• law;rule;statute;regulation
  • restrain;keep under control;discipline
  • 法则,规章:纪~。法~。定~。规~。清规戒~。~师。

  • 约束:~己。

  • 中国古代审定乐音高低的标准,把声音分为六律(阳律)和六品(阴律)。合称“十二律”:~吕(古代用竹管制成的校正乐律的器具,以管的长短来确定音的不同高度,从低音管算起,成奇数的六个管称“律”;成偶数的六个管称“吕”,后来“律吕”作为音律的统称)。

  • 旧诗的一种体裁:~诗。

  • 姓。


(法律; 规则) law; rule; statute; regulation:

  • 定律


  • 纪律


  • 刑律

    criminal code [law]


(律诗的简称) short for lüshi:

  • 五律

    an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 律瑛

    Lü Ying


[书] (约束) restrain; keep under control; discipline:

  • 律己甚严

    be strict with oneself; guide one's conduct by strict self-discipline

  1. 根据平均律,我们不会再输下去了。

    On the law of averages we just can 't go on losing .

  2. 没有附加随机有界条件的B值随机元列的有界重对数律

    Bounded law of the Iterated Logarithm for a sequence of B-valued random elements under non-stochastic bounded conditions

  3. 那时,希律王统治巴勒斯坦。

    Herod reigned over Palestine at that time .

  4. 继续申请吧,根据平均律你迟早会找到工作的。

    Keep applying and by the law of averages you 'll get a job sooner or later .

  5. 柯尔律治在之后的30年里一直抨击理性主义。

    Coleridge was to spend the next thirty years attacking rationalism .

  6. 柯尔律治从孩提时期便养成了广泛阅读的习惯。

    As a child , Coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits .

  7. 记住这三条金律,就不会错到哪儿。

    If you remember these three golden rules you won 't go far wrong .

  8. 柯尔律治的思想可以在《政治家手册》中找到最全面的阐述。

    The fullest exposition of Coleridge 's thought can be found in the States-man 's Manual .

  9. 我们把自然律的缺陷揭穿了,把自然律的运用给人类的窘迫看明白了。

    We uncover the defects of natural laws , and see the quandary that man is in by their operation .

  10. 信奉英国宗教的教士,凡有断弦的不应再娶,若是再娶就是违律。

    It was unlawful for a priest of the Church of england , after the death of his first wife , to take a second .

  11. 西元44年犹太国王希律。亚基帕一世下令把他斩首。

    He was beheaded in AD 44 by order of Herod Agrippa .

  12. 有一天晚上,五百只称猴到处游逛,来到了一棵尼俱律树畔。

    One night the 500 macaques wandered around and came to a ni ju lu ( bodhi ) tree .

  13. AS级Internet拓扑幂律和节点时效分析

    AS-level Internet Topology Power-law and Node Aging Analysis

  14. 外噪声对V型阵发李指数标度律的影响

    Influence of External Noise on Lyapunov Exponents in Type V Intermittence

  15. 非线性H∞鲁棒制导律设计

    Study of nonlinear h_ ∞ robust guidance law

  16. 机械手PID反馈控制律的稳定性

    Stability of PID Feedback Control law of Robot Manipulators

  17. 非平稳NA随机变量域的重对数律

    Law of the iterated logarithm for nonstationary negatively associated random fields

  18. Z替换S(?)N~。流动相似律研究

    Study of Flow 's Similitude Law

  19. 利用线性矩阵不等式,得到了所考虑不确定广义系统的动态输出反馈鲁棒H∞控制律的存在条件。

    The existence condition of the dynamic output feedback robust H ∞ controller for uncertain singular systems is given by means of LMI .

  20. 扩频系统中PN码平方律捕获检测性能的闭合形式统计分析

    Closed-form statistical analysis for square law PN acquisition detector performance in spread spectrum systems

  21. 可利用某地年平均地面风速(V(10))和数次实测烟囱口高度的风速(V烟),应用对数律或幂指数律推算该地各高度上的风速。

    Can be calculated with annual mean surface wind velocity and multi-measurements of wind speed at the height of funnel top .

  22. 动态拍摄时的MTF用相乘律法则进行计算。

    The MTF of photochronograph is calculated with the multiply principle .

  23. 在第二节中主要研究了基于有界控制律的一类非线性离散系统的奇异H∞控制问题。

    In section 2 we mainly discuss the singular H ∞ control problem for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems with a bounded feedback control law .

  24. 利用Riccati方程给出了最优控制律,并在理论上给出了严格的证明。

    Riccati is used for designing optimal control law .

  25. Banach空间随机变量部分和序列的子序列的叠对数律

    The Law of the Iterated Logarithm for the Subsequences of the Sums of Random Variables in Banach Space

  26. Nafion修饰玻碳电极对微量美西律的测定

    Determination of Microamount mexiletine with Nafion-modified glassy carbon electrode

  27. 同时获得了不同分布NA序列满足对数律的一个充要条件。

    What 's more , a sufficient and necessary condition for the law of logarithm of NA random variables with different distribution is obtained .

  28. 缀()用系统的估计状态代替控制输入u中的状态用作反馈得到基于观测器;的控制律。

    The estimation states take place of the states in the control input u as state feedback , then we attain the observed-based control law .

  29. 针对偏置动量轮系统,基于经典控制论设计了俯仰通道的PID控制律和滚动&偏航通道的非最小相位控制律。

    To bias momentum flywheel system , based on classic control theory , a PID control law for pitching and non-least phase control law for rolling-yawing are developed .

  30. 以航天器在惯性坐标系下位置速度向量误差为输入量,给出了一种全状态反馈控制律,利用Lyapunov方法证明该闭环系统是渐进稳定的;

    The tracing errors are required based on mean elements . The asymptotic stability of the feedback system is proved with Lyapunov method .