
  1. 它们就像第一代Air一样,定价高昂,电池续航能力不足。

    Like the first-generation air they were overpriced and lacked sufficient battery life .

  2. 再者,在如今这个极其重视电池续航能力的市场情况下,节能型芯片可谓是前景广阔,而英国ARM公司在这方面已是先拔头筹。

    And in markets where battery life is prized , economical chips designed by ARM , a British company , have made the running .

  3. 它没有任何形式的风扇,依靠高能效的英特尔CoreM处理器来保持低温和延长电池时间,苹果声称,其续航能力能够持续一整天时间。

    It lacks fans of any sort and relies on an energy-efficient Intel Core M processor to keep it cool and prolong battery life , which Apple claims lasts an entire day .

  4. 苹果公司创始人在琢磨着如何让iPod的机身更纤薄,电池续航能力更长。

    The Apple founder was mulling how to make the iPod slimmer and its battery last longer .

  5. 闭式循环燃料电池系统将成为AUV的AIP新能源系统,增强AUV的续航能力。

    Circulating PEMFC system will be a new AIP energy system , enhancing the navigating ability for AUV .

  6. 其次,在我的测试中,新款Nexus7电池的续航能力比较平庸。

    Another drawback : In my test , the new Nexus 7 's battery life was underwhelming .

  7. 我没有对它的电池进行正式的测试,但是三星公司称电池充一次电续航能力可以达到六小时,比苹果的MacBookAir或新版Windows超级本逊色一点。

    I didn 't run a formal battery test on it , but Samsung claims it gets up to six hours on a charge , less than the claims for the MacBook Air or the new Windows ultrabooks .

  8. 现代的AIP系统的初期投资虽然将整个潜艇的总费用增加了15-30%,但其续航能力却提高了5-10倍。

    The prime investment of a modern AIP submarine might add 15-30 % expense to the total cost , but the endurance will increase by 5-10 times .

  9. 从商务用户的角度来看最突出的两个问题是,缺少qwerty键盘和像多数其他评论人士所称的有些令人失望的电池续航能力。

    The two most glaring problems from a business perspective are the lack of a physical QWERTY keyboard and , as most other commentators have noted , rather disappointing battery life .

  10. 在强调更加强大的续航能力和更快速的高通(Qualcomm)处理器的同时,他特别提及新小米手机的外壳比之前的型号包含更多金属材质,显得更有质感。

    While he touted its more powerful battery and faster Qualcomm processor , he lingered particularly on the fact that the new phone 's housing contains much more metal than earlier models , giving it a higher-quality feel .

  11. 对于日常使用,我并不认为Xperia的电池是个问题;但测试结果的确显示其电池续航能力不足。

    In everyday use , the Xperia 's battery life worked well enough that I didn 't notice a problem . But it came up short in my battery test .

  12. 这款大小为5英寸的手机配备高分辨率的屏幕、2.5GHz高通处理器以及据雷军称超过竞争对手机型的续航能力。

    The five-inch phone features a high-definition screen , a 2.5-gigahertz Qualcomm processor and a battery that Mr. Lei said was bigger than the models offered by rivals .

  13. 伦敦出租车公司的中国东家吉利(Geely)希望下一代哈克尼(Hackney)出租车能扭转这种印象。新款车型为铝制车身电动车,拥有足够从伦敦皮卡迪利圆环(PiccadillyCircus)跑到曼彻斯特皮卡迪利火车站的电池续航能力。

    Geely , the Chinese owner of the London Taxi Company , wants the next-generation Hackney cab to turn that perception round by introducing electric taxis with aluminium bodies that will have sufficient battery power to travel from Piccadilly Circus to Piccadilly railway station in Manchester .

  14. •电池续航能力,通话可坚持8小时,待机可达250小时

    • 8 hours talk time on the battery , 250 hours standby

  15. 但测试结果的确显示其电池续航能力不足。

    But it came up short in my battery test .

  16. 各家技术公司一直在专注提升电池的续航能力。

    Technology firms have focused on improving battery life .

  17. 电池续航能力被视为现代计算机技术的一个主要绊脚石。

    Battery life is seen as a major stumbling block for modern computing and technology .

  18. 该船续航能力极强,因此多用于远途运输部队和军需物资。

    It can cross great distances , making it useful for ferrying troops and supplies to far away locations .

  19. 因为续航能力足够,所以术士的状况还算不错。

    In PVE , ability is enough that because continue a journey , the wizard 's state is fairly good .

  20. 由于目前电动汽车的续航能力也相对较弱,大力加快充电站的建设的要求则更为迫切。

    The endurance of electric vehicles is relatively weak , so vigorously accelerate the construction of charging stations is more urgent .

  21. 这项技术未来可以被应用在混合动力或电动汽车上,以增强车用电池的续航能力。

    Shock absorbers of this type could be used in future hybrid or electric vehicles to increase the electric powered run time .

  22. 这种直型的直升飞机装有190升的燃油箱,载员3人,续航能力为3小时。

    The new model , fitted with 90 litre fuel tanks , has an endurance of three hours while carrying three adults .

  23. 电池续航能力也可能会有所提高,同时还有猜测说其最新搭载的超高速无线芯片会大大提升上网速度。

    Battery life is also expected to be much better , while a new super-fast WiFi chip , improving internet speeds dramatically .

  24. 如果你仔细注意,你会发现它尽管有两块屏幕但它的续航能力足以赢得任何马拉松似的使用。

    It sure catches attention , though I doubt that with the draining force of two displays battery life would win any marathon there .

  25. 与此相类似的是混合动力汽车,如丰田的普锐斯,采用充电电缆来获取更长的电池续航能力。

    Then there are familiar hybrids like the Toyota Prius , now being adapted to take a charging cord and with a longer electric-only range .

  26. 随着对现代飞机高灵活性、高机动性以及载重、长续航能力等高性能要求的不断提高,钛合金薄壁件壁厚向更薄的方向发展。

    Modern aircraft , with high requirement of flexibility , mobility , load and long battery life , etc. , require thinner thin-walled titanium alloy .

  27. 采用两块锂电池串联的方式为系统供电,提高系统的续航能力和提升系统电压以提高传输效率。

    Two lithium batteries connected in series supply power for system so as to improve endurance and input voltage , which can improve transmission efficiency .

  28. 智能手机强劲的性能给用户带来娱乐和方便,但是其电池续航能力较差的问题给用户带来了很大的困扰。

    Strong performance of smart phones brings users a lot of fun and convenience , but its poor battery life is a big problem to us .

  29. 用户可选六芯电池,能将电池续航能力倍增至大约4小时,并能抬高电脑的后部,创造出更方便的打字角度。

    An optional six-cell battery doubles the battery life to about four hours and elevates the back of the PC to create a convenient angle for typing .

  30. 随着互联网蓬勃发展以及电子产品体验服务不断升级,传统电池的续航能力和储能量受到了挑战。

    As the vigorous development of Wireless Internet and experience service continuously upgrade . Endurance and energy storage capacity has been challenged on traditional battery of portable electronics .