
lǜ lì
  • laws, statutes and precedents;code and case law;Halakah
律例 [lǜ lì]
  • [code and case law;Halakah] 法律和判例。补充成文法律的犹太口传法律或成文和口传法律的总称或任何特别法律,或法律古抄本说明的总体

律例[lǜ lì]
  1. 我们说没有律例是不被证明的。

    We say " non-vinaya which is not proved " .

  2. 故此你们要守我的律例,典章。

    But you must keep my decrees and my laws .

  3. 好使他们遵他的律例,守他的律法。

    That they might observe his statutes , and keep his laws .

  4. 你们若遵行我的律例,谨守我的诫命

    If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands

  5. 背弃我的律例,不遵守我的诫命。

    If they break my statutes , and keep not my commandments ;

  6. 正文由三部份组成:第一部分,论述了《大清律例》中职务犯罪的分类。

    Part 1 discusses the classification of duty crime under the Code .

  7. 我必守你的律例。求你总不要丢弃我。

    I will obey your decrees ; do not utterly forsake me .

  8. 你们要谨守遵行我一切的律例,典章。

    Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them .

  9. 这是玛代与波斯的律例。

    That was the law of the Medes and Persians .

  10. 诗119:54我在世寄居、素来以你的律例为诗歌。

    Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage .

  11. 《蒙古律例》和《回疆则例》,充分体现了这一特征。

    Mongolia Law and Regulations of Uygur Xinjiang had manifested this characteristic fully .

  12. 《大清律例》与清代的社会控制

    The Qing Code and Social Control of Qing Dynasty

  13. 我要在你的律例中自乐。我不忘记你的话。

    I delight in your decrees ; I will not neglect your word .

  14. 我的心专向你的律例、永远遵行、一直到底。

    My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end .

  15. 从清代的有关律例看清代人身权利的变化

    Inquiry into the Alteration of the Personal Rights from some Laws of Qing Dynasty

  16. 我述说我所行的,你应允了我;求你将你的律例教训我!

    I recounted my ways and you answered me ; teach me your decrees .

  17. 诗119:135求你用脸光照仆人.又将你的律例教训我。

    Make Your face shine upon Your servant , And teach me Your statutes .

  18. 建筑律例就是规章轨制的一个例子。

    Building codes are an example of regulations .

  19. 但愿我行事坚定,得以遵守你的律例。

    If only my ways were ordered so that I might keep your rules !

  20. 你也要记念你在埃及作过奴仆。你要谨守遵行这些律例。

    Remember that you were slaves in Egypt , and follow carefully these decrees .

  21. 诗147:19他将他的道指示雅各、将他的律例典章指示以色列。

    He declares His words to Jacob , His statutes and His ordinances to Israel .

  22. 愿我的心在你的律例上完全,使我不致蒙羞。

    Let my heart be sound in thy statutes ; that I be not ashamed .

  23. 按照上帝的圣洁律例;

    according to God 's holy ordinance ;

  24. 清代刑案律例与地方性法规关系探析

    Analysis of the relations between criminal laws & cases and regulation in the Qing Dynasty

  25. 第二部份,论述了《大清律例》中职务犯罪的内容。

    Part 2 expounds the contents of duty crime , its elements and penalty provisions .

  26. 随从了上主由以色列子民面前,所驱逐的异民的习俗,和以色列列王所规定的律例。

    They followed the customs of the nations which Yahweh had driven out before them .

  27. 然而,当我们谈到上帝的律例时,事情就变得复杂了。

    When it comes to God 's law , however , things get a little complicated .

  28. 有的儿歌过分强调生存教育;有的已成为束缚儿童自由的律例;

    Some songs overestimate the skills of learning tobe and some have confined children 's freedom .

  29. 但《蒙古律例》和《回疆则例》的局限性也是很明显的。

    But the limitation of Mongolia Law and Regulations of Unger Xinjiang is also very obvious .

  30. 虽有首领坐着妄论我。你仆人却思想你的律例。

    Though rulers sit together and slander me , your servant will meditate on your decrees .