
lǜ shī dài lǐ
  • attorney's procuration;procuration by the attorney;procuration by the lawyer
  1. 论我国民事诉讼模式转型下的律师代理

    Study on Attorney 's Procuration System under the Transformation of Civil Proceeding Mode

  2. 律师代理知识产权案件应注意的问题

    Problems Faced by the Lawyers Acting on the Intelligence Fruit Case

  3. 有学者将其称为律师代理费的转移支付制度。

    One scholar called the attorney fee of transferring payment system .

  4. 最后,建议从立法上建立民事强制律师代理制度。

    Finally , it suggests the system be established legally .

  5. 被告由一位来自利兹的律师代理。

    The defense is represented by a Barrister from leeds .

  6. 公诉案件律师代理制度研究

    A Study of the System of Lawyers Acting as Agent in Public Prosecution Cases

  7. 我出国工作时我授予我的律师代理权。

    When I went to work abroad I gave power of attorney to my solicitor .

  8. 律师代理费的求偿方式因是否采取强制律师代理制而有所不同;

    How to claim lawyer 's fees rests with how to take up lawyer agency system .

  9. 首先,深入剖析诉讼专业化和强制律师代理的关系&相辅相成、互相促进。

    It firstly analyses the supplementary and promoting relationship between litigation professionalization and compulsory agency system .

  10. 客户可请其律师代理要求对遗失的支票进行赔偿。

    The client may let his or her agent of lawyer claim the payment of lost cheques .

  11. 同时,对访的解决机制进行重塑。并对民事再审实行强制律师代理制度进行了初步的探索。

    At the same time , conduct a preliminary exploration into compulsory lawyer agency institution of the civil retrial system .

  12. 再者,从实证主义角度出发,设计如何在我国系统地构建民事强制律师代理制度。

    Fourthly , the paper conceives howto systematically build up a compulsory lawyer agency system in civil lawsuits in our country .

  13. 被告由一位来自利兹的律师代理在高位之中有为善与为恶的自由;

    The defense is represented By a Barrister from Leeds . In place , there is licence to do good , and evil ;

  14. 我国在司法实践中对民事诉讼律师代理费由败诉方负担的情况有三种。

    In Chinese judicial practice , there are three cases about the civil litigation fees which shall be borne by the losing party .

  15. 张起淮律师代理的航空公司货物损害赔偿案,法院驳回对方起诉。

    The cargo harm case of the Shenzhen aviation limited company which Lawyer Zhang Qi Huai acts , the court rejects the plaintiff 's sue .

  16. 外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国委托律师代理诉讼进行行政诉讼

    Foreign nationals , stateless persons and foreign organizations appoint lawyers as their agents ad litem in administrative suits in the People 's Republic of China

  17. 本文首先以实证分析的方法对我国律师代理民事诉讼的现状进行了认真的考察,指出了其中的问题所在;

    At first , the author analysis the current situation of lawyer 's agene service in the civil lawsuit in our country in a positive method and pointed its problems .

  18. 笔者封三个概念的异同进行了分析,并就如何在律师代理业务中正确行使适三种权利进行了论述。

    The writer analyzes the common points and differences among the three concepts in this dissertation , and further expounds how to exercise the three rights correctly in attorney 's representation .

  19. 随着我国建筑物行业迅猛发展,对司法实践和律师代理建筑物分层所有权纠纷案件操作时带来诸多问题。

    With the rapid development of the construction industry , there appear many problems in the judicial practice and lawyers ' acting on cases related to the building 's floor proprietary .

  20. 本文从律师代理制度立法缺失导致的法治环境混乱出发,引入对在我国建立民事强制律师代理制度的思考。

    Starting from the confusion in the legal environment as a result of legislation loss of lawyer agency , this paper centers on establishing compulsory lawyer agency system in civil lawsuits .

  21. 事实上,刑事诉讼律师代理对刑事诉讼实体正义、程序正义的实现以及诉讼效益的提高具有重要的作用。

    In fact , the agent of criminal lawyer has play a very important role in criminal proceedings of the criminal justice entities , the realization of procedural justice and legal efficiency .

  22. 主要从当事人选择律师代理诉讼的原因和建立民事诉讼律师费由败诉方承担的合理合法性进行分析。

    The mainly choice of lawyers for these agents add item to cause and the establishment of civil litigation fees shall be borne by the losing party legitimacy of the rational analysis .

  23. 柯林斯夫妇雇佣了旧金山的南希·赫斯律师代理他们的诉讼。赫斯目前正代表包括来自美国和英国家庭的另外15个客户,他们有可能会和柯林斯夫妇联合起诉Xytex和安吉尔斯。

    The Canadian couples ' San Francisco-based lawyer , Nancy Hersh , is representing 15 other clients who may join the suit against Xytex and Collins , including American and British families .

  24. 我国法律统一规定民事诉讼律师代理费由败诉方承担在技术上可以操作,并且有成熟的国际经验借鉴,是完全可行的。

    The law of our country unified regulations in civil litigation attorney fee also shall be borne by the losing party which operates it technically . It also has a mature international experience for reference , and complete feasible .

  25. 当事人选择律师代理诉讼的原因主要有:法制不断健全、当事人法律知识偏低、经济因素、社会分工的必然选择和律师的有偿服务。

    The main reasons of lawyers ' choice in litigation are : the legal system is unceasingly perfect , the legal knowledge is poor , economic factors , social division of labor is the inevitable choice and the lawyer paid services .

  26. 第七十三条外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国进行行政诉讼,委托律师代理诉讼的,应当委托中华人民共和国律师机构的律师。

    Article 73 When foreign nationals , stateless persons and foreign organizations appoint lawyers as their agents ad litem in administrative suits in the People 's Republic of China , they shall appoint lawyers of a lawyers ' organization of the People 's Republic of China .

  27. 笔者作为维权律师代理该案,在办理的过程中,感慨颇深,取证难,寻找侵权主体难,立案难等等之难。

    The author , as the safeguarding lawyer , acts on the behalf of Mr Zheng in a responsible position . In the process , the author has deep and profound reflections : evidence collection difficulty , looking for infringement subject difficulty , register difficulty and so on .

  28. 案例中暴露出了不少问题,比如受害者通过诉讼寻求救济遇到诉讼成本过高和律师代理积极性不高等困难;受理群体纠纷诉讼的管辖法院不明确;法院之间信息沟通不畅。

    Case exposed a lot of problems , such as victims seek relief through litigation and the high cost of litigation experience the enthusiasm of counsel are not high difficulty ; accept the jurisdiction of the Court of groups in litigation is not clear ; poor communication between the courts .

  29. 我授与我的律师全权代理我。

    I invested my lawyer with complete power to act for me .

  30. 论律师风险代理制度立法及完善

    On the Legislation of Attorney 's Risk Agency System and It 's Completeness