
lǜ shī
  • Metrical poetry;lüshi, a poem of eight lines, each containing five or seven characters, with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme;lvshi, a poem of eight lines
律诗 [lǜ shī]
  • [lushi,a poem of eight lines] 中国旧诗体裁之一,形成于唐朝,每首诗八句,二、四、六、八句要押韵,三四两句、五六两句要对偶,字的平仄有定规,有五律(五个字一句)、七律(七个字一句)两种

律诗[lǜ shī]
  1. 律诗的美学与中国艺术的本质

    Aesthetics of Metrical Poetry and the Nature of Chinese Art

  2. 律诗中的对仗及其英译

    " Antithesis " in Classic Chinese Poetry and Its Translation into English

  3. 平仄是律诗格律要求的重要因素。

    Level and Oblique tones are the essential elements of regulated verses .

  4. 也谈格律诗英译的三个层面

    The Three Layers of Poetry Translation from Chinese to English

  5. 《红楼梦》之律诗翻译比较

    Comparison of the Regulated Verse Translation of Hong Lou Meng

  6. 对联是由律诗的对偶句发展而来的,它保留着律诗的某些特点。

    Therefore it contains some of the characteristics of this special poetic form .

  7. 律诗由繁盛到衰落,形式的无意识化是一个重要原因。

    Unconsciousness of form is an important reason resulting in rhythmical poetry 's decline .

  8. 对偶句、骈文、律诗与对联之关系

    On the Influence of Antithesis , Parallel Prose and Regulated Verse upon Antithetical Couplet

  9. 其律诗善于描写情景,以情景交融见长。

    Du Fu was also good at mingling emotions with settings in his poems .

  10. 中国新格律诗的探索已有近百年的历史。

    The exploration of new Chinese metrical poems has a history about one hundred years .

  11. 论格律诗写作构思

    Talking about Conception in Writing Classical Poems

  12. 本文即对律诗和绝句这两种体裁展开分析和讨论。

    This paper analyses and discusses about the two types , namely Regulated Verses and quatrains .

  13. 由它们所代表的新格律诗创作呈现出四种基本形态:(一)整齐体;

    They represent four basic types of the New Form Verse : ( 1 ) even type ;

  14. 通过频率统计整理出古体诗和律诗采用的平仄句型以及他们的数量。

    On the other hand , we drew the tonal patterns of ancient-verse and regular-verse by frequency statistics .

  15. 采用公式·四角法掌握律诗平仄之研究

    Studies on Mastering and Remembering Oblique and Level Tones in Classical Chinese Poetry by Adoption of Formula-four Angle Method

  16. 李维桢的诗歌各种体裁兼备,尤其擅长七言,其七言古诗、七言律诗、七言绝句均较好地体现了他的才情与学识。

    His poems had all kinds of poetic forms , especially seven-syllable poems that embodied his talent and learning well .

  17. 闻一多是中国现代文学史上新格律诗的倡导者,也是白话诗体翻译的先锋。

    Wen Yiduo was the advocate of Chinese New Metrical Poems and translating poetry with vernacular Chinese in the early 20th century .

  18. 白居易曾经把自己的诗歌分为讽喻诗、闲适诗、感伤诗和杂律诗四类。

    Po Chu-i has his own poetry is divided into allegory poems , leisure poems , sad poems and miscellaneous Poems four .

  19. 情景组合论作为情景交融的一种方式论,属于情景交融论的初级理论,对律诗创作产生过很大影响。

    Although in its primary stage , these theories produced great influence on poetic writing at that time and in the following generations .

  20. 关于仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式,学界迄今很少有人专题论及。

    In the academic community , little work has been done to discuss the Ping-ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse specially .

  21. 雍陶现存全部诗歌,除了四首古体诗外,其余均为律诗和绝句。

    Secondly , Yong Tao was adept in Modern-style Poetry . All his existing poems are Regulated Verses and quatrains except four ancient poems .

  22. 作为中国宝贵的文化遗产的一部分,律诗的翻译一直是文化传播中的重中之重。

    As part of the precious cultural heritage , these regulated verses have always been in the spotlight in translation in the process of cultural communication .

  23. 本文将就王维七言律诗在取材的广泛性,题材的多样性,风格丰富性的角度来论及其七律诗的艺术成就。

    This paper will discuss the art achievement of Wang Wei 's Seven-word formal poem in the variety of Subject matter , the variety of style .

  24. 《唐诗鼓吹》是现存最早的一部唐七言律诗选本,选96位诗人596首诗,基本以中晚唐作者为主。

    It is the seven syllable poem anthology of the Tang Dynasty that stored earliest now named " Tang Shi Gu Chui ", select 96 poets 596 poems .

  25. 乐感与画意&从心物关系看古诗到律诗的审美趣味转变

    Musical Sense and Painting Image ── the aesthetic interest of ancient poems ? evolution into metrical poems from the perspective of the relation between the mind and objects

  26. 近年来学术界对诗歌格律化进程研究普遍重视,研究者都在证实一个自唐至今普遍的观点,即律诗定型于初唐诗人沈宋手中。

    Along with the recent study on the rules and forms of classical poetic composition , the study on Songzhiwen , who is a poet in early Tang dynasty .

  27. 白居易的诗歌创作颇丰,他曾将自己诗作中的一千三百多首诗编为四类:讽谕诗,闲适诗,感伤诗和杂律诗。

    Bai juyi created quite abundant poetry , he classified his more than 1,300 poems into four categories , leisurely , allegory poetry and miscellaneous poems , sentimental feeling .

  28. 中学时代老师说我写作风格细腻,如今已慢慢演变成了韵律,虽然不是律诗绝句,但字字都刺痛我心底。

    The man of High school told me that Delicate is my style , today that 's Prosodic , though that 's not poetry , but they hurt my heart deeply .

  29. 四角法掌握和记忆律诗平仄的研究,致使纷繁的律诗平仄体系,变得容易读写和记忆,而被现代人所掌握。

    As a result applying above research can make the numerous and complicated system of oblique and level tones easy to read , write and remember and is masted by modern people .

  30. 因为:一、从新诗发展历史考察,自由诗同格律诗一样,取得过辉煌的成就;

    The reasons lies in three aspects : Firstly , with the same situation as the standard form poetry , the new poetry had ever got great achievement before it had come down in its development history .