
  • 网络more beautiful;prettier
  1. 反衬可以使一样东西比单独看时更美。

    Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when seen alone .

  2. 顺利的vt.使平坦这位女士滑嫩的皮肤让她看起来更美。

    The lady looks all the more beautiful because of her smooth skin .

  3. 这使她更美。

    This adds to her beauty .

  4. 愚人尝过了加过盐之后的美味食物,于是暗自忖度:“味道之所以这么美,是因为有盐的缘故。这么一点点盐尚且如此,如果有很多盐,味道岂不是更美?”愚人没有知识,便去单独吃盐。

    The fool found the food now quite delicious . He thought , " The food is delicious because of the salt could produce this effect , a lot of salt must taste even better . " The fool that he was , he started eating nothing but salt . Rather than tasting delicious .

  5. v.增加湖上的月光使得风景更美了。

    enhance The moonlight on the lake enhanced the beauty of the scene .

  6. 已故美国讽刺作家亨利门肯(HenryMencken)这样定义理想主义者&一旦注意到玫瑰比卷心菜更加香气扑鼻时,就立马得出以此做汤味道更美的结论。

    The late American satirist Henry Mencken defined an idealist as one who , on noticing that roses smell better than a cabbage , concludes that it will also make better soup .

  7. 我们在凯尼恩学院美轮美奂的新餐厅Peirce吃了早午餐,美国高校变得更美了,这又是一个与我们那个年代不同的地方。

    Brunch was at Peirce , the college 's spectacular new dining hall ─ the beautification of the nation 's colleges is another difference from my era

  8. 他整齐匀称、完美至极,从未有任何建筑比它更美。

    Perfect in symmetry , its beauty has never been surpassed .

  9. 有什么比真实与自由更美呢?

    And what could be more beautiful than truth and freedom ?

  10. 我们所创造的美的东西最终会把我们塑造得更美。

    Whatever the good things we build end up build us .

  11. 科学的“桃花园”比诗歌更美!

    Scientific " Peachblossom Garden " is more beautiful than poem !

  12. 暖暖的色调与柔和的光影中,人们看上去更美了。

    Tones are warmer , people look pretty in soft light .

  13. 你不想在男人眼中更美?

    You don 't want to be more beautiful to men ?

  14. 要我说,范妮的头发更美。

    Fanny 's hair is more beautiful , to my fancy .

  15. 因为心中有梦,未来就会变得更美!

    In the future , because dream will become more beautiful !

  16. 你必须要选择那些让你看起来更美的衣服。

    You have to wear clothes that make you look better .

  17. 但更美的风景,还在前方。

    But better sceneries are waiting for you , in tomorrow .

  18. 但有了你在这里,小岛变得更美了。

    But with you here , it 's even more beautiful .

  19. 姑娘希望能有魔法让自己在男人眼中更美。

    Girl wanted magic to make her more beautiful to men .

  20. 我们必需尽力使我们的社区更好更美。

    We must do to make our community better and beautiful .

  21. 从稍远处看,那幅画看起来更美。

    Seen at a distance , the picture looks more beautiful .

  22. 晚上亮灯的时候你会发现这更美。

    You should see it when they turn the lights on .

  23. 而还有谁能比你更美呢,萝拉?

    And who is there more beautiful than you , laura ?

  24. 她远比他所想像的更美。

    She was far more beautiful than he had ever imagined .

  25. 再也没有比年轻和讲世界语更美的事儿了。

    Nothing is more beautiful than being young and speaking Esperanto .

  26. 这个单色的花瓶把鲜花衬托得更美。

    The plain vase shows off the flowers to advantage .

  27. 华莱士:那里很美,但是你更美。

    William wallace : not nearly as beautiful as you .

  28. 人们简直无法找到更美的词汇来描绘梅花。

    One cannot find a more wonderful word to describe plum blossoms .

  29. 愿你们的爱情,比美洒更美;

    Hopes your love , compares favorably with sprinkles beautifully ;

  30. 没有谁比你更美了,我的王后。

    None is more lovely than you , my queen .