
lǜ shī hán
  • lawyer's letter
  1. 我附了一份律师写的律师函。

    I adjoin a copy of my lawyer 's letter .

  2. 根据情况,为企业向纠纷单位或个人发送律师函;

    According to specific circumstance , writing attorney letters to opposing party ;

  3. 你在你的律师函里提到过

    Ah , this was in your demand letter .

  4. 我们读过了你修改过后的律师函

    Um , we 've read your revised demand .

  5. 我写了律师函,并交给了他们

    I wrote them a demand letter , and I gave it to them .

  6. 你们会收到我的律师函。

    You 'll be hearing from my attorney .

  7. 我根本没有见到微软公司的任何实际负责人,只好将律师函交给前台接待人员。

    I havent met with the very man at the wheel of Microsoft ( China ), so I have to keep the Attorney Opinion in receptionist 's hand .

  8. 因此,措辞严厉的律师函可能足以让他三思而后行,下一位潜在雇主再打电话调查你的情况时,他或许会谨慎些。

    So a stern letter from a lawyer may be enough to make him think twice about his response to the next prospective employer who calls asking about you .

  9. 是不是在律师函中一定要用一些生僻古怪的术语而让人费解呢?换句话说,律师能不能用大家都熟悉的词语来表述生意上的问题或即将来临的诉讼呢?

    But must they use those ancient , strange words and be so hard to understand , or can lawyers express serious business and imminent suit using words everyone knows ?

  10. 今天我收到一封律师函,出乎意料是上面说我一个失赴联系多年的叔叔在几年前死了并留给我了一百万美金。

    A letter came today , totally out of the blue , from a lawyer who said that an uncle I hadn 't heard from in years had died and left me a million dollars .

  11. 另外,苹果在律师函中指出:“深圳唯冠公司及其代理人持续向公众发布有关苹果公司的不实和误导性言论”,即苹果公司当初与错误的公司签署了协议。

    Yet , the letter complains , " Proview Shenzhen and its agents continue to make statements about Apple to the public which are false and misleading " & to wit , that Apple cut a deal with the wrong company .

  12. 上周记者曾多次提出采访要求,周四又寄给公司领导层一系列详细问题,Axact对此的回应是在周六向《纽约时报》发出一封律师函。

    Axact 's response to repeated requests for interviews over the past week , and to a list of detailed questions submitted to its leadership on Thursday , was a letter from its lawyers to The New York Times on Saturday .