gigabytes of storage for up 1,100 e-books . )

  19. 而在情况相对简单的情况下,比如只开着Safari浏览网页,用谷歌(Google)Docs编辑文档,同时将屏幕亮度调至3/4,Air的续航时间可长达8个半小时。

    Separately , when we kept things simple browsing the web with Safari , writing in Google ( GOOG ) docs , brightness dimmed to 3 / 4 the air managed an impressive 8.5 hours .

  20. 这款平板电脑将配置TouchID、高清FaceTime摄像头、10小时的电池续航时间、800万像素的后置摄像头、LTE选项,以及苹果的A10Fusion芯片。

    The tablet will include Touch ID , an HD FaceTime camera , 10 hours of battery life , an 8-megapixel rear camera , LTE option , and Apple 's A10 Fusion chip .

  21. Ultrabook还从苹果的iPad得到了启发,与传统笔记本相比运行速度更快,电池续航时间更长。

    Ultrabooks also take a page from Apple 's iPad tablet computer by booting up more quickly and operating longer on a battery charge than conventional laptops .

  22. 但在实际使用中,如果你打开WiFi,同时把屏幕亮度调至最高,续航时间会明显缩水,可能只要3小时就不得不关机。

    In reality , with features like Wi-Fi turned on and brightness near maximum , battery life sometimes fell short , running for as little as 3 hours before having to shut down .

  23. Kirabook的电池续航时间也很平庸,还配备了较老款的处理器。

    mediocre battery life ; and the fact it uses older processors .

  24. 在相同的测试条件下,iPadMini的电量可以维持10小时27分钟,第一代Nexus7为10小时44分钟,而新款Nexus7的续航时间仅有六个小时。

    Compared with the same battery test of the iPad Mini and first Nexus 7 , it fell short at just six hours ; the others clocked in at 10 hours and 27 minutes and 10 hours and 44 minutes , respectively .

  25. Toq比GalaxyGear更胜一筹的地方在于:Gear每天都得充电,屏幕也不是一直亮着;而Toq的屏幕不但一直亮着,电池续航时间更是长达数日。

    Unlike the Gear , which needs charging every day and does not keep its watch face lit all the time , the Toq 's screen is always on and the battery lasts for several days .

  26. 总的来说,东芝Kirabook是一款非常出色的PC,但考虑到其高昂售价,这款笔记本就应该拥有最新的部件、更别致的设计、更强劲的电池续航时间。

    Overall , the Toshiba Kirabook is a very nicely built PC , but for its premium price , it ought to have the latest components , more distinctive design and better battery life .

  27. 企业版谷歌眼镜采用了更好的摄像头,从原来的500万升级到800万像素,还有更长的续航时间,和更快的wifi连接与处理器性能。

    Spec improvements include longer battery life , lighter weight , a faster processor , an improved 8-megapixel camera , a light to show when the Glass is recording , and better , more secure wireless connectivity .

  28. Watch要想切断与iPhone的捆绑,需要解决一些根本问题:从电池续航时间(这是连接3G网络所需的)、成本(3G芯片和单独的流量套餐)到可用性。

    For the Watch to cut its tie with the iPhone , some fundamental issues would need to be solved , ranging from battery life ( needed to connect to a 3G network ) and cost ( the 3G chip and a separate data plan ) to usability .

  29. 它们的电池续航时间往往也更长(例如,据它们各自的制造商称,PantechBreezeIII的待机时间长达14天,而iPhone5c只有10天)。

    Battery life is often better ( up to 14 days of standby time for the Pantech Breeze III , for example , compared with 10 days for the iPhone 5c , according to their manufacturers ) .

  30. 如果你坐着在桌前使用iPad的时候更多,并且有机会在桌上找个地方支撑iPad,那么我推荐屏幕尺寸更大的、续航时间更长的,也就是iPadAir。

    If your iPad is going to be used more at a desk , while sitting down , and where you have a chance to rest it somewhere , then I would go for the physically larger screen and longer battery life . Which means the iPad Air .