
  1. 焚烧你们的律书,乃至泼海水以洗濯法官的额头,对废除法律都无济于事。

    You cannot erase it by burning your law books nor by washing the foreheads of your judges , though you pour the sea upon them .

  2. 比照《吕氏春秋》等书的记述,对秦简《律书》的占卜形式作了试析,并对这六简的某些佚字作出猜测性填补。

    In comparison with the accounts in Master Lu 's Spring and Autumn Annals and other works , trial analysis is done regarding the form of divination of Book of Tempera - ment on Qin bamboo slips , and some lost words in them are filled in by guessing .