
  • a better life
  1. 农民离开土地,希望能在城市找到更好的生活,却不知道这根本难以实现。

    Peasants have left the land in the forlorn hope of finding a better life in cities .

  2. 一些宠物可以帮助人们过上更好的生活。

    Some pets can help people live a better life .

  3. 好消息是,我可以帮我的孩子比我更早学会如何用更少的钱过更好的生活。

    The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less .

  4. 好吧,格雷格·莫滕森本想征服高峰,最后却帮助上千人过上了更好的生活。

    Well , Greg Mortenson wanted to climb a mountain , but he ended up helping thousands of people to have a better life .

  5. 因为即使我们没达成目标,那又怎么样?还有比这更好的生活方式吗?

    Because even if we fall short , what better way is there to live ?

  6. 西方的防务同盟打败了苏联(SovietUnion),因为它提供了更好的生活方式。

    A defensive alliance defeated the Soviet Union because it offered a better way of life .

  7. 这是一个十足折磨人的锻炼,但却很有它的道理。另外和NintendoDS不同的是,似乎它的确给出了一个更好的生活方式图景。

    This is quite a punishing workout but it makes perfect sense and , unlike the Nintendo DS , it does seem to describe a better way of life .

  8. 在菲律宾,五分之二的人每天的生活费不足2美元,当一名“japayuki”(菲律宾女招待在日本的名字)通常就完全可以给国内的家人更好的生活了。

    In a country where two-fifths of the people live on less than $ 2 a day , working as a " japayuki " , as Filipina hostesses in Japan are called , is often all that it takes to give families back home a better life .

  9. 古老的习俗被赞颂为更好的生活指南。

    Ancient customs were extolled as a better guide to living .

  10. 我们能够在私营部门赚钱过上更好的生活。

    We can earn a better living in the private sector .

  11. 我们都在想如何更好的生活

    We all think a lot about how to live well .

  12. 您想让家人过更好的生活吗?

    Do you want to give your family a better life ?

  13. 他会有更好的生活环境。

    He 'll have an easier time dealing with the system .

  14. 为了追求更好的生活,他们移居到了澳大利亚。

    They emigrated to Australia in pursuit of a better life .

  15. 我们总是想象比这更好的生活。

    We always imagined it would be better then it is .

  16. 我只是假设他到这来是为了过更好的生活。

    I just assumed he was here for a better life .

  17. 所以为了更好的生活你一定要回来啊。

    So you must come back to a better life ah .

  18. 但是我会努力过更好的生活。

    But I will try to lead a better life .

  19. 人人有权过上更好的生活。

    Everyone has the right to live a better life .

  20. 我想象我和孩子们能过上更好的生活;

    I pictured a life for the girls and me .

  21. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。

    Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life .

  22. 帮助我们,我能保证你有更好的生活。

    Help us and I can promise you a much better life .

  23. 他去了美国,去寻求一种更好的生活。

    He went to the USA in search of a better life .

  24. 为了得到更好的生活和工作而生存?

    Striving to attain that perfect life , work balance ?

  25. 调查表明现代“美国梦”:给孩子更好的生活。

    American Dream for many is better life for kids : poll .

  26. 以及所设计的产品是否让他们过上更好的生活。

    and how your work just might help them live better lives .

  27. 它来自于移民,而且有关于对于追求更好的生活的信仰。

    It comes from immigrants and about belief in a better life .

  28. 这都是期冀能有更好的生活。

    It was all in the hopes of something better .

  29. 因为希望工程,数以千计的孩子有了更好的生活。

    Because of Project Hope , thousands of children have better lives .

  30. 生命的意义在于帮助他人过更好的生活。

    Life is about helping others live a better life .